

Scientists around the world are racing to be the first to develop artificially intelligent algorithms that can see inside our minds. 世界各地的科学家都争相成为第一个开发人工智能算法的人,这些算法可以看清我们脑海中的景象。 The idea is not new: in the science fiction of the 1950s and 60s, crazed doctors were frequently seen putting weird contraptions on people’s heads to decipher their thoughts. 这个想法并不新鲜:在20世纪50年代和60年代的科幻小说中,疯狂的医生通过在人头上使用奇怪的装置来破译人们的想法,。British TV serial Quatermass and the Pit – in which such a machine is used to translate the thoughts of alien invaders – is a prime example.英国电视连续剧Quatermass和Pit - 就使用这种机器来翻译外星入侵者的想法 - 就是一个很好的例子。 Now reality is catching up with fantasy. 现在,现实正在赶上幻想。In the past year, AI experts in China, the US and Japan have published research showing that computers can replicate what people are thinking about by using functional magnetic resonance imaging (or fMRI) machines – which measure brain activity – linked to deep neural networks, which replicate human brain functions.在过去的一年中,中国,美国和日本的AI专家发表的研究表明,计算机可以通过使用功能性磁共振成像(或fMRI)机器来复现人们的想法 - 功能磁共振成像(或fMRI)机器 - 可以测量大脑活动 - 与深度神经网络相联系,可以复现人类的大脑功能。 Is it telepathy? 这是心灵感应吗?While headlines around the world have screamed out that AI can now read minds, the reality seems to be more prosaic.尽管世界各地的头条新闻都呼吁人工智能现在可以阅读头脑,但现实似乎更加平淡无奇。Computers are not yet able to anticipate what we think, feel or desire.计算机还不能预测我们的想法,感受或愿望。As science writer Anjana Ahuja remarked in the Financial Times, rather than telepathy, “a more accurate, though less catchy, description would be a ‘reconstruction of visual field’ algorithm”.正如科学作家Anjana Ahuja在“金融时报”评论的那样,这不是心灵感应术,“一个更准确,但不那么容易上口的解释是,这是一个'视野重建'算法。 Most of the research so far has been aimed at deciphering images of what subjects are looking at or, in limited circumstances, what they are thinking about. 到目前为止,大部分研究的目的都是为了解读主体所看到的图像,或者在有限的情况下解读他们的想法。 Studies have previously focused on programs producing images based on shapes or letters they had been taught to recognize when viewed through subjects’ minds. 以前的研究主要集中观察人们的思维,通过程序产生形状或字母图像,这些字母和形状需要事先让人们学习。 However, in one recent piece of research, from Japan’s ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories and Kyoto University, scientists said that not only was a program able to decipher images it had been trained to recognize when people looked at them but: “our method successfully generalized the reconstruction to artificial shapes, indicating that our model indeed ‘reconstructs’ or ‘generates’ images from brain activity, not simply matches to exemplars.” In other words, it could decode and represent an image it had not been “trained” to see. 然而,最近在日本的ATR计算神经科学实验室和京都大学的一项研究中,科学家们说,经过训练的程序不仅能够解读认识人们看到的图像,而且:“我们的方法成功地重建了人脑的形状,这表明我们的模型确实“重建”或“生成”来自大脑活动的图像,而不是简单地与示例相匹配。“换句话说,它可以解码并表示它未被”训练“过的图像。 Think that sentence again? 再想一次这个句子?Meanwhile, scientists at Carnegie Mellon University in the US claim to have gone a step closer to real “mind reading” by using algorithms to decode brain signals that identify deeper thoughts such as “the young author spoke to the editor” and “the flood damaged the hospital”.与此同时,美国卡内基梅隆大学的科学家声称,通过使用算法解码大脑信号来识别更深的想法,比如“the young author spoke to the editor”和“the flood damaged the hospital“。 The technology, the researchers say, is able to understand complex events, expressed as sentences, and semantic features, such as people, places and actions, to predict what types of thoughts are being contemplated. 研究人员说,这项技术能够理解复杂的事件,这些事件可以通过语句和语义特征表达(如人,地点和行为),该技术科以预测大脑正在思考什么想法。source link Translated by me for English studying.The translation is not authorized.I will delete it if you (author or source website) think it is illegal.Please let me know.AI reader


