

Why We Write for China Daily Blog - Bloggers Opinion
Writing for China Daily Blog is an amazing experience, while sharing and reading people’s experiences. I was new in China when I started and I found the blog post as guiding, informative and full of interesting facts about China and Chinese people. I decided to write for China Daily blog after knowing about the contest and started sharing my personal experience in China as a student. I believe, I will keep writing for China Daily not only while in China but also after returning home.

I requested few of Bloggers to share their opinion about writing for China Daily blog and they replied to me with very interesting answers. I selected these bloggers from my friend list randomly. Their replies are mentioned below with their names.
If you are not in the list, please share your opinion in the comment section.

1. Klyer:
Your question is interesting in that, everyone will have a personal and different reason for writing on CD, but there will also be so many similarities. One common feature will be that we all want to be heard, say our piece, say it without interruption, say it on a forum that provides the freedom and tolerance to take in an opinion, no matter how disagreeable it is. Another common feature will be our human need to communicate with each other, debate and argue with others from different nations. We enjoy this even if we don't come to an agreement. This is real human fun and a getting together of people from everywhere. This is what I expect will happen. Of course, there will be so many who just visit the blog, read, take it all in and not respond with even a word. They too are part of the group and just as welcome! I enjoy this forum and it a window to the world from my home, my busy life raising kids and a personal hobby. I will follow your blog closely and wish you all the best.

2. 财神:
Actually, i write blog in china daily for sharing WARM between us. it is being a house for foreigners to sharing our knowings, knowledge, creativity and self satisfaction as well. i learn something new and develop something new myself. the response from Blog family makes me to create something for all though i am not perfect in writings. my guardian, brothers, sisters, and blog relatives encourage me, that is the something which i get in response.

In my case I am in Chins teaching foreigners about aspects of China, especially Chinese Economy, Business Culture and comparisons with the West. So it I may be of interest for other foreigners, especially recently arrived to share and for Chinese readers to share their views. I also have a lot of experience with English for Asian nationalities. To me a good post is one that engages other readers in conversation through comments. I am inspired by Chinese readers who are English improves who have the courage to post and to ask for advice. I hope to have the time to respond to such posts!

To be honest, i don't know Chinadaily has a forum until i see a notice about blogging contest. There are two main reasons for why i write here, first one is that i don't want to lose my ability of English.After i graduated from university, the people around me never speak Ennglish. i am afraid that one day English is far away from me. the second one is that i want to make more friends, especially those native-english speaker. i can absorb some new thoughts which can be totally different from chinese mode of thinking. i think different culture has different shining points. i am glad to know more culture, show my world to all the people from every corner and being friends with them.

I think that is the China Daily Forum provided me a pleasant platform for me to play with blogging and make friends with others.
In China, this is the best location---to my understanding---for English bloggers, not only keep writing can challenge a blogger's personal limits, but also make a writing-lover's thought and view-point exposing to a bigger "world", to me, this a process of learn more from others and correct my wrong or narrow minded conception in observing work and life.
In comparison with other mainstream English websites, I found that this Forum has much more openness and full of energy, at the same time I think the potential has not been tapped fully up to now.
China Daily is a window for the world to know more about China, and let the Chinese people know more about the world more closely, right?
Not everyone people has the oppotunity or time or energy to journey to visit his/her long dreamed land, but how about language exchange? Language can function as the "Ambassadors" to narrow the gap, to bridge the sounth and north.

Why do I write? I write because I love reading the other stories here, and I love contributing to those who contribute to my life. I just hope I give people as interesting a read as they give me.

As a matter of fact, I knew the china daily blog for the first time because of the blog contest. Although I am a college student majoring in English, I seldom write English blog. But I do read china daily newspaper. After registering an account of myself, I tried to write some blog in this website. It turned out to be very useful. So I carry out it on not only just for the contest, but for the improvement of myself. Besides, it is a good way to make new friends in this website with people from different countries. It is really amazing for me.

I am an English major student. It is beneficial to express my opinions in English on Chinadaily which is the official newspaper in our country. For example, I can make some new friends both from China and the other countries. Their opinions inspire me and enlight me a lot. Besides, my expressions or the writting skills can be improved by writing English passages. What's more, my viewpoints on some events or life attitude may have influence on some people who are pessimistic. And this is a win-win policy. Last , I like communicating with others especially in English and Chinadaily provides such a good platform.

