

Slow down in Life

As I had two interviews today, I should finish them together before going home.

After my first interview, there are plenty of time to take a rest, but no time for me to be back home. The company is near Mausoleum of the 72 Martyrs. Can you imagine that I have never been Mausoleum of the 72 Martyrs before? Know why. Because it needs tickets several years ago. Now it is free, so I'm here.

There is no mood to look around, just walk and see. I don't like myself very much, because I don't know what I should do and what I want in the real life. With my upset, I can see the elders singing, dancing, playing chess and Taiji. And some elders take care of their grandchildren. Life is simple here, but they are enjoying their happiness. Why can't I? There must be something wrong with me, or my mind.

I feel tired with my high-heeled after 30-minute walking. A seat is the best now. Two old men are playing chess in the pavilion, I like to play chess, but can't keep calm all the time. One of them is very good at it, but the other is not who like to go fast without any thinking. The good one always told him to slow down and not go fast, but he just complained himself and laughed at his skill. After 5 games, I heard slow down many many times.

Slow down the pace in life, we can see the green in the garden.

Slow down the pace in life, we can hear the laughing around us.

Slow down the pace in life, we can think deeper and change our attitude.

Slow down the pace in life, we can have another vision about the world.

I would like to slow down and go step by step steadily in the future!


CuteMandy 2014-04-18 10:04

Then have you reached the destination now? You know, I always jump than walk, although jump in the real life is not good for my age. Therefore, step by step in the earth can leave some memories. I hope I can walk steadily.

财神 2014-04-18 06:19

dont slow down the life take a paceful run to reach in spiritual  destination. 

CuteMandy 2014-04-17 19:48

Thank you, I will look for this book and read it.

summer_sz 2014-04-17 14:01

Thank you my teacher colin 

summer_sz 2014-04-17 13:59

I read an article long time ago, it's abt why ppl like to destory their lives. I understand that sometimes ppl need to feel pain to remind themself their are alive. Focus on one thing will help you feel better, i recommend a book named <The Power of Habit- Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business> by Charles Duhigg, hope it will be helpful.
Again, you are a cute girl, only feel lost when u want to be lost :)

teamkrejados 2014-04-17 13:04

Best of luck to you, my friend. Please keep us posted! I look forward to hearing of your adventures. 加油!

ColinSpeakman 2014-04-17 12:13

Tomorrow is another day! Important English saying!  

CuteMandy 2014-04-17 12:08

Thank you. Will try to change the situation very soon and come out.

CuteMandy 2014-04-17 12:07

I'm lost several years, my friends said they would like to beat me and wake me up sometimes. As a person, I like to work with honesty, hard and enthusiasm. Generally speaking, I'm a good person with good manner, an employee with good attitude. However, nobody (includes me) understands what the hell is for me, why I like to quit the job while everything is well-organized and wonderful.

summer_sz 2014-04-17 12:01

your are a cute gril just lost yourself at a moment, don't think too much, when u feel upset, don't force yourself  to jump out, like your said 'slow down', let it flow.everything will be better tomorrow!