

America is the most dangerous nation on earth
2014-04-07 The USA which now calls itself the US because it had taken over countries on other continents is certainly the most dangerous nation of earth. It revels in its nuclear arsenal and is the only country that has used nuclear weapons to strike an enemy. The US claims they are for peace keeping purposes despite the fact that they have used them for attack. The us feels that other nation should not have nuclear weapons or weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Yet the US stockpiles them like food for the winter.

The US is a nation founded by business men who don't like paying tax, for business men who don't like paying tax, which is why they cultivated ways, through accounting, for the rich to avoid paying tax.

The US is selling itself as the champion of democracy so long as it is American style democracy. They condemn the Crimea's democratic decision to algin itself with Russia but will use military force to stop end the government people in other countries accept. Clearly that is not democratic.

They will see their own people die in the name of profit through its health care system and recognise that the US is so dangerous people must have guns to defend themselves.

The US points its gnarled finger at China on human rights issues but breaches the Human rights it is claiming to protect when it torture and imprisons people without trial.

The US preaches free trade but practises protectionism. It talks of cooperation so long as those it speaks to will do what it wants and not what is good for their nation and their people.

Through popular and consumer culture is shapes the culture of other nations so that they become more and more aligned with american culture.

But is American culture better than other cultures it replaces? Clearly if you think that a country where school children carry guns and shoot their classmates, drugs are found everywhere, gambling is promoted as a good way to get rich, infidelity is a positive step forward, "White Collar" criminals who harm hundreds of thousands, a government that cares only about the balance sheet, invading other countries for profit and promoting these values through popular culture aimed at the young are good things America is better.

I would rather stand alone and say it is not better, it is dangerous. than bend to the false smiles of the American Empire which does not have the courage to stand up honestly and declare its intentions to dominate the world.

America is indeed the most dangerous nation on earth and here in China I see it doing what it did to the UK and other nations. It seduces our children knowing they are the parents of tomorrow and will unknowingly bend and accept the American ways of corruption and greed. All around our beloved China America is at work to try and make China look bad because evil fears that which is good.


ColinSpeakman 2014-04-08 08:36

It is published in China Daily and I think you can search for the most recent one on the website.

angus 2014-04-08 02:29

Please tell me how I can get to see this interesting sounding document

angus 2014-04-08 02:27

Try China if you want to find a state where people have freedom and the streets are safe.

mutafire 2014-04-07 14:18

You are right...the US tops the charts, but am glad you left room for others too, tell me one state that is not evil? and again, the US IS the big one, i admit.

juliuy 2014-04-07 13:40

Have you heard of John Pilger? I was really affected when I heard in one of his movies, that: 'Since 1945, "by deed and by example", the United States has overthrown fifty governments, including democracies, and crushed some 30 liberation movements, and supported tyrannies and set up torture chambers from Egypt to Guatemala.' Is it true in what he is saying?

MissBarbara 2014-04-07 13:30

Is it really necessary to attack other countries here? I'm not a nationalist, but you seem full of hatred...

teamkrejados 2014-04-07 12:57

The only thing missing from your post is your thoughts on religion influencing society.

SEARU 2014-04-07 11:58

When  I  was  in  senior  middle  school ,  my  English  teacher  told  the  class  a story : In  America ,  there  was  a  man  who  was  good  at  calling  someone  names  without  any  repeating  words  for  at  least  two  hours ;   His  president  heard  of  this  and  invited  him  to  the  White  House  and  enjoyed  the special service  for  two- thousand-dollars .
Maybe something is wrong with the USA.
I make this comment just for your once smiling .

ColinSpeakman 2014-04-07 10:23

I always enjoy reading China's Annual Statement on US Human Rights record which it releases shortly after the HS  releases its Annual Statement in Human Rights around the world.