

From my Dearest Friend
2015-12-18 I know a woman who has eaten healthy all her life. She never ever consumed alcohol or any "bad" food. She exercised every day and took all vitamin supplements suggested by her doctor. She never went in the sun without sunscreen. She protected her health with the utmost that anyone could. She is now 59 and has skin cancer, bone marrow cancer and extreme osteoporosis.<div>I also know a man who eats bacon on top of bacon, butter on top of butter, fat on top of fat. He has never exercised in his life. He spent most of his life out in the sun and he has been sunburnt every summer. And, he smokes cigarettes. He lived his life with the attitude of living life to the fullest and not as others suggested. He is now 91 and his doctor says his health is that of a much younger person.</div><div>I guess the moral is that you cannot hide from what is going to kill you. It's out there and it will find you. So, in the words of this 59-year-old woman who is now about to die: " if I would have known my life would end this way I would have lived it more to the fullest enjoying everything I was told not to!"</div><div>I guess none of us are going to live forever. So please stop treating the enjoyment of life as an afterthought. Eat delicious foods. Walk in the sunshine. Jump in the ocean. Take an adventure. Say the truth that you’re carrying in your heart to others like it is hidden treasure no longer hidden. Be silly. Be kind. Be unusual. Life is too short, and there’s no time for anything else but really living.</div>


rain227 2015-12-21 22:45


Dr.Bill.Shen 2015-12-19 12:31

Living a boring and ascetic life will further compound your misery when things go wrong. Karma does not differentiate being parsimonious to others or to yourself. Any act of meanness won't go unpunished.