

Starving in China
2014-03-31 "Eat everything on your plate, Ya know there are starving people in China" I heard this as a kid. However in China if you clear your plate and leave nothing, your host will think you are still hungry and cook more. (or "loose face") It is custom to leave some food on your plate. I was surprised how much tasty food gets left behind that I thought composting should be done. I found out it is collected and taken to pig farms. Now the govt is starting a "frugality campaign" and encouraging people to clear your plate and not order more than you can eat! doesn't seen to be catching on though..
As for me, I eat so well, so much and so often. The wide variety of Chinese food choices is astonishing!
The sights, smells, and tastes make eating the most enjoyable social activity. umm, umm Good.


Azindoo 2014-05-08 17:54

Women  were considered  inferior

Azindoo 2014-05-08 17:52

Mmmm ,yummy but the Waste is sth we should all worry about .if someone says wasting food is a Culture then such culture should be abondoned .
There used to be bad cultures since time immimorial and when religion and civilization came ,those bad cutures were left .
There was a time when women were burried live because at the time ,women or girls were
, conceded inferior .But it finally gave into to civilization .So food waste is among the many bad cultures .

remitrom 2014-04-05 10:37

No Contraveries here !  Thanks for posting.
I wrote another blog "What is your favorite Chinese Food?" ..

seanboyce88 2014-04-03 11:05

It's funny as in the british culture you must eat everything on the plate. I was always taught to finish the plate as I am fortunate enough to have food, then I come to China and I'm almost in tears at the amount of food left uneaten

Maierwei 2014-03-31 21:29

That super cute photo of a dog!!!   

(Note: I'm vegetarian. But a dog is still a friend! )

jsylam 2014-03-31 20:05

Composting! That was one of the things that came to mind as well!

ColinSpeakman 2014-03-31 12:09

The rack of lamb looks yummy.

austinong 2014-03-31 09:24

interesting post. i learned in a WorldBank presentation that there are 1.2 billion people in the world who are overweight.  and sadly 900 million who sleep at night hungry.

remitrom 2014-03-31 07:29

1 Rack of Lamb @ "Lamb Shop" (a favorite resterarnt )
2, BBQ Oyster vendor 3. Hot Pot.
4. Made special for me.. This shop LoBoan (boss) lets me go in the kitchen and point at the ingredients I like.
Lean meat and a wide selection of veggies. 20 RMB including can drink no tip (when I come alone)
5. Sign to shop shows 3 specialties. Have not ate here...
6. Mushrooms at market. I have seen 7 varieties - mushrooms at 1 vendor.
7. At market
8 & 9. Dinner with Chin Family. must be 7 seafood plates plus more., my dear friends..
10, 11, Dinner at Taiwan restraunt
12 The great chef Mr Chin
13. Street BBQ.