



SilenceBy Yifei Wang*Old houses in the suburbs are usually isolated and abandoned. They are like the elderly, who are privy to some of the wildest secrets of mankind yet chose to remain silent and observant because their wisdom which has accumulated through the years tells them so. But tonight, in an isolated and abandoned old house in the suburb, the spell of silence has been broken. “I thought it would be great to end a thing where it started.” Inside the greying brick walls and tainted windows, a man stands in what used to be a living room with a pistol in hand.There was no response but only the sound of intermittently sobbing.A woman with a tear-streaked face is crouched on the sofa with her hands tied in front of her. Her eyes never left the black hole of the pistol that is pointing directly at her heart.“Doesn’t this house bring back so many memories?” The man slowly takes a step forward, holding the pistol steadily. Though his voice is quiet and cool, it is obvious that he is trying to restrain the feeling of triumph for the corner of his mouth twisted involuntarily into a cruel sneer. “P...please...” The woman whimpered again.“Did my father beg when you cornered him like this?” The man asked. His voice cracks a bit at the last syllable. No response.“He wouldn’t,” the man answers himself, “because what my father did was righteous. Unlike you and your little gang of mafias.”The woman flinches at the last word. But the man isn’t down with his accusation.“You guys have been planning this for a long time, haven’t you? I should have known when I first saw you. You were so enthusiastic. Too enthusiastic about knowing my family. I should have known, but I was blinded.”“Nevertheless, I still get to relish the taste of revenge. You are the first one,” he says with a dangerously quiet voice, “and then one by one, I will hunt you guys down.”“P...please...” the woman starts, “it wasn’t me who did this.”“You asked to meet my father and I brought you. Three days later my father was found dead in his house, this house in fact. You were a part of the notorious gang of outlaws who view money over lives.”“So tell me, what are the odds?”“The odds are nonexistent because I didn’t do it.” The woman says quietly. “Why should I believe a person who kills for a living?”“Because I love you and I would never do anything to hurt you!”“Not even after my father executed your filthy companions?”The woman flinches again but this time, instead of retreating further back into the sofa, she fell into a kneeling position on the ground, beside the broken coffee table.“You know me,” she said, lifting her head up so that she faces the gunpoint, “and you know my rule. I kill for money, not for revenge.”“I also know that you tell nothing but lies.” The woman lifts her tied hands up over her head in a vain attempt to surrender to the pistol that is closing in slowly. But the constrain of the rope merely made her hands fell at the back.“We were happy together. Why would I ever do such a thing?”“Don’t even mention us!” The man roars, brandishing his pistol. His booming voice rips through the silence of the night.“You once said that you will be on my side whatever happens,” the woman says quietly, “and I said that I will always and forever do the same.”“So shoot me,” She looks up directly into his eyes, “shoot me and this will all be over. You will have the satisfaction of killing a person who you think killed your father and I will die thinking that throughout my torn and messy life, my death will bring moments of reassurance to my only love.”“But I do not believe that you will be reassured,” the woman continues, “not if you have killed the wrong person.”The man stood still as a gamut of emotions passed over his face. Is his hesitance due to some rekindled feelings or is it the slowly build-up of yet even more hatred, no one will ever know because at the next moment, with a swift movement, the woman shoots out her left leg from the kneeling position and sweeps the man, who is standing so close now, to the ground. The pistol fell hopelessly out of his hand. Before he has a chance to get up, the woman smashed her high heel into his groin and with one powerful swipe, cut the rope open with the jagged side of the coffee table. Despite the blood that is now gushing down his face, the man jumped up and took a swing at her. With gun in hand, she fired the bullet like she has done a thousand times before.The man fell like a ragged doll.He looks down at the bullet hole and then, with great effort, shifts his gaze on to the woman.She is now standing almost directly over him, with the gun pointing at his heart.“Di...did you tell the truth?” he gasps.“No.” The woman says. “You know too much about the gang.”The man can feel life seeping out of him with every second. Before he can respond, darkness engulfs him.“But I do love you.” The woman says to the corpse of the man.Then, with a smile on her lips, she lifts the gun to her own temple and fires. The house is silent again.  *  Yifei Wang is a 16-year-old Chinese girl studying at Nan Hua High School, Singapore. She enjoys reading books, listening to beautiful melodies, and showing her mind in her own writings if she can spare time from her piles of homework. As a big fan of the Harry Potter series, she dreams of turning into J.K. Rowling in the future.


