

The Case of Thomas M. Guerra

So I'm in the States for a visit and one news story has caught my interest, that of 29 year old, HIV positive Thomas Miguel Guerra. According to reports, Guerra lied to over ten sexual partners, putting them at risk for contracting the disease. His boyfriend at the time was concerned about his HIV status and asked that they both take a test. The results proved positive for both. Guerra claimed he hadn't known he was positive. Later on, his boyfriend read some text messages stored on Guerra's phone in which he brags to a friend about giving the disease to others. In fact, Guerra had known since 2007. Guerra could face up to half a year in prison for a health and safety misdemeanor. His ex-boyfriend will spend the rest of his life with complications due to HIV.

I'm shocked that this is a big news story for several reasons. There's quite a large subculture of gay men that enjoy the thrill of putting themselves and others at risk for "the bug" as they often refer to it. But generally I think this type of play is usually between consenting individuals and not a vicious blow as in Guerra's case. His actions to me seem very childish, and frankly so does the coverage of this story.

But it's not only his actions. The adult men that chose to have unprotected sex with him are, to me, a little foolish. I mean, growing up gay post-HIV catastrophe gives me unrelenting shame/guilt for sex--I don't know if others feel the same way. So willfully having unprotected sex with someone even if they've told you they have a negative status is taking the wheel into your own hands so to speak. Especially if it's just casual sex.

At the same time, it's 2014. There are over-the-counter, at home HIV tests that literally take minutes for accurate results. There's also been amazing developments in understanding and treatment of HIV. There's no reason for this fear/shock treatment of an HIV story. This disease has been well documented for over 20 years now. It's not Ebola. It's actually very common in some ways.

To me, this news story plays into one of the oldest stereotypes of "gay man as sexual deviant". It's a way of incriminating innocent gay men for their sexual behavior. How many sexually transmitted diseases do straight men give straight women every year, every day? How many children are born into families without fathers because straight men don't want to take responsibility for their actions? When was the last time we publicly shamed a straight man for having sex? The coverage of this story is so irritating. It just makes me uncomfortable.

AND I heard about it first on a Chinese news sight via WeChat, so it's become international news that's in some ways slanted against American gay men and their bad habits. UGH, disgusted with all of these developments.


teamkrejados 2014-09-03 19:47

If each person lit a candle in the dark, there would be no more darkness. Consider my small flame added to yours, and you will no longer feel you are weeping in the dark, alone. Wish you a great evening.

财神 2014-09-03 08:52

agreed with you!

丢人现眼 2014-09-03 04:21

I think a cure for HIV is only a matter of time, honestly. In some ways it's become entirely manageable. There are fascinating developments in our understanding of the virus.

丢人现眼 2014-09-03 04:19

Sometimes I feel like I'm crying in the dark, but I'm glad to hear someone agrees.

丢人现眼 2014-09-03 04:18

I've never heard a statistic like that. So fascinating! Thanks for sharing.

财神 2014-09-02 22:25

though i am totally ignorant about such behaviour but sefty is always reffered. ebola cure may be found one day but for HIV/AIDS epidemic  all we should be responsible.

seanboyce88 2014-09-02 16:49

I completely agree. 

In Britain, studies show that gay men are one of the safest sex groups and transmit THE LEAST disease due to massive education in order to stop the spread of HIV. As such they transmit it less. This is a one off story that is simply made to make gay men look bad.

teamkrejados 2014-09-02 16:39

Women give men STDs too, and plenty of mothers abandon their kids. But... it gets worse: what about kids who are abused and/or neglected because their parent is a junkie? What about diseases passed during birth? 
And, let's not forget that Mr. Guerra is Latino. Would there even be a story if he were white? Not that I'm playing the race card but... let me guess... his race is mentioned... right?
You're right, my friend: instead of attempting to agitate an already homophobic nation, let's focus on the damage disease can cause. Shame on the media, once again for attempting to manipulate.