

Money Issue

While I graduated from university, I thought money is not a problem (because of no money concept in my mind at that time), all I want was to get a meaningful life. My knowledge and ability can be improved in my job, then I can feel my value and existence during my hard-work. All my friends and my family can't understand this feeling, they just always say that getting a good job and enjoying the high income is the only thing we should do in the real life. I can't get their idea at that time, and now I can't get too because I feel more vacancy in my life, no purpose in my daily life, especially quiting the job.

OK, the last job I quited is with very little money, I can't afford my daily life. But it is my choice at that time. I would like to work as a merchandiser and use my own idea to handle problems and communicate with persons directly (I always translated the emails and documents for the other persons, so I don't know how to communicate and how to think as a main role.). Therefore, I can accept the low salary at first. To every person out of the job, hard-working can gain a lot from this position. The same idea came to me too. In the end, I know it is unreal, the manager lied to me. The basic wage can't afford my appartment, it is very terrible. I know money now and I realize money is in life now.

To every boss, they like to hire people with very very low income. The opposite idea for the employees, the higher salary, the better the employees like. The bosses persuade the employees that if you work hard, the salary will come to you more and more. If you are boss, can you imagine how much you really want? and can you imagine how much the employees need to enjoy their life. As we known, today you can earn one penny, tomorrow, you will eager two pennies. This is peoson's natural desire. Although I don't know how important the money plays role in our life, I know if we want to get something from the market or the society, we should pay something first, maybe labor, mind, or idea etc.

This time I would like to look for a job with challenge, of course, with high salary which can afford a normal life for me. Am I a money-seeker now? Am I still lost now? Yes, no idea about life, no direction, no purpose. Maybe seeking after money is a road or an idea.


teamkrejados 2014-04-20 11:58

Stepping out into 'the real world' can be a disappointing experience, Mandy, especially with the 'work hard/succeed' formula that is particularly endemic to Chinese culture. You are young, dear. First, take care of your daily living. Once that is secured, see what path you must follow to find and exercise your passion. I wish you the best of luck. Please keep us posted! Have a great day.

财神 2014-04-19 12:32

work for what? to sustain or to enjoy? many people have same problem, i think whatever you work strieve for best.sometimes i think does fate is important for happy life?

voice_cd 2014-04-18 09:04

Thanks for sharing your story here, we have highlighted your blog.

ColinSpeakman 2014-04-17 20:25

   Spend as much time as possible with other people and you'll spend more time with high spirits! I think maybe you feel down when you are alone. Then as the Chinese say: You think too much! N 

CuteMandy 2014-04-17 19:51

Thank you! I always show high spirits before people, but to myself, it is a little low spirits. How can I change this state?

ColinSpeakman 2014-04-17 13:42

Yunying, if given the choice between a boring job with little interest for little money and the same for more money, then take the better paid. You need to pay your rent. It is not bad to try to improve your finances. However, if those jobs do not give you any pleasure in the long run, then you need to re-think what career you suit. You are a graduate and you need to use your abilities. What did you graduate in? Yes, having a meaningful life is a good goal. Keep high spirits!