Farewell, our Elementary School By Wang Yifei (六年级 王怡菲) Hi, everyone. I’m broadcaster Sunny Wang. It’s really nice to be able to broadcast for you guys, but what makes me really sad is that we won’t have much chance of broadcasting now. Most of you should be really happy with the end of this school term, because we are all going to middle school. However, I’m a bit sad about it. The six years of elementary school gave us so many memories that it is hard to remember them all. Nevertheless, there will be always some memories that are too precious to forget. For me, that will be my first time walking into my elementary school, my first time being scolded by a teacher, my first time getting the first place in a test… These might seem very small, but are huge marks on our road of life. It is important, to remember these marks because they help to createwhat kind of person we will be. If you are really good at arts, and youhave lots of great memories about it, then you might be a great artist. In these six years we spent in our elementary school, our marks might not always be bright and shiny. There are always some gloomy ones that stand so firmly on its tracks that you wish that a lightning could struck it and burn it down. But unfortunaly, that’s never going tohappen. So, instead of trying to do impossible things, (I know that you like to say nothing is impossible, but it doesn’t conclude this) why don’t you use the time and energy to improve yourself and make the gloomy marks bright again? It must be really hard to reveal all the times we spent in elementary schools. And maybe ten years later, when your classmate’s laughter had faded in your mind, and when your heart is full of other things that there’s no space for a six-year memory, I assure you, there must be some people or things that you still remember. Like, teachers, those who sacrificed their free time and energy to gave you lessons, who tried so hard to make you become a great person, whom you gave so many white hair, and so many winkles. They seem unforgettable, because when you become somebody in the future, you still think, “Oh, some of my elementary school teachers helped me on the way togreatness.” So there you have it, not only memories in elementary schools can make us great, but people as well. Now that elementary schools are a very important part of our life, so make use of it, and try to make every minute count at the last remaining days of elementary school. When we first entered it, we wereonly toddlers, but now we are very good at running and jumping. Before, we could barely read ABC, but now, we can read a bunch of words. Some of the improvements are really easy to see, but you have to dig at some in the future to shine. In the six-year study, we learned so much, and grow so much. It’s really hard to say good-bye to this wonderful land. I hope you are all well at the last few days, and in the future, may the odds be ever in your favor. Thank you.(558 words) 和我们的小学生活说再见 文:王怡菲 翻译:老爸 嗨,大家好,我是广播员王怡菲。给大家广播真的是件非常开心的事儿,但让我不开心的是,广播的机会不多了。 学期末了,大多数同学都很高兴,我们就要上中学了嘛。然而,总会有些珍贵的记忆让我们无法忘怀。拿我来说吧,第一次上学,第一次被老师骂,第一次考试得第一,等等。这些也许都是微不足道的小事,但在我们的人生道路上可都是标志性的呀,正是它们在塑造未来的我们,因此记住它们也就显得非常重要了。要是你擅长艺术,又记得自己艺术之路上很多精彩故事,那你很有可能会成为伟大的艺术家。小学六年,我们的记忆并非全是让人高兴的闪光点,也有晦暗忧郁的回忆挥之不去,多么希望有道闪电能把它们化为灰烬哦。但那怎么可能呢?不可能的事就让它去吧,呵呵,我知道你会说没有什么是不可能的,但抹去晦暗忧郁的回忆就是不可能。我们还是把时间和精力用到提高自身,让自己重新闪亮起来吧。 小学时光全部深深印入脑海一定很难做到,也许十年以后,同学们的笑声开始在脑海中淡去时,你的心中开始为杂事所累不再有小学的细微记忆时,我敢说,你肯定还是会记得这六年的一些人或事。比如说,我们的老师。他们牺牲自己的时间和精力为我们上课,努力让我们成为有用之才。为了我们,他们鞠躬尽瘁,落得满头白发,皱纹布满额头。你是不会忘记他们的。你将来飞黄腾达的时候,你仍然会想:“是呀,我的成功道路上这些小学老师功不可没!”你明白了吧,小学的记忆能帮我们成功,小学的老师更是值得铭记。 既然小学是非常重要的人生阶段,我们就要善加利用,在所剩不多的日子里过好每一分钟。刚踏入小学校门时,我们还是路都走不稳的娃娃,现在我们又跑又跳没人比得了;以前我们就知道ABC,现在我们会读一大把单词了。这些进步显而易见,但我们需要继续努力,才能有灿烂的未来。六年的小学,我们学到了许多,成长了许多,现在,就要离开这片神奇的土地了,我们真的不想说“再见”。 我希望,最后这段时间里大家都开心快乐,将来的日子里大家能一帆风顺。谢谢!(811 字)


