

Harsh North

Since I was very young like Grade 3rd or older, I have been told that how the world looks like outside of China. Like foreigners (precisely), how they have a gap year ,how they earn their money when they are very young and how they have the happy childhood.

That makes me hold that idea that China is a closed country and I need to be the represent to interpret our glorious culture and splendid Classic , I know they are different but I do not have a clue why we are different ,the concept maybe is the zombie in our mind since nobody tell me whether the appearance do work or the culture. And since the notion of the country was established ,we know we are different precisely .

We are not wrong ,I notice that when I mention my priceless medicine (hot water)to my friend , it seems to kill them ,they said they had tried it before but it make them choke . so I just give in .still ,I have no clue about the water heated can be so dangerous to them ,I do not believe it ,but they act it seriously and make me doubt my mind. I always change, keep wondering what the things we hold are different , maybe I draw a horrid conclusion , we have few things in common, we just different individual grow up in the different place, and the parents give you appearance and you make up yourself.

We know quite a few facts ,like Africa is not a country, OPEC, Russia and Soviet ,cold war and so on ,we are not blind and deaf anymore, but we can not get trust until they try to trust you ,you can say the same words about some events but you just doubt that and that make people thought you are ignorance in that way. We deserve it and I will not regret .

We also alienate with each other ,and just they are foreigner so we take these for granted, they will be aloof to us , but if they are your own kind, can you bet on they won’t be aloof .sometime we just deceive ourselves, and finally we find solitude is the most valuable cure to loneness.

The weather in Jinan like a child face ,and we got a heavy hail with sudden rain , which polish the impatience and aggressiveness from my heart , and the idea comes to me ,when I linger on the balcony, the rain and hail still are not so chilly but I can feel the peace when see the water go through the air and make light sound which is familiar to me .

It is also a strange city for me ,and I am here ,north of China, far from Hangzhou and I do not feel any uncomfortable when I settled in this city. I even do not familiar their hilarious accent (which is the mandarin based on )but I just accept , since I see the people I have the mind that they will know my pronunciation and maybe sometimes they didn’t and we know that we do not have to rethink too much before we take actions (talk or quarrel )because we have same country and the government on our side , all of us ,we are equal .

I am so glad when I have friends here ,maybe more than friend , they are the family I got in Jinan , when I went to the Central campus for performing while my instruments lost on the taxi, they drive the electric bicycle against the crazy wind to take me home around the road. I do not mean I want some evidence to show they are important for me. But you will know how moved when you on the back seat and a sis. take you to her home and say you will be the bro. and they will take care of you in the unfamiliar city.

Well I clearly know they will leave and I also will leave and we are not sure we can see or keep in touch again after four years or more ,but I still take that as my treasure of whole life.

We go trough the life and get the story it has beginning and it also will have ending , I am not expect it to come but anyway there will be one day we will see good bye. However we have the happy and dark time together ,

that matters .


286633460 2014-08-14 21:59


286633460 2014-08-14 21:59

Validation failed~ sad~

丢人现眼 2014-08-14 21:55

of course!

286633460 2014-08-13 09:02

you love it too?hah ,

丢人现眼 2014-08-13 07:50

Where are my dragons!