

This mind-reading AI can see what you're thinking

Scientists around the world are racing to be the first to develop artificially intelligent algorithms that can see inside our minds.


The idea is not new: in the science fiction of the 1950s and 60s, crazed doctors were frequently seen putting weird contraptions on people’s heads to decipher their thoughts.


British TV serial Quatermass and the Pit – in which such a machine is used to translate the thoughts of alien invaders – is a prime example.

英国电视连续剧Quatermass和Pit - 就使用这种机器来翻译外星入侵者的想法 - 就是一个很好的例子。

Now reality is catching up with fantasy.


In the past year, AI experts in China, the US and Japan have published research showing that computers can replicate what people are thinking about by using functional magnetic resonance imaging (or fMRI) machines – which measure brain activity – linked to deep neural networks, which replicate human brain functions.

在过去的一年中,中国,美国和日本的AI专家发表的研究表明,计算机可以通过使用功能性磁共振成像(或fMRI)机器来复现人们的想法 - 功能磁共振成像(或fMRI)机器 - 可以测量大脑活动 - 与深度神经网络相联系,可以复现人类的大脑功能。

Is it telepathy?


While headlines around the world have screamed out that AI can now read minds, the reality seems to be more prosaic.


Computers are not yet able to anticipate what we think, feel or desire.


As science writer Anjana Ahuja remarked in the Financial Times, rather than telepathy, “a more accurate, though less catchy, description would be a ‘reconstruction of visual field’ algorithm”.

正如科学作家Anjana Ahuja在“金融时报”评论的那样,这不是心灵感应术,“一个更准确,但不那么容易上口的解释是,这是一个'视野重建'算法。

Most of the research so far has been aimed at deciphering images of what subjects are looking at or, in limited circumstances, what they are thinking about.


Studies have previously focused on programs producing images based on shapes or letters they had been taught to recognize when viewed through subjects’ minds.


However, in one recent piece of research, from Japan’s ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories and Kyoto University, scientists said that not only was a program able to decipher images it had been trained to recognize when people looked at them but: “our method successfully generalized the reconstruction to artificial shapes, indicating that our model indeed ‘reconstructs’ or ‘generates’ images from brain activity, not simply matches to exemplars.” In other words, it could decode and represent an image it had not been “trained” to see.


Think that sentence again?


Meanwhile, scientists at Carnegie Mellon University in the US claim to have gone a step closer to real “mind reading” by using algorithms to decode brain signals that identify deeper thoughts such as “the young author spoke to the editor” and “the flood damaged the hospital”.

与此同时,美国卡内基梅隆大学的科学家声称,通过使用算法解码大脑信号来识别更深的想法,比如“the young author spoke to the editor”和“the flood damaged the hospital“。

The technology, the researchers say, is able to understand complex events, expressed as sentences, and semantic features, such as people, places and actions, to predict what types of thoughts are being contemplated.


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