

A debate on "Is China a good place to reside"between friends

A: Many foreigners regard China as a good place to make a living and to settle down,do you know?

B: Oh! Really?!I seldom agree with you,buddy.How can you be so confident and proud ?Tell me what have you colleted,please.

A: They admire the transportation system and the education system in China.

B: More details?

A: They compare the transportation system in USA with that in China,they think it more convenient and affordable to travel in China,and chinese traditional custom controls the mainstream of the morality during the development of the society.It is safer ,more friendly and healthier to grow up for a young child."I would like my future children grow up in China than in USA" ,someone ever said.

B: But the foreigners I acquaint with are telling the adverse

A: Shocked to hear that,what are they?

B: They think the environment in China is so bad for them to make a living that they don’t want to settle down at all.The air quality,the food,the fresh water,and so on,buddy,you know these kinds of issues,those foreigners demand more strict conditions,by the way,you must have heard about the reason why BeiJing Government decided to move some big heavy industrial companies to other remote areas from downtown before the Olympics.

A: Of course I know,however,they should understand that China is an under-developing country,each fast-developing country will have to encounter with these problems in their industrial process,according to the documented history,the western countries chose a way to ignore the environment and make pollution everywhere during their industrialization,it was after industrialization that they started to improve the environment quality,whereas,China chooses another different way to try to balance the industrialization process and the environment improvement,and the government does what they have promised in fact.The expense will be enormous if we discard the environment.

B: Yes,you are right,our great country needs more time to balance the gain and loss.It is a complicated issue that cannot be settled at once.There is still a long road in front of us.But question is still coming forward,how should I get to make my foreign friends calm down and take it easy?

A: Haha!Dude!Maybe only chinese still exist in the earth sometime,as we are more competitive in adapting to the bad environment with the living conditions in the earth getting worse and worse!

B: Awesome!Buddy!You are a master joker!


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