Don’t Judge a Person Too Quickly by Wang Yifei (六年级 王怡菲) Hello everyone, I’m broadcaster Sunny Wang. Glad I’m still standing here to give you all a speech since I had such a nightmare last night and thought I was dead for sure. Well, everyone has their own favorite book. And one of my favorite is Harry Potter, and of course I have said this many times and so you would probably remember it already. Still, no harm can be done by saying an extra little sentence, right? In Harry Potter, I kept saying that I learned courage and bravery and friendship and so on at my first few broadcasts. But when I reread the whole series this month, I realized that it’s more than that. Something was meant to be when the door of magic opens for Harry, and even he doesn’t want to. He is, and will always be, The Chosen One to destroy Voldemort. It seems a little too shallow to judge the people in this book series about whether they are good or evil, right or wrong, wanting peace or blood thirsty. They are all much, much more than that. Let’s take a clear view of Hogwarts, the Magical school. So first, there are four school houses, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Reavanclaw and Hufflepuff. If you just look at things briefly, you will probably get these conclusions:“Slytherin people is bad, evil, and self-centered; Gryffindor is very good, and they stand for justice and bravery; Reavanclaw is not bad, and its wit beyond measure is human’s greatest treasure; and at last, in Hufflepuff dwell just some pathetic, dumb students who has no talents at all. These comments do make some sense, because it seems that the description of the four houses tell us all the answer we need to judge the houses. But as the story goes further and further, some new thoughts begin to strike your head. You soon find that Slytherin people aren’t all bad. There is Severus Snape, who scarified himself and bore so much pain when he was alive. He plays the main role of bringing Voldemort down. Gryffindor soldiers are not always brave and justice, there is still a coward and traitor Peter Pettigrew, who basically murdered Harry Potter’s parents. Ravenclaw’s wits doesn’t seem to be following every one. The useless teacher Gilderoy Lockart is the best proof. And Hufflpuff still gets Cedric Diggory who is brave and true. Now things are slowly getting up to the surface, and let’s close in again. The main characters, Harry Potter, of course, seems perfect to everyone. This sensitive boy is, parentless but brave, not rich but brilliant. You will find these words are exactly the same to describe Voldemort. “Wait a sec, that’s not true, Harry Potter chose a different path from Voldemort’s and that made a huge difference between them.” That’s what most people’s reaction is when they hear my theory, and then they block my words away. I’m not saying that Harry Potter is not good, it’s just that everyone has two sides. Harry Potter might seem perfect, but he is bad-tempered sometimes, and most of the times, he acts before thinks. And if we continue this way, you will probably take another look at more characters. Ron Weasly is nice for a friend and he is loyal to Harry Potter, but sometimes he left, sometimes he just left Harry alone because of small matters. Severus Snape might look bad, and he acts like he is a true servant of Voldemort, who, however, had ever given it a thought that Snape was actually trying to protect Harry even at his last breath. Draco Malfoy might be full of himself, arrogant and spoiled, but he is not bad. He struggled to break free from Voldemort’s clenches, but failed when his Lord threatened to kill all his families. And he cried to that mirror, in that he is just a boy. Not evil, not arrogant, not full of himself. He just simply wants to keep his family alive. So, as we can draw our conclusion here: don’t judge a person too quickly. When you take another look at the book, you could even sense Harry’s anger, Ron’s bad temper, Snape’s true deed to this world, and Draco Malfoy’s sorrows. Take a second look before judging someone, in the real world or in a fantasy world. You are always expected to do so. Now, there must be tons of questions in your head now. Are all the “Bad guys” not so bad? Have we misunderstood their true purpose?Or are all the good guys as good as I thought? Or is it I’m just too simple to understand their tricks? This seems to be going forever, right? Well, it certainly is. So never fear, my friends, on your way of judging what’s true and fake, what’s right or wrong. Best wishes everyone, thank you. (816 words) 不要草率地评价一个人 文:王怡菲 翻译:老爸 大家好,我是广播员王怡菲。