The First Cash Money on Blockchain ICO is Coming. Start of a New Financial Revolution?区块链ICO的首笔现金货币即将上市。 新一轮金融革命的开始?The project of the first global private money is planning an USD 200 million ICO (initial coin offering). 全球第一笔私有资金项目计划投资2亿美元ICO作为初始硬币供应。The new currency will be used both for cash and electronic payments, will be 100%-backed by gold, will provide fast and cheap crypto currency and fiat currency exchange and payments, and will provide many other advantages to successfully compete with fiat money.新货币将用于现金和电子支付,100%的黄金保证,将提供快速便宜的加密货币和法定货币兑换和支付,并将提供许多其他优势以成功与法定货币竞争。 The name of the new currency that will be issued is Golden. 将要发行的新货币的名称是Golden。The project involves not only the establishment of “private Central Bank” and issuance of the currency, but also all the infrastructure for it, including global bank network with ATMs, bank cards, POS-terminals and crypto-fiat-currency exchange.该项目不仅涉及建立“私人中央银行”和发行货币,而且还涉及其全部基础设施,包括全球银行网络与ATM,银行卡,POS终端和加密货币兑换。 The ICO of the project is coming in 2018, the seed round of financing is already started and will be live till April. 该项目的ICO将于2018年进行,融资的种子轮已经开始,并将持续到4月份。According to preliminary valuation, the ICO could be one of the largest in the market with preliminary USD 200 million target.根据初步估值,ICO可能是市场最大的公司之一,初步达到2亿美元的目标。At the current stage the developers announced the start of the project to examine the demand, to start an open discussion of the project with the wide society and potential anchor investors — the aim of Golden Currency developers is to fulfill all regulations and investors demands to be able to conduct fully legal ICO on the markets, where such regulation is needed (for example, USA).在现阶段,开发者宣布开始启动项目来审查需求,与广泛的社会和潜在的主要投资者开始公开讨论该项目 - 黄金货币开发者的目标是满足所有法规和投资者的要求,能够在需要此类监管的市场上进行完全合法的ICO(例如,美国)。 Nobel prize winner Friedrich August von Hayek in his book The Denationalization of Money in 1976 advocated the establishment of competitively issued private moneys and Golden Currency project is the practical implementation of Hayek ideas. 诺贝尔奖获得者弗里德里希·奥古斯特·冯·哈耶克在1976年的“货币的国际化”一书中倡导建立具有竞争性发行的私人货币,Golden货币项目正是哈耶克想法的实际实施。 Now there is no money in the world that is fully backed by real assets, inflation-free and independent on political and economic situation of the country where it is issued. 现在世界上没有任何资金完全有实际资产保证,没有通货膨胀,独立于发行国的政治和经济状况。Crypto-currency also does not fulfill the function of money.加密货币也不能满足货币的功能。Golden is planned to change it.Golden计划改变它。 The Golden currency will be used for cash and electronic payments and wire transfers. 黄金货币将用于现金和电子支付和电汇。The global network of Golden banks will provide online bank and phone apps with integrated currency exchange and global low-cost real time payments.全球Gloden银行网络将为在线银行和电话应用提供综合货币兑换和全球低成本实时支付。Multicurrency accounts for users will provide the possibility of currency-agnostic payments and real time low-cost fiat and crypto currency exchange.用户的多币种账户将提供与货币无关的支付和实时低成本的法定货币和加密货币兑换的可能性。 Golden is planned to be a stable, reliable and transparent currency, non-national and non-politicized perfect payment and investment tool, it will be convenient currency with independent modern infrastructure and easy payment and currency conversion, it will provide anonymity and universality of use (in any place of the world) as being present in cash. Golden计划成为一个稳定,可靠和透明的货币,非国家和非政治化的完美支付和投资工具,它将是便利的货币,拥有独立的现代化基础设施和便捷的付款和货币兑换,它将提供匿名性和通用性(在世界的任何地方)以现金出现。 And it will be fully legal…Starting from issuance and following its banking and exchange services—all of them will be working within the legal framework of the countries where they work. 这将是完全合法的......从发行和从银行和交易所服务开始 - 所有这些服务都将在其工作所在国家的法律框架内开展工作。 Blockchain technologies will be widely used to provide transparency and stability. 区块链技术将被广泛用于提供透明度和稳定性。Blockchain proof-of-assets protocol, Ripple and other blockchain solutions will be examined for execution.区块链资产证明协议,Ripple和其他区块链解决方案将被用来做检查实施。 The project is developed by highly professional team, under the head of founders, experienced in execution of large and complicated projects. 该项目由高度专业的团队开发,由创始人领导,其在执行大型复杂项目方面经验丰富。