

Plastic and other garbage
2018-07-19 Plastic bags, bottles and other things made of plastic cause a major problem with pollution. The USA Navy and Merchant ships cause most of the polution in the oceans of the world. I have talked many times with a Retiired Admiral of the USA navy. He has told me that all USA navel ships call garbage call at midnight when at sea. They then drop all plastic bags of garbage off the ship every day. Plus they throw old oil, old scrap metals, old electric parts into the ocean every day. Merchat ships owned by USA companies do the same. Yet the USA claims they are "Green". this is just another lie to the world. I think all countries do the same for there are no police to check on this problem at sea.

I have heard China wants to do away with plactic bags. But every store I shop at in China uses plastic bags.

Government say one thing and usually the public are the only ones that actually care and try to improve.

The oceans of the world are polluted and sea life is harmed. The USA has the most Naval ships, most cargo ships,they all throw garbage into the ocean everyday. Yet blame China and other countires of being the major problem. Every country is wrong but the USA leads the world in pollution of our oceams.

The USA also has used the oceans as automoblie dumps for decades. They smask cars then drop them into the ocean at the rate of 1 million a year into costal waters around the USA. Many countries most likely do the same. When will this stop?

When will the world work together at stopping all these problems? I have no clue. Do you? I have no solutions. Do you?

Governemenst tell us not to do what they do everyday. Seems like we are the losers.

Plastic and oil products are not degradeable. What shall we do?


HailChina! 2018-07-24 20:57

Well I thought it would be funny of me to come to the defense of the US military. I do hate hippies though - what's wrong with that? I don't know what you mean. That was a funny comment. Blah blah you hippy. That's funny. You don't need to take it so seriously. I read your blog and I thought of a solution - space incinerators. Plus I wrote some funny stuff. You are welcome.

Swifty55 2018-07-24 19:58

Actually thought you were better then this remark.

Swifty55 2018-07-24 19:56

Yes glass causes much pain,left by dumb folks

SEARU 2018-07-24 18:46

As a naughty boy, I often swam in the pond. Once a time, when I climbed up to the bank, I slipped down and the left knee was cut by a piece of broken  glass hidden in the ground with the leg bleeding!------------I hated the man who had littered the knife-like sharp rubbish here!

Swifty55 2018-07-20 09:48


HailChina! 2018-07-20 08:10

Whatever problem earth has we just turn to Elton Musk! Elton Musk as all the answers.

HailChina! 2018-07-20 07:57

Hmm. Well I might try to kill a whale and some dolphins next time I go to a beach.

Swifty55 2018-07-20 07:54

Sure do

HailChina! 2018-07-20 07:43

Do you think 20 or so reusable plastic bags would he enough to murder a whale?

HailChina! 2018-07-20 07:27

Blah blah you hippy.