昨晚我做了个噩梦,认为死定了呢,哈哈,所以此刻仍能在此和大家分享我的想法,我感到非常开心。 对了,大家都有自己最喜欢的书吧。《哈利波特》是我最喜欢的书中的一套。当然了,这我都说了好多遍了,你们差不多都记住了吧。再这么说一遍也没啥不妥,是吧,同学们?在最初的几次广播中,我还不止一遍的说过,从《哈利波特》中我学到了勇气、勇敢和友谊等等。但是,这个月我重读这套书时,我发现学到的远不止这些。魔法之门在哈利波特面前打开,意味深远,哈利波特本人未必想如此,但他就是,也永远会是,注定要击败伏地魔的那个人。 如果以谁是好人或者谁是坏人,谁对谁错,谁爱好和平或谁嗜血如命这样的方式来评价这套书中人物,似乎过于肤浅。他们要复杂得多得多。我们擦亮眼睛,看看霍格沃兹这座魔法学校吧。它有四个学院:斯莱特林,格兰芬多,拉文克劳, 赫奇帕奇。要是你不仔细想,可能你很容易就得出结论:斯莱特林学院都是坏人,邪恶且自私;格兰芬多学院呢,就很好,代表着公正和勇敢;拉文克劳学院也挺不错,它的绝顶聪明是人类最伟大的财富;最后,呵呵,赫奇帕奇学院里则全是木然、可怜的窝囊废。 这些评论确实有那么点儿意思,这些说法似乎解答了我们心中关于这四个学院的疑问。但是随着故事的展开,你心中会产生不同的看法。你会发现斯莱特林学院并非全是坏人。西弗莱斯•斯内普就不坏,他活着时做出了很多牺牲承受了很大痛苦,是打倒伏地魔的得力悍将。格兰芬多的勇士们也并非总是勇敢和公正,他们也有皮特•鼻涕葛茹那样的胆小鬼和背叛者,哈利波特的父母从根儿里说就是被他谋杀的。拉文克劳学院也并非个个冰雪聪明,窝囊废老师杰拉德瑞•劳卡特就是最好的例证。而赫奇帕奇学院也有勇敢且真诚的赛德力克•狄格瑞。 大家觉得说得有些道理了吧,那我们就再进一步看看。小说的主人公在每个人看来当然是极好的,这个从小就失去父母的孩子懂事、勇敢,没啥钱却很阳光很有才华。但是你会发现这些词拿来形容伏地魔也同样贴切。听我这么说,大多数人的反应会是,“慢着,你说得不对。哈利波特和伏地魔所选的人生道路不通,他们的结果自然也就大相径庭了。”要是这么讲,我就无话可说了。我不是说哈利波特不好,而是说人都有两面性。哈利波特似乎很完美,但他有时会气急败坏,并且许多时候他做事不经脑子。要是这样分析的话,你是不是也想再看看书中其他人物了。罗恩·韦斯莱是个不错的朋友,对哈利波特也很忠诚,但他有时,有时会因为一些小小的不愉快说走就走,留下哈利波特一个人。西弗莱斯·斯内普看上去是个大坏蛋,一直扮演着伏地魔忠实走狗的角色,可实际上仔细一想,他实际上是一直在保护哈利波特,哪怕是一息尚存。德拉科·马尔福心中只有自己,傲慢自大,是个宠坏的孩子,但他其实并不坏,他一直努力想逃出伏地魔的魔爪,但面对伏地魔要杀他全家的威胁,他不得不屈从。他照着镜子失声痛哭,他只是个孩子,没有邪恶,没有傲慢,也不自私,他想做的就是保住家人的性命。 行文至此,我们可以说:不要草率地评判一个人。反复读这套书,你就会读出哈里波特的愤怒、罗恩的小性子、斯内普真正伟大之处以及德拉科•马尔福内心的苦楚。评判一个人,一定要先多了解这个人,虚拟世界如此,现实世界也是如此。 怎么样,同学们,你们脑子里有成堆的问题要问了吧。所有的“坏蛋”都不那么坏吗?我们难道误会他们了吗?所有的好人都不是真的好吗?或者是我太单纯看不透这些“好人”耍的花招? 类似的问题多了去啦,对吧?对,肯定是。同学们,评判人的好与坏,判断事情的对与错,跟着自己的感觉走就没错。好啦,祝大家开心,谢谢大家!(1462 字)


Forgotten Dreams(搁浅的梦) By Yifei Wang (王怡菲) Hello everyone, I’m broadcaster Sunny Wang. Certainly, I’m very glad to be able to deliver a speech to all of you.Under the sky, deep in the meadow, a dream, we once swore to follow.When the boat no longer travels, when the dreams turn into shadow,Where am I?In the shore where forgotten dreams lay.This is a poem I once read from a book, which gave me a blow right in the mind. It was funny, however, that what made me remember the most was not the book, but the poem. I still remember that the book tells about a girl who lived in the woods. She had leg diseases and couldn’t walk. She made all these paper boats and sat them in the small river in front of her house. Her father was dead years ago, which only left her and her mom to keep life going. The girl’s name was Lily, and she once told her mom that each paper boat contains a wonderful dream of hers, and someday, she would be able to walk again, and someday, she is going to achieve all her dreams. But then, her mother died from a car crash. At last, despite all the things that were happening, Lily finally remembered her childhood dreams, and discovered thatthe secrets lay in her own forgotten dreams.It’s a really good book, but what I like most is the poem. It shows a thirteen year-old girl’s dreams, and her determination to survive and start a new life. But it also makes me wonder, I’m sure that everyone grows up surrounded by millions of dreams. In fact, some of them might be completely crazy. That’s totally fine. One of my classmates is already twelve, and he still keeps dreaming his life about twenty years later. In his dream, he will have a hundred luxury cars, and he said that by then, he will also have a thousand iphone 10000+. I grew up in dreams. When I was three, I listened to my mother telling me stories about princesses. I always dreamed that someday, I would be a millionaire and live the rest of my life like a princess in the story. When I was six, I dreamed to be a pilot. When I was eight, I wanted to be a translator for the president, and when I am eleven now, I want to be a university professor.But sometimes, when we are so hooked up by our problems in everyday life, that we totally forget our dreams. A dream is like the sail of our life, and if we lose it, we might lose ourselves as well, because once there is no goal towork for, there is no point of living, just like a boat without a sail. Every day, we might have a new dream. This dream might be small, it might only be one sentence like, “I want to achieve full marks on my test.” Just write it in your day-planner and work for it. If you study hard enough, surely it would pay off. Now, close your eyes, imagine a place, a silver sky and green clouds. You