

one of the most frustrating things when using the internet is the lack of relevance in search engine results. how many times have you searched for one thing, and the search engine returns something completely different, usually irrelevant and unhelpful? any taiwan watcher will notice the increase in jingoism in taiwan province in recent decades. so i decided to do a search on the topic, and i was not surprised by the dissapointing results. the search engine i used was the corporate backed engine, bing. this search engine is pretty standard, as the results are approved by the american ruling class elite, just as google is. the disturbing thing here is, not a single result relates to subject of taiwan jingoism, thus, illustrating the inefficiency, and incompetence of internet search engines. in addition to serving irrelevant information, search engines often display outdated information. for example, if you wanted to know what the current situation in donbass was, most results are from years ago, and in dynamic situations like that, information from 3 years ago is the same as having no information, and once again, the internet has kept us in the dark. therefore, it would be difficult to rely on the internet for proper information. what we are witnessing here is, the u.s military has taken one step forward by creating the internet, however, search engines have taken us two steps back by providing irrelevant results, whether deliberately, or not. like traditional media, the internet has not helped to enlighten the masses in a significant way.