

Educated people with baseless superstitions..
2014-06-04 I find it hard to believe people still have baseless superstitions in an era of compulsory education and modern science.
In America, this is around, but with modern science and better education, ignorant religious beliefs are fading. I can see
The only thing I don't like is society is taking too long and too slow to do this.
I wonder, is the Chinese zodiac actually taken that seriously ? ? I see it seemingly everywhere.
Whats even more disconcerting about it, some of these people have college degrees. This makes a good case about revising the entrance exams. After all, what point is there in educating someone who can't apply the knowledge ? esp when public money is paying for it...
Astronomers who still read the astrology column, Mathematicians who believe in numerology, Biologists who don't believe in evolution, geologists who think the world is only a few thousand years old...the list goes on and on....
Really, there is only one place our traits come from, Mother and Father. Quite simple really.


laneferm 2014-06-05 14:22

yea Hannah, The ability of apply the knowledge, weather from school, or internet or where ever is important. So what if someone can memorize faster than someone else ? If they can't apply the knowledge it is for not. This is where I l believe college entrance exams are lacking. Sure, another student might be slower, but if they have better aptitude to apply the knowledge, they should be given more importance. Sometimes, it is an aquired skill that a person with the inborn ability has. It just has to be developed. I was raised on religion, and after completing a college degree in science and my own reading, went through a learning curve. Now, very atheistic, agnostic.

Hannah.E 2014-06-05 10:25

When it comes to it, i think, to some degree, it is so fool to have some religion belief, such as you guys have the Christianity. what is the effect does it have on people? (no offense). nowadays, does the number of religious people lessen in western countries?   we need to choose scientific belief, but not others. Also, here is one interesting thing, once i asked my cousin who is also the undergraduate,  whether she believes the fortune telling, palmistry, face reading and such stuff, the answer is she just believes the good aspects, in other words the one which is beneficial to her. But i think although you just believe the good side, it also proves that you believe it, you can not get rid of it in daily life, which in my opinion, it is very idiot.

laneferm 2014-06-05 03:15

a big one is religiious beliefs. In Europe, its well known that America, through its "freedom of religion" immigration offereing, got the religious fools from Europe. Hence, all the religious people with stupid beliefs.

wpywood 2014-06-04 20:15

Human beings need an answer to mysteries around them. In the past, it was superstitious beleif; now it is scientific belief. The former idea makes us awe the nature emotionally; the later makes us judge the nature rationally.

voice_cd 2014-06-04 09:11

Sometimes, people just wish themselves good luck. They seldom believe in those zodiac stuff seriously.

财神 2014-06-04 09:02

there are some things which remain unacknowledged by the scientist. the superstition is the cause of coward heart. to get rid of such problems need to strong individual endurance power.