

My Chinese New Year - 2014
2014-03-18 This year was my first time to travel to and within China during Chinese New Year. After losing one day in Beijing, due to the connecting flight being canceled by Hainan Airlines, we only had one day together in Guangzhou before getting on a train and heading back up to XiangYang, Hubei.

Edited to remove non-working links to photos hosted elsewhere.

I've uploaded them to my blog. When approved, you can see them there. Thanks for looking!

This trip's purpose, aside from re-connecting with My One, was to meet her family and friends in XiangYang and WuHan before stealing Ivy away. So, kind of lonely for me, (as I don't speak Chinese) but a warm family time for her.

I've never been so cold in my life. It is not too cold there, but very damp, and relentless, since it is as cold inside as outside.

Here's a link to the pix, in My Album:


Smaug 2014-03-25 20:38

The pix are posted in my profile now. Let me see if I can link them here...

chinalionfish 2014-03-25 00:50

Yeah, it's really different from the north of China, where the heater is very good. It's so warm that I need wear T-shirt in my parents' home. Even my 22-month old son knows how to close the valve of heater, learning from my father.haha

Rightpath 2014-03-24 03:48

Hi ,nice to meet you,as colin said,we need information about photos  ,welcome to china and hope you have nice new year in the future.

Smaug 2014-03-21 20:58

@ColinSpeakman - Apparently, photos hosted elsewhere are not allowed here. Either that, or BBCode is not supported. I didn't try html, but decided to just upload them to my album in My Space, as voice_cd recommended.

ColinSpeakman 2014-03-19 21:30

Yes we need information as to why some posts do not display the photos that were clearly once attached. Is it size limitations? Do they need to be saved very low resolution? Or is it because the link is to web?

voice_cd 2014-03-19 18:39

Dear snaug, thank for join us in the blog, here is how to upload photos onto this platform. 

QQLary 2014-03-18 21:03

it's a pity that the photos we can't see