

A:Do you prefer a baby or an adult?Or in other words,which identity would you like to impress and can be able to show your intelligence ? B:How come in this earth would you exemplify that kind of eccentric choice? A:Em!I also think it is strange,let me try to make sense my words,when a person is young and naive,we are easy to teach him the rules and impress him with our power or show our intelligence upon him,but when he grows up,he becomes knowledgeable and mature both in his thought and behaviour,ever after this turning point we can hardly teach him our rules and show our power,sometimes,more serious,we will have to accept the resistence that we cannot imagine during the previous time,it is the time that we have to admit that we are old and lack of power,regret and shame will occupy our heart and destroy our will as time goes by.We start to miss the old days when we were powerful and confident,the feeling cheered us up,you know. B:Oh,regretful,really regretful!I have got the essence of your words,what you have said can be concluded into an old Chinese saying——You have the ability to make a huge impact,whereas,there lies a difficult choice in your career, would you prefer to be the last among the best or would you prefer to be the best among the ordinary. A:Buddy,I have to announce that you are the most cleverest person,haha!so, as for you ,which would you prefer to be? B:It is not so easy to make a decision,you can see,dude,if I choose to be the last among the best,I can learn from them those who are superior to me and maybe I can surpass them instead sometime,I can be more and more powerful and intelligent. A:But buddy,you also should have known that there are many people that surpass you in that league,you have to fight under much pressure and the road is so long that you may fail in the midst. B:Well,what you just say is the other part,the negative part,which I also have to take it into consideration. A:And if you choose to be the best among the ordinary,you see,your life can be more grateful and happier,you will be treated as a genius and adwarded with important position both in your working career and daily life,you will possess much more social resources and successful,everybody shows their respect for you,you are needed,isn’t this kind of feeling more satisfying? B:Yes,of course I will be successful if I choose that,and the life will surely be easy to make a living,however,have you taken the negative part into consideration yet,I will be ordinary as well in the end. A:Oh no!how come can you say this kind of discouraging words?how come can you turn into ordinary in the end,you have the prestige and dignity,you have the priority to do everything,you will be a leader and will be adwarded as an important person to attend the meeting between the best and the ordinary,your social position is superior to those who are more intelligent than you as you think. B:You touch me,dude,really,I would prefer a baby to an adult,I would like to feel delighted rather than disappointed.Everyone has their own ambitions and is likely to be selfish when encountering with indispensable profits,what I can really make up my mind is that I don’t want to be poor and wait for others’ mercy. A:Buddy,you are a forthright and sincere person,I adore you,meanwhile,we can make this metarphor more meaningful,how about taking the baby and the adult as a developing company and a developed company instead,or maybe a country like that if possible? B:Oh,shocking indeed as last time we debated!you really impress me,though I am a grown-ups,dude!


A: Many foreigners regard China as a good place to make a living and to settle down,do you know? B: Oh! Really?!I seldom agree with you,buddy.How can you be so confident and proud ?Tell me what have you colleted,please. A: They admire the transportation system and the education system in China. B: More details? A: They compare the transportation system in USA with that in China,they think it more convenient and affordable to travel in China,and chinese traditional custom controls the mainstream of the morality during the development of the society.It is safer ,more friendly and healthier to grow up for a young child."I would like my future children grow up in China than in USA" ,someone ever said. B: But the foreigners I acquaint with are telling the adverse! A: Shocked to hear that,what are they? B: They think the environment in China is so bad for them to make a living that they don’t want to settle down at all.The air quality,the food,the fresh water,and so on,buddy,you know these kinds of issues,those foreigners demand more strict conditions,by the way,you must have heard about the reason why BeiJing Government decided to move some big heavy industrial companies to other remote areas from downtown before the Olympics. A: Of course I know,however,they should understand that China is an under-developing country,each fast-developing country will have to encounter with these problems in their industrial process,according to the documented history,the western countries chose a way to ignore the environment and make pollution everywhere during their industrialization,it was after industrialization that they started to improve the environment quality,whereas,China chooses another different way to try to balance the industrialization process and the environment improvement,and the government does what they have promised in fact.The expense will be enormous if we discard the environment. B: Yes,you are right,our great country needs more time to balance the gain and loss.It is a complicated issue that cannot be settled at once.There is still a long road in front of us.But question is still coming forward,how should I get to make my foreign friends calm down and take it easy? A: Haha!Dude!Maybe only chinese still exist in the earth sometime,as we are more competitive in adapting to the bad environment with the living conditions in the earth getting worse and worse! B: Awesome!Buddy!You are a master joker!


A: God stands everywhere!B: So why cannot I touch him just by stretching my hands?A: How can you know you cannot touch him?B: There is nothing solid in my hands.A: How can you know there is nothing in your hands?B: I can feel nothing concrete except the air we inhale for living.A: God appears in any way you imagine,of course,besides gaseous state,maybe he just slided away from your palms before the time your brain told you that,God is omnipotent,nothing can surpass him,even the fastest light.God is playing fun with you,he is as naughty as a little boy sometimes.B: Does he always like to make fun at me?I have tried many times,however,nothing I can hold for a while,in other words,never can I touch him,how can I know he stands everwhere and can hear my hearted voice?In case for that kind of embarrassing issue,I would rather deny his existence.A: we can not control God's mind,you know,we are his followers,we are mortal.Maybe he has already heard your voice,but as usual and reasonable,he needs time to think it over before he decides to take measures.B: what a pity! sorry to hear that,if the immortal cannot represent our will,why should we have to support his leadership and souvereign,do we serve for him or he serves for us indeed?A: Oh!Buddy!You have made a trouble,he will judge your loyalty and sentence you to prison.B: No!Dude!It is you that make a mistake,I cannot even touch him,so how can he even touch me?A: You really make me annoyed,even though he cannot touch you and put you in jail,have you forgotten my existence?He can instruct me to implement his will,now,I have to remind you that you are judged to be a traitor and your guilty cannot be relieved.I have got mad at you.B: You are not God himself,how can you know he shows no mercy for my "innocent",perhaps he will be delighted to be offended and admire my courage.A: No!Impossible!Nonsense!Bullshit!You are out of rationality!You must pay for it!(Ready to punch me)B: (I catch his fierce fist in time)Oh!So!You are God,really,it is you that stand everwhere and judge me by your own principle!But sorry to tell you,you are not omnipotent at all!Hold back your fist and calm down!It is just a joke!I am an Atheist and Socialist!The dialogue between us shouldn't exist in fact.