

【菲儿作文】广播稿: 合理安排日常生活,高效利用时间 2016-5-4 19:33 ...

Timing Your Everyday Life Efficiently

By Wang Yifei (六年级 王怡菲)

Hi, everyone, Im broadcaster Sunny Wang. Again, Im very glad to be able to give you guys all a speech.

Im sure that all of you had enjoyed you Labor Day vacation very much, and I want to start with a simple question. What did you do in the vacation? You might say, I did bunch of things, like going out hiking, swimming, or simply just staying at home. These things are great, of course.It is certainly awesome to relax a little, but have you ever thought about using your time more wisely? I mean, sometimes you would just look outside the window and do nothing at all, and why not to use it to do more useful things?
Time is very
precious, if we dont use it well, we will only slowly grow old, which I believe no one want to happen. So, we should work on them now. First, try to think about all the things you are supposed to do within one day, and list them on a sheet of paper. This will help you to sort out your mind, and get a clear view of what you want to do, and what you are supposed to do. Second, stick them on your desk or somewhere you can see easily every day. It will remind you every time you see it. Third, try hard to do all the things on your list. However, this list contains of the things you are supposed to do, not the things you really want to do. I mean, computer games are probably listed in your want-to-do list, but you certainly wont let that to appear on your supposed-to-do-list. On your list, there might be : Reading books at least thirty minutes a day, writing diaries, writing compositions, doing exercise papers to improve grades and so on.

These things will help you use your time well, and when you actually get higher grades, credits to the list. Catching fresh phrases in thebooks can certainly give you inspiration to your composition, and when your composition is very good and you know it, you will be very happy from your heart, and that will somehow improves you dairy as well. So you can see form here that most things on the list, though they might look like they have nothing to do with each other, but they are actually really good friends, all connected together. A good change will spread slowly to the rest, and make the good change a better change, and the same for a bad change.

You might think that doing these things are boring, but when you really dig into them, it should be fun. I like reading very much,because you can experience so much from a good book. Writing is one of my favorites too, which will certainly make you feel great to have your thoughts written on a piece of paper and get them connected as a full composition. I have written lots of things, compositions, stories, and my speech. Every time I finish writing something, I will sit there quietly and read it all over again, or even reread it several times, makingsome changes if necessary.

You shouldnt be kind of resentful towards studying because that can really help you a lot in future life.

So, shoulders to shoulders everyone. Now, since we all sort of know that time is super-duper precious, and its priceless. We should start working on things we are suppose to do. It might be hard in the beginning, but its a start. Thank you.

(594 words)


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