

Autumn- time to repay my beloved ones

I have been thinking about writing something down for almost one month, but i didn't do it until this evening, not only because i have been very busy with my work, but also because during this period, i can't control my mood and keep calm. When it comes Autumn, most people around me feel very happy and celebrate the ending of the torment caused by the high temperature in the Summer. However, my feeling for this so-called cool season is totally different,because i often feel upset and depressed without any specific reasons and what's worse,can't control mymood at all.

When the Autumn falls on the earth, it brings cloudy and rainy weather together, and with its wind and fog, it makes the green leaves turn to yellow and fall down from the tree. Suddenly, a passionate and energetic summer disappears. Looking at the grey sky, i feel sad, and sometimes, i burst into tears. I try my best to control and adjust myself, i want to be positive and sunny, but it becomes hard in Autumn.

On my way to and back from work every day, i always think and imagine a lot. I think of the time i had with my best friends in Shanghai last year. My best friend Michille, i miss her very much. Every day i think of her, and i always have conversation with her in my mind. I met her when i was having my probation in the company we both worked for, my salary was very low, and i couldn't afford to some daily necessaries, like quilt and clothes, etc. Meanwhile, i suffered great work pressure because i was criticized by my leader everyday for having no working experience,and i couldn't finish my work as my leader required. it was very hard for me at that time. I was thinking about quiting my job even, but luckily, she came into my life. As a postgraduate, she once studied abroad, and she has been teaching the west Point students in university before she came to the company. She is very excellent, and she is also very nice and kind. She offered me qulit and clothes, and also help with the problems in my work. Under her help and guidance,i gradually made a good performance, and won my learder's trust. During that priod, we went to work together and cooked together after work, and we encouraged each other when we met some challenges. I learned a lot from her, and we were just like sisters. We spent the 2012 Spring Festival together in Shanghai, and a lot good memories.......I haven't seen her for more than one year, i really miss her. I hope i can make enough money to travel to some places together with her in ther future. Autumn is also called the harvest time, but for me, i prefer to understand it as a thanksgiving time, and also a time to repay your beloved ones. Here, i would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to my best friend Michille, i will always be here for her as her best friend with a grateful heart.

In this repaying time, i also have to mention my best male friend.I knew him from the frist year of the middle school, and we studied in the same high school, then we were in the same city when we studied in university, and luckily, we work in the same city now. It has already been more than 12 years since we knew each other.So we understand each other very well and alway support each other. He is a very noble and gentle guy. I respect him, Meanwhile, he always trusts me and supports me. In this June, me, my boyfriend and him, we three went to climb Mount Hua, and we had a wonderful time. We had very beautiful school time together,and our friendship is very pure, and it will last for a lifetime. It is really my privilege to have such a friend, my great appreciation!

Last but not the least, i want to do something to pay back my parents and my boyfriend. They are all my best families in my heart. After suffering so much hardship, my parents finally sent me to the university, and offered me an opportunity to change my life. I love them very much, and i will always try my best to let them live a good life. As for my boyfriend, we have been together for more than 6 years, we respect and love each other very much. For such a romantic love, i appreciate life. Our love story is full of warm and sweet.

Though i couldn't stop feeling sad every now and then, i am still grateful for what life offers to me. I will pay back my friends and families just the way a good daughter and friend acts. And also i my appreciation for those friends i didn't mention here, they are always in my heart thanks for being my friends, i love you!


zsj8904@126.com 2014-05-22 12:45

Thank you for your kind words, i am more positive than i was now.

stephen_ye 2014-05-20 16:40

Hope you will be positive and sunny like you said. Your english is very good.

zsj8904@126.com 2014-05-09 17:36

Thank your for supporting my opinion, i have been influenced by my parents, learned and tried to keep their good traditional values in my life. And to be kind, nice and grateful to all the kind people is my basic life rule.

zsj8904@126.com 2014-05-09 17:30

   thank you for reading my post

zsj8904@126.com 2014-05-09 17:29

Thank you for commenting on my blog, and also thank you for your nice words! I always remeber those who care about me and help me, and try my best to do something to repay those kind people. They deserve my appreciation, and if i can do something in return, i will be very happy. Now i do have my beloved families and some very best friends , i appreciate this. Again, thank you for your comment, wish you happy everyday!

Azindoo 2014-05-09 09:08

Good piece . Acknowledging what someone has done to you is a  good posture we must or should encourage .
This girl is the type ,When you help then you've helped a generous person for she would forever remember you .Unlike those like cocks , When eaten , would use the beak and scratch the ground signalling it has not eaten .Some people would be helped but later ,they would'nt acknowledge .
Correction plz , You should say - Daily necessities and not daily necessaries .Maybe you type it wrongly .

what_turns_you_ 2013-12-12 00:04

sometimes, i also feel that

kingqiao 2013-10-16 11:00

the autumn,cool and repaying season,i love it ,too.

lqsoscar 2013-10-13 11:03


MF61 2013-09-23 09:36

It is impressive and true, I love it, but life will go on so just be positive and think less of the negative.