has just arrived in this strange and unreal place, and now you are on a golden beach. More surprisingly, on the beach, there are no shells, no starfish, no anything you would normally see on a beach. But, instead, there are millions and even zillions of small, carefully folded paper boats. When you pick one up, and hold it still for a while, and stare into it, you will find a dream, and inside it, you will find what a person want to be. If you are lucky enough, maybe you will even find your childhood dreams.If you want to ask how to find this place, it’s easy, because it is, and it will always be, right here in our heads. Thank you.(669 words) 搁浅的梦文:王怡菲 翻译:老爸大家好,我是广播员王怡菲。很高兴能和大家分享我的想法。天空下,草丛中,我们都曾立下誓言,要把梦追寻。然而,当梦的小舟停滞,梦想变为泡沫,我们又身在何处?我们就在梦搁浅的沙滩上。这是一首我在一本书中读到的一首诗,这首诗让我心中为之一震。有趣的是那本书我印象不怎么深,诗我却记得很牢。书大致是讲住在林子里的一位姑娘,她腿上有疾,无法行走。她就用纸叠成小船,把它们放在门前的小溪里。她父亲已亡故多年,她和妈妈相依为命。女孩的名字叫百合,她对她妈妈说,她叠的每一艘小船都载着她的一个梦想,她梦想有一天她能够行走,她梦想着有一天她所有的梦想都能够实现。然而,接下来,她的妈妈却在一次车祸中遇难。尽管如此,百合并没有忘记她儿时的梦想,并发现每一个梦想里都藏着一个秘密。书很不错,但我更喜欢那首诗,它写出了一位13岁女孩的梦想,写出了她要活下来,开始新的人生征程的决心。我在思考,我们每个人在成长过程中都会做许许多多梦,有些梦可能会完全不着边际。这没啥不好的呀。我的一位同学12岁了,他梦想12年后他的生活:要拥有100辆豪车,还要有一千部Iphone10000 plus。我也是在梦中长大的。三岁时,我听了妈妈给我讲公主故事,我就总梦想着,有一天我会成为一个百万富翁,像故事里的公主那样度过一生。六岁时,我梦想成为一名飞行员。八岁时,我的梦想是为总统当翻译。现在我11岁了,我想要成为一名大学教授。但有时,为生活中的烦恼所困,我们会把我们的梦想忘得一干二净。梦想就像生命之帆,一旦失去,我们就会迷失自我。因为没有了生活目标,活着也就没有了意义,就像是一艘没有帆的小舟。每天我们会有新的梦想,它可能微不足道,可能只是“我这次考试要拿满分”这样一句话。那就把它写在每日计划里,并付诸实施。只要你努力学习,就会有收获。好吧,现在请大家闭上眼睛,想象有这么一个地方,天是银色的,云是绿色的。你刚刚到这个奇怪得不真实的地方,现在就站在金色的沙滩上。更为奇怪的是,这个沙滩上没有贝壳,没有海星,没有你通常在海滩上看到的一切。相反,沙滩上是数以百万计数不胜数的小纸船,折叠得很精巧。你捡起一艘小纸船,静静地拿着它,盯着它看,就会发现一个梦。循着梦,你会发现某个人想要成为怎样的人。如果你足够幸运,你也许会看到你儿时的梦呢。哪有这样的地方?告诉你吧,很容易找到的,因为它就在,也永远在,我们的心中。谢谢大家!(970 字)


Timing Your Everyday Life Efficiently By Wang Yifei (六年级 王怡菲) Hi, everyone, I’m broadcaster Sunny Wang. Again, I’m very glad to be able to give you guys all a speech. I’m sure that all of you had enjoyed you Labor Day vacation very much, and I want to start with a simple question. “What did you do in the vacation?” You might say, “I did bunch of things, like going out hiking, swimming, or simply just staying at home.” These things are great, of course.It is certainly awesome to relax a little, but have you ever thought about using your time more wisely? I mean, sometimes you would just look outside the window and do nothing at all, and why not to use it to do more useful things? Time is very precious, if we don’t use it well, we will only slowly grow old, which I believe no one want to happen. So, we should work on them now. First, try to think about all the things you are supposed to do within one day, and list them on a sheet of paper. This will help you to sort out your mind, and get a clear view of what you want to do, and what you are supposed to do. Second, stick them on your desk or somewhere you can see easily every day. It will remind you every time you see it. Third, try hard to do all the things on your list. However, this list contains of the things you are supposed to do, not the things you really want to do. I mean, computer games are probably listed in your want-to-do list, but you certainly won’t let that to appear on your supposed-to-do-list. On your list, there might be : Reading books at least thirty minutes a day, writing diaries, writing compositions, doing exercise papers to improve grades and so on.These things will help you use your time well, and when you actually get higher grades, credits to the list. Catching fresh phrases in thebooks can certainly give you inspiration to your composition, and when your composition is very good and you know it, you will be very happy from your heart, and that will somehow improves you dairy as well. So you can see form here that most things on the list, though they might look like they have nothing to do with each other, but they are actually really good friends, all connected together. A good change will spread slowly to the rest, and make the good change a better change, and the same for a bad change.You might think that doing these things are boring, but when you really dig into them, it should be fun. I like reading very much,because you can experience so much from a good book. Writing is one of my favorites too, which will certainly make you feel