

Things are moving forward, with our relationship
2014-04-06 Ivy and Anthony (that is the western name he chose) will be moving in with me for good on May 9th.

Last week, she officially resigned from her job in China, effective April 30th. She is anxious about her one condo, which is still for sale. She was REALLY hoping to get it sold before she moved here, but we decided not to wait for that, as it could take months and months. She's not so anxious about the other (where she lives now) which she will rent for a while.

It is hard to leave one's life in one's home country and start over in a new country with a foreigner. Very hard. I can see some signs of anxiety over this, even though she tries to hide it and appear 100% comfortable and confident. I can only try to be supportive.

Now, it is less than 5 weeks until we will be together. It will be the longest 5 weeks of my life, I think.

Thanks ChinaDaily Forum readers for your support and advice.


juliuy 2014-04-26 09:18

Because some things when kept in secret remain more powerful. And because usually we don't want to show to random people what is sacred to us. Sacred things have to be protected. These may be a few of possible answers.

Smaug 2014-04-08 22:37

juliuy: Most people do keep this stuff to themselves. But why? A few people might try to use this information to hurt me, but I don't think they can really do anything but ridicule. Others may offer their advice, which I would value.

Smaug 2014-04-08 22:35

stanny, read my other blogs for the complete story.

1. Yes, several times

2. Nothing will 'happen' to her. I'll still have her for visitation 2 days some weeks, and 5 days other weeks.

3. I DID go visit her first. I visited her three times, and she visited me once. We would not take such big steps if we were not sure by visiting each other.

stanny 2014-04-07 21:22

while i am extremely fascinated by your post(s) i have some questions.

1. have you actually ever met?
2. what will happen to your own child?
3. why didn't you go to visit her first instead of making her sell her house and quit her job etc?

juliuy 2014-04-07 10:21

You are a brave man to share your personal love story here! I also read your original blog as well as some of the updates. It is really nice to read sincere thoughts and experiences that are from real life. However, I myself, try to hold everything what is the most dear and important in secret.  That is why I call you brave.  

voice_cd 2014-04-07 09:04

Thanks for sharing your story here, it would be helpful if you post your last blog here.
which title " I (American) fell in love with a Chinese woman"
is : http://blog.chinadaily.com.cn/blog-1043537-9564.html we would like to highlight it for more readers.

ColinSpeakman 2014-04-06 21:30

Wow..I can sense the excitement. I am sure all CD community wish you the best with this great adventure. Ivy sounds in good hands. Keep us posted!