China daily is a wonderful platform where I can express my views in any aspects of my life,such as my study, my daily things, my family, my college, my happiness and unhappiness and so on. Although my English is not the best, sometimes I just want to give a vent to my emotions and feelings in English.

i write here just by chance,but when i applied the account,i told myself that i should insist on it,in this way i can improve my abilities,and learn more,learn from others at the big platform,sometimes when i looked back on the feed,it was a beautiful memory on my life,so,the main reason is that it can help me reserve happy things.

Honestly, at first I write for iPad Mini...hahaha...come on, who are you kidding? Most of us are here because of that. But after a while, I started to forget about the contest and simply enjoy the companion. China Daily is a great community for us, expats in China. We have a lot of people who were in the same boat (stuck in China, to be exact, LOL) and that's why it feels so great to be able to share our personal experiences in China and learn about China from others.

Do Not Forget to Vote For Me: Click here to vote (nosherwanabbasi)


samlam 2016-01-04 09:54

Different people have different opinions. For me, one is to share our own opinions, one is to see how our opinions mix up with others', another one is enjoying a wonderful world with different sounds.

kylekyle123 2014-05-28 16:27

Another great article! Can't wait to read more 

angelalulu11 2014-05-28 10:56

I am a university student majoring in English, who enjoy reading news from chinadaily website. However I did not know we could register the account and write down our own blogs until two days ago  . 
But now I am here . I enjoy this kind of communication. I read articles that I am interested in, voice my own opinion and get response. It is really an amazing adventure! And I just publish my first blog that I wrote days ago.
What's more, I get a different experience from simply reading the latest news report. When I read other people's blogs, I feel they are just friends all over the world telling me their stories or opinions, approachable and amiable.
Anyway, I really love this .

EDWARD 2014-05-26 23:06


Hoping the communities of the world ( plus WE writing in this BLOG so-called Voices of expats inside China ) will learn more about China and its cultures to promote better understandings among younger people in this 'Our World' who will together run and rule this 'Our Only Earth World', happily and peacefully together. Frankly, there are so many nice and pleasant articles here which are quite impossible for me alone to judge for any party, fairly.

Honestly, I love these ChinaDaily's Forum and BLOG for its liberty for us all to express our opinions very freely that is hard to be matched by any major media in this world having been around the globe (to study, work, eat, shit and live) for donkey of years.

I am here to write for NOT Ipad nor other things except to spread the theme "UNDERSTANDING CHINA AND WHAT ARE HAPPENING IN CHINA TODAY" which is the main object of this contest. Enjoy reading, learning, writing and whatever to do you well. Please count me out in this contest.

teamkrejados 2014-05-26 14:53

I've been writing a blog for 4 years that is not accessible to me or my readers in China, although it is read worldwide - with the exclusion of Africa and South America, according to the stats. Thanks to my friends who post my entries and maintain it! 
The drawback is that I have no communition with my readers in the west. ChinaDaily's blogging community is exactly that: a community where we can exchange views, learn about others' experiences and relate them to ourselves. We can read about places we've never been, and make plans to go there. It is a way for us expats who love China to connect.
I started writing because of the contest, but have actually been looking for this opportunity for a long time. Now that I'm privileged to be here, I encourage my friends and students to also take part. Nosher, I wish you the best! Please continue to post provocative entries. Have a great day.

Ariunbold 2014-05-26 14:47

Definite & tangible goals motivate even the dullest minds to create brilliant work. CD seem to know how to motivate people to put some effort, now we hope its worth it.   

bex 2014-05-26 13:54

stumble upon   i used to go that website when im so so bored, now i dont even have a time to being so bored 

bex 2014-05-26 13:52

cant believe you just patiently counted the days out,      i  meant I have to work even theres "some" days I dont feel like to , haha just joking, turst me Im a standard workaholic   

bex 2014-05-26 13:49

hahaha very constructive advice for China daily 

claudeckenni 2014-05-26 13:42

No, no, I didn't misunderstand you. You're good. Yeah, our happiest moment in life always seem to come when we stumble upon one thing while in pursuit of something else.