great to have your thoughts written on a piece of paper and get them connected as a full composition. I have written lots of things, compositions, stories, and my speech. Every time I finish writing something, I will sit there quietly and read it all over again, or even reread it several times, makingsome changes if necessary.You shouldn’t be kind of resentful towards studying because that can really help you a lot in future life.So, shoulders to shoulders everyone. Now, since we all sort of know that time is super-duper precious, and it’s priceless. We should start working on things we are suppose to do. It might be hard in the beginning, but it’s a start. Thank you. (594 words)


Climbing up Mount Tai(登泰山)By Wang Yifei (六年级 王怡菲)Hi everyone, I’m broadcaster Sunny Wang. I’m sure that all the sixth graders attending the graduation vacation had a great and joyful time in the past two days.Last year, I went to Mount Tai. It is said in a poem that if you stood on the top of Mount Tai, you would have the whole world under your eye. I personally paid this mountain with great personal interest, because I once read somewhere going like, if you climbed on the top of the Tai Mountain, and wished for something, then your wish would come true. So on a clear morning, my parents and I arrived at the foot of Mount Tai. It didn’t look very tall to me, at least not as tall as Mount Hua(华山), but Dad said that it would be really hard to conquer and he was really worryingabout me. So I ran for the first few steps to show him that I could climb on just fine.Tall trees grew along our walkway, leaving the air fresh and clean. There were some birds singing, which made usenjoy this trip. But it got a little more complicated as we moved higher up the mountain as the stairs became steeper and steeper, and its number was getting more and more. So we got breathless every few steps. It seemed the top of the mountain was getting so far, so high and so unreachable to me. The idea of quitting was hovering in my mind when I suddenly saw something far away from us. “Hey Dad, maybe we can go up there by ropeway. It’s much faster, and we don’t even have to lift a finger to get to the top of the mountain.” But the cruel reality made me realize that there was no ropeway beside us, so we had to climb the mountain all by ourselves.I panted heavily, and kept looking up. It looked like we were never getting up there. After what seems to be three hours, we finally reached the middle of the mountain, where stuff like walking-sticks and ice-creams’ prices had gone sky high, and it would not prudent to buy anything now.As we moved on, I found that there was another path, just beside us. The path was near water, and sometimes there was no road and you had to walk on the bare ground. It seemed to be a good idea to me to walk on that path because it looked like a lot easier one. But something stopped me when I saw no one else was using it. Turned out that it was one of the old paths people used to get on the top of the mountain, but somehow, now people think it is very dangerous to walk there, and now it has been deserted.At last, we made it to the top of this formidable mount. I couldn’t help but play back all the moments on our way to the top. I remembered how I grabbed the stones beside me to save my energy, how mom used the walking-stick for support…There I was, standing as high as possible, looking down. All the mountains seemed small. I could see the path we took. It looked like a giant snake, crawling between the mountains.Now as I had seen it, there were definitely more than one way to get on the mountain. The ropeway, the new stoneroad, and the old stone-muddy path. Each one has their own advantages. The ropeway will keep you very relaxed, and can get on the mountain in no time at all. The new stone road is good, and it is shorter than the old one. But the old road can get you closer to the fresh forest.There are always more than one way to get to your destination, so is there in your life. When one road doesn’t work, try another one. Our mind can’t just be confined to one path. Indeed we should take a further view of the wholescenario and figure out which road is the best.I hope this speech has some help to you, and it will be helpful in future life. Thank you. (716 words)


