Referencing back to my previous post about expensive gyms, I've come to the realization that people who went to these kinds of gyms were typically expats, or at least the two gyms that I went to were. With the membership prices so high, even in my Canadian standards, a looming question started to build in my mind; how DO the Chinese stay fit? In this post, I will touch base on this topic based on personal observations.
Chinese workers are strong, have good endurance and endless tolerance
Living on campus, I would see typically older men about 55-60 years of age pulling large wagons piled sky-high with objects, like garbage, goods or piles and piles of cardboard. They'll be pulling them around campus and up and over bridges, and this is their job. I've seen them throughout the city as well, but less frequently. Comparing these men to the men in my country, I am ashamed to say that it's not comparable at all.
Working man, carrying tons of items on his bike. Photo credits to my friend Jason W. who took this picture in Guangzhou
Back in Canada, this job would be executed with the help of machinery, like at my university, a small golf-cart-like vehicle or a truck would be used in place. Moreover, older men wouldn't even working such a job.
The Chinese would find the most economical way to exercise
Like walking. I learned from my friends that the Chinese frequently take a short walk following a meal to aid digestion. Which probably would explain why I found so many people walking around the school track around 8pm (refer to previous blog about exercise). In addition, many students play soccer or basketball in outdoor fields and courts; it's free, fun and a good workout.
Tai chi, qi gong and Chinese group dancing
Walking through a park in Shanghai, you'll find that the Chinese tend to go for strolls are very early hours at around 5-6 am. Throughout the day, you'll find people practicing tai chi, qi gong by themselves or in a small group. Usually during the evenings and during the weekends, you'll find older Chinese women dancing outdoors to Chinese music.
Chinese women dancing to chinese music on a Saturday morning.
Free outdoor gyms
I recently discovered a free outdoor gym at a park near my university, I was so mind-blown and amused because I have never seen such a thing before. The gym equipment there were so cleverly manufactured to suit the needs of the users with respect to the limitations such as space, cost, and electricity. There was an elliptical machine that did not require electricity, a leg press and a row machine that uses your own body weight, pullies and wheels to work out the arms and shoulders as well as many others. Although the equipment did seem to target seniors, I found good use of some of the equipment by modifying the way you are supposed to use it.
Seen: Elliptical on the left side, pull up bars
Swing your legs to and fro; works out the abs
Twist upper torso back and forth; works out the lats/abs
Row machine that uses your own body weight
I wouldn't be surprised, I knew the Chinese are very conscious about their health. I'm Canadian-born-Chinese, my mother would always cook medicinal soup to "balance" my body, my father would frequently practice tai chi or qi gong in the backyard. I haven't visited a elementary school here is China, but my mother told me that when she was little, she would have morning exercises everyday as a class. Moreover, with scrumptious food every direction you look as well as street vendors offering fragrant and mouth watering food, it's no wonder that the Chinese do exercise as much as the people back in my hometown do; just in a different way.