

Market Guide

Although I haven't found my favorite job currently, I like to try something new and know more about the society and the real life. Therefore, I accepted some partime jobs. Many colleagues can't believe that an English girl has never done any partime jobs in the university. My parents said that it is too dangerous to do the partime jobs in the society for a girl and told me not to care about money. I, the only person, haven't tried to look for any partime jobs in my class (my classmates said that I was the only person in the campus. I don't believe that because many parents will do like what my parents do. That is real Chinese parents, I totally believed in that.) The most important reason, my good friend told is that I was not eager to money. If I am anxious to get money, she believed that many ideas will come to my mind, if I don't have any idea about money, so I don't have any ambition to get money.

My friend recommended me to a foreign customer and took him to the markets. He is an Indian who is very very fat, but he is the guy who can keep time. This is the different idea from Indian businessman because many Indian businessmen are best known for their no-time sense.

I have worked for hime three days. On Friday, I waited him for 2.5 hours in the hotel, my friend said that her customer's phone was out of work (the tel number is invalid due to no use for a long time) and she can't contact him now, but if I wanted to get paid that afternoon, I should wait for a little long. I hated people to waste others' time. Under this condition, I should wait a little long and get paid, is that right? I hate myself totally at that time. After 2.5 hours waiting, my friend asked me to leave because there is no time to go to the markets if the customer is arrived. At night, my friend called and explained that the customer was stopped at Hongkong customs because the queue is very very long.

On Saturday, although I don't like to go on time, that is not my style. My principle doesn't allow that. If other people don't cherish your time, you should do your best first. Once I was arrived at the hotel, I called the customer and informed him to be ready. Luckily, we have a driver who will take us where we should go. The driver is a soho driver who has many customers. If they need to use cars, they should call him and make the reservation. Do you know that, my dream job is a soho person. Envy him very much. I should find something interesting and useful in my life quickly. In the end of the day, I felt very tired because we have been to 4 markets and looked for many many products.

On Sunday, I planned to have a video interview by QQ at 9:00 a.m. , but the company broke the word, they didn't show up. While I go to the hotel, it is a little late. We agreed to meet each other at 10:00a.m. I was arrived at 10:00, but before near there, I tried to play a clever trick. I called the customer and told him that I was in the lobby. Know what? He was sitting in the lobby. My face brushed while I saw him. Too stupid! Again, many shops, pick something new.

From this job, I know that I should keep my good attitude all the time, can't change anything. Good job will come to me, if I keep a positive and confident heart all the time. Bon courage!


财神 2014-04-22 15:59

i Look forward to find out a good job which satisfied you.