Let’s Read More Books____a broadcast script on the World Book DayBy Wang Yifei (六年级 王怡菲) Hi everyone, I’m broadcaster Sunny Wang. Again, I’m very happy to be able to deliver a speech that the whole school can hear, and I really hope that this broadcast will go well as I planned. As we all know, the 23rd of April is the World Book Day. However, before, when this festival was first created, this day was called the World Book and Copyright Day. It was first created for promotingreading books and also remembering to protect copyright. But as time went by, more and more people felt like it was more important to read books, and probably that’s the reason why the “Copyright” wordwas deleted. Reading, is the most important thing in our life. A good book can fill our mind with fresh phrases and astonishing understanding of life; A good book can make us wander freely in our minds; a good book is like a ship, bringing us to every corner of this huge and complicated world or even bringing us beyond the universe.Let’s have an example. My favorite book, and probably most people’s favorite book is Harry Potter. It tells about a wonderful story about Harry Potter’s seven years’ of magic studying in a school, which is called Hogwarts. In this beautiful castle, Harry not only found his friends, but also learned about his destiny: To defeat the most powerful and dark wizard of all time, Lord Voldemort. And alone his way, Harry learned about friendship, courage, and bravery. At last, as he destroyed all the Horcrux, Voldemort is gone, forever.So, whenever I read this book, I can’t help but feel like I’m beside Harry, and I’m on a great mission of destroying Voldemort. My heart always goes very fast when I’m reading. I cry with Harry, I laugh with Harry… As Harry learned lot of things, so did I.Another reason why Harry Potter is so great is that you actually grow with Harry. From that eleven years old boy who was arrogant and thought that he was going to spend his whole life with his nasty cousin’s family and knew nothing about magic and bravery to a seventeen-year-old boy who completed a mission no one had ever done before. We are like always alone his way to succeed.There is always something you could learn from a good book. And books can really help you on the way to greatness. About the World Book Day, there is also a tale about it. It is said that : Long long time ago, there was a beautiful princess, but she is trapped with an evil dragon. And a brave man called George saved her. The princess of course was very grateful for George, and she gave him a present for it. And the present was a book, a book of bravery and kindness. So on the 23rd of April people celebrate World Book Day all over the world.This day has many different and special things, like Shakespeare’s memory day is today and so on…Folks, you must have some books that you really prefertoo! So lend it to your classmates or friends, so more people can know and can learn from it. You are not only helping other people, but helping yourself when you read a great book and let it spread. Anyone can be inspired by a story, or only a sentence, so why not search for the sentence, you might even be an author.Well, read more,my folks, and soon, you will be really good at writing too. So reading good books is really useful to future lives. Tut-tut everyone! Remember my words! Thank you! (621 words) “我们读书吧”——和大家聊聊“世界读书日”作者:王怡菲 翻译:菲儿爸爸 大家好,我是播音员王怡菲。很高兴能再次为大家播音。大家知道,4月23日是“世界读书日”,但大家可否知道,这个节日最初的名称却是“世界读书与版权日”,意在提醒大家多读书并认真保护版权。星转斗移,越来越多的人认识到,保护版权固然也很重要,但读书更重要,于是这天就被 “世界读书日”所独享了。读书,是我们生活中最为重要的事情。一本好书能丰富我们的语言,增加我们的人生阅历;一本好书能解放我们的思想,它就像一艘小船,带我们去到这个辽阔多变世界的每个角落,甚至带我们遨游整个儿宇宙。就说我吧,我最喜欢的书哈利波特,它可能也是大多数人最喜欢的书。这本书讲述了一个奇妙的故事,哈利波特在一个叫霍格沃茨的学校里学了七年魔法。在这座美丽的城堡学校里,哈利波特不仅找到了自己最好的朋友,也认识到了自己的人生使命之所在:打败最强大的黑暗巫师伏地魔。 过程是曲折的,哈利波特在斗争中真正领悟了友谊、勇气和勇敢,最终随着他摧毁了所有的魂器,伏地魔也万劫不复。每次阅读这套书,我都不由地产生一种感觉:仿佛我就在哈利波特身旁,也肩负着击败伏地魔的光荣使命。 读书时,我会心跳加快,哈利波特哭我也哭,哈利波特笑我也笑……,他学到了很多东西,我也学到了很多东西。哈利波特这套书之所以了不起的另一个原因是,当你在读它的时候,你在和哈利波特一起成长。哈利波特11岁时对魔法和勇敢一无所知,但他自以为是,认为自己的一生都要呆在让他头大的姨妈家了。等他17岁时,他却完成了没有人能够完成的光荣使命。我们每个人的成功都要经历这样的心路历程吧。读好书总能让你有所得。书真的可以帮你实现自我。有关世界读书日,还有一个故事呢。很久很久以前,有一位美丽的公主为一条恶龙所困。一位名叫乔治的人救了她。为表示感谢她就送他一件礼物,那件礼物就是一本书,一本勇气与善良之书。于是,4月23日“世界读书日”为全世界人民所谨记。这天也是一个非常特别的日子,比如说它还是莎士比亚的纪念日等等。同学们,你一定也有自己最喜欢读的书吧。把它借给你的同学或者朋友,这样就会有更多的人从中受益。读好书、传播好书,你不仅是在帮别人,也是在帮助自己。一个故事,甚至一句话,都会给你以灵感。带着灵感去写,你也有可能成为一本好书的作者哦。多读书吧,我的好朋友们。不久你就会发现你不再害怕写作文了。读好书对大家的未来真的会很有帮助。相信我,同学们。谢谢!(1009字)


