

I know a woman who has eaten healthy all her life. She never ever consumed alcohol or any "bad" food. She exercised every day and took all vitamin supplements suggested by her doctor. She never went in the sun without sunscreen. She protected her health with the utmost that anyone could. She is now 59 and has skin cancer, bone marrow cancer and extreme osteoporosis.<div>I also know a man who eats bacon on top of bacon, butter on top of butter, fat on top of fat. He has never exercised in his life. He spent most of his life out in the sun and he has been sunburnt every summer. And, he smokes cigarettes. He lived his life with the attitude of living life to the fullest and not as others suggested. He is now 91 and his doctor says his health is that of a much younger person.</div><div>I guess the moral is that you cannot hide from what is going to kill you. It's out there and it will find you. So, in the words of this 59-year-old woman who is now about to die: " if I would have known my life would end this way I would have lived it more to the fullest enjoying everything I was told not to!"</div><div>I guess none of us are going to live forever. So please stop treating the enjoyment of life as an afterthought. Eat delicious foods. Walk in the sunshine. Jump in the ocean. Take an adventure. Say the truth that you’re carrying in your heart to others like it is hidden treasure no longer hidden. Be silly. Be kind. Be unusual. Life is too short, and there’s no time for anything else but really living.</div>


My Little Sister


I was faced with indecisiveness as I brought the clean laundry to my little sister's bedroom. At the sight of my sister's journal, I was wondering whether I should open and read it. My little sister, Ann, is 18 years old. She is a senior high school student in Huizhou. Ann has a charming and lovely smile with a very attractive and wonderful personality. She is also very intelligent and hard-working in her studies. As Ann’s older sister, I came to feel these quality in her threatened my place of prominence in the family. For this reason, I often purposely sought opportunities to criticize her and make things difficult for her. I actually resented her good qualities. As a result, we seldom spoke, even if we were home together. Her journal lay at my feet, and right at that moment I was filled with curiosity and suspicion. I didn't even think of the consequences of reading her personal journal; nor did I think about her privacy or how reading her journal might leave her heartbroken. No, instead, I selfishly wanted to find out her weak points, so that I might stand a chance beating her down. As her older sister, it was easy to convince myself that reading her journal was my obligation. I told myself that I was merely checking on her personal thoughts to make sure her life was Okay. I even convinced myself that it would be wrong of me if I didn't check to see what she had written. Finally, I overcame my indecision; I opened the journal and read secretly. I flipped through the pages quickly as I searched for my name. I was hoping to find something that would give me a reason to be angrier and feel self-righteous about causing her more troubles. When I finally hit on my name, I stopped and read the words. My face reddened ridiculously with regrets and shame. It was far more than I suspected. As I read, I came to realize that I was completely wrong about her. I felt faint and I went down to the floor. Her journal was nothing like I imagined. It was almost all about her study plans and her ambitions for her future. What's more, there was a bright description of someone who meant a great deal to her. It caused me to cry. As I read I came to understand that I was my little sister’s hero. She looked to me as her brilliant example. She actually admired my personality and my achievements. My little sister had been watching me, observing my actions and taking note of my life choices. I stopped reading. I felt ashamed. But, I realized right then; it was time for me to admit my wrongdoing. I had been pushing her away; I had put so much efforts into competing with her. I had spent so much time ignoring her attentiveness and ability because of my jealousy. And I constructed barriers between. Reading those earnest words written by my little sister, I felt the icy barrier melt that was deep in my heart. Now, I longed to know Ann again with sincerity, respect and love. I put aside the laundry and rose back to my feet. I went to her. This time it was to embrace her not to ridicule or fight with her. No, instead I went to my little sister with love and no resentment.


My Campus Life


My Campus Life I am proud of being a university student. I like my college. Not only because I am a freshmen here but also I enjoy my new life. I 've been here for almost a month, and I must say the campus life here is quite different from what I 've experienced in high school. For instance, I have more spare time of my own and the right to determine how I live. As the saying goes, " Survival of fittest." At the beginning, I feel strange here, but I've been trying my best to adjust my life as soon as possible. And I 'd like to say I am satisfied with the new environment. Although our school is not big, it provides a window to explore our own independence. And I' ve known lots of new classmates and also felt collective incorporation. Janice, one of my roommates, is very reliable person. She helps me a lot with my study and we both have plan for our new semester. Most importantly, since the teachers' behaviours in class, I can feel they are nice and patient. College is a place where I start my dreams, in order not to make my dream be fallen before graduating, I have a plan to achieve my dream. A plan to be a good class leader ; A plan to improve my spoken English more fluently ; A plan to pass CET4 and CET6 and even others certifications. A plan is not just a thought in my head or a piece of paper I wrote, it is an action which needs my great diligence and prolonged effort. This is a starting point in Guangzhou Polytechnic, and I'll do my utmost to make a perfect ending and graduate with excellence within three years. Everything I does is to be better keep a foothold in the cruel society.


The Way to Success


Success is common in every person's life. As pupils, we occasionally succeed in getting high marks on our tests through hard work. When we participate in sports events or games, we may also beat the others we compete against. There are times when we take a part-time job, we may succeed in performing work satisfactorily. All these achievements happen as natural things in our life unless we put in the hard work it takes to succeed. However, have you ever thought deeply about how we reach success? Nonetheless, people have diverse attitudes towards success. Some people take the view that the are are successful because of the so-called luck. Still others, working hard is thethe only way they reach success. The way I see it, what really defines a person is not their success. Rather, what defines him is what he think of success and how do they reach success. First of all, we must have an optimistic attitude towards success. This is because an optimistic attitude can help you think differently and actively. Secondly, we should be confident in everything we do and keep believing in ourselves. I believe that every single one of us has something we are good at; every single one of us has something to offer. As long as we don't give up, we will most certainly be better at things in the end. Last, but not least, along with optimistic attitude and self-confidence, we cannot leave persistence and patience behind. Of course, we definitely need persistence and patience to keep moving. Do bear in mind: no diligence, no success.