做小广播员的第二周,说什么好呢,还是应景吧,就说大家熟悉的、发生在自己身上的事,还有身边事 A Report on Qinming Festival Tomb-sweeping and OthersBy Wang Yifei (六年级 王怡菲) Hi everyone, I’m Sunny Wang from Grade Six. It’s my second time to broadcast in my life, and I’m still very excited and a little nervous about this, but I guess I’m fine as long as you all get the message thatI’m trying to deliver every time.I believe you all enjoyed the past holiday very much. On Monday, there was a very important festival for all the Chinese, which is Tomb-sweeping day. As a proud member of Grade Six, my classmates and I together with one class of the fourth grade went to the grave yard of the revolutionary martyrs. And as the weather was very hot, and there are no trees in the place we were standing, we were basically roasted by the sun. But however, none of us complained about anything. We came to the graveyard to show the martyrs respect, the soldiers who had sacrificed themselves to let us have what we have now, to let us live where we are living now, to let us have peace, and to let us learn happily in quiet classrooms.We formed four straight lines, walking with our chest out. On our faces, however there is no happiness. In fact, no one even smiled the whole way. We were walking solemnly and quietly. And then we took an very serious oath that we should succeed the martyrs to fulfill our duties as the new generation. After the oath we walkedaround the tombs of the soldiers.Some of them were very young, maybe only eighteen or nineteen years old. Their lives were taken, and in exchange we have our happy life now. I slowly and quietly put one of the flowers I bought on the grave. The flower somehow shined in the bright sunshine, leaving a dreamy light. I bowed very deeply. And slowly returning to my line, I could see other students doing the same thing. The tombs are not big, they are not pretty, they don’t even have any decorations on them. But they can make people feel sad and respect at the same time. The tombs are all pure white. And in front of the tomb, there posted the picture of the one who is buried under it.Looking at those smiling faces, my heart felt like ithad skipped a beat. After we walked out of the grave yard’s gate, the air pressure seemed to have suddenly been lifted off. We immediately felt more relaxed and our mood considerably lightened up too.After a long bus ride, we came to the Bishagang Park. It is very pretty, and all the flowers were blooming at this season, so it made the park look like a giant garden, or the ocean of flowers. The students were surely having much fun. One of them, I have to say, had too much fun. He got drunk, and his face was red for the rest of the afternoon. What seemed to attract us most, instead of the park itself, was the food shops beside it. It have all kinds of food, and that totallysolved our lunch problem.After we all filled up our stomach, we began to walk around the park. Many people stared at us, and we returned their curious stare with a big bright smile and a hand gesture representing Children’s Day which is Six and One. With many photos taken, we headed back to the bus station and returned happily to the school.Those classes which did not join the trip need not to feel regret or to have the feeling of being left out. Now, with the technology getting better and better in stunningly fast speed, you can show your respect to the martyrs on line, without actually going to the grave yard. You can follow the directions online, and you can do all the things we have done without even steppingout you room or leaving your chair.There are flowers, oaths, showing respects and all kind of stuff you can do in a real graveyard, so can you get your own message delivered online. After all, there are various ways to show respect to the martyrs. It’s really cool, right? Well, have a good time doing that! Me myself actually is going to try it, so we are all at the same speed. Have a good day! (735 words)