

In Korea (3)


It's been a long time since the last blog. I have disappeared after mid-term exam. So lets talk about it from the mid-term exam, actually that was my first time to have mid term exam, however, from another side, it does help us in study. The week after mid-term exam, my two roommates went to Busan. We went to Nanpu, it's like a market where clothes, cosmetic products are sold. we had some delicious snakes which are also very cheap. However, if u want to go to buy clothes, i would not suggest that. Clothes there are expensive and not of good quality. When it came dark, we came to GuangAnLi, the place i strongly recommend. The best time to go there is, of course, at night, especially after 8pm, because on the bridge, there will be a light show, which was very fantastic. On the bank of seaside, many 5-star hotels and grogerous restaurants are welcoming you, meanwhile, some romantic cafes also stand there. If u would like a night of carnival or expect a night stand, many bars are there waiting for u. Thats a place of light, music, scene mixed with romance.[imgid=0][imgid=1][imgid=2][imgid=3] My two sisters and I had this photo there, I printed it out and saved it in my wallet. Thats an impressing trip of our three. I miss them very much. We three have similar characteristic, similar temper, similar background, its very eay for us to get along with. Our small circle will stay forever. We still keep the habit of Skype once a week, last week we talked about after graduation, we three go to Singapore to work. However, even if I am a dreamer, I 'm not the only one.[imgid=4] After Busan trip, i went back to school. Life became normal again, studying, experiencing. I tasted many korean food, octupus, mango, nice coffee and beer. I usually went to a bar with my friend after dinner with my friend, drinking, talking and sharing our stories. Before I came there, I wondered whether Korean people are different from Chinese , but when I talked to that girl, I found we have so much in common, and we would trap in fantasy after finding we have so many commons. [imgid=5][imgid=6][imgid=7][imgid=8] City center is like Chinese city center. There are many clothes shops, cosmetic shops and restaurants. This is street view. [imgid=9][imgid=10][imgid=11] However, pizza hut in Korea is horrible. My suggestion is never go to pizza hut in Korea. Food there are too oily, although they looked nice.[imgid=12][imgid=13] Time past so fast, soon it came at the end of the semester. My friend left for Seoul, I cried when we were about to say goodbye. Its hurting.On June 20th, I flied back home to spend my vacation. I worked as an English teacher in the holiday while kept studying and preparing for IELTS. Its a challenging holiday, and it seems that its not smooth. I had fever and got hurt when riding my bike. My friens, who came to bar with me every weekend, went to USA to study , then our contact became less and less and now no contact. Actualy I always contacted her at first but received no reply. Once i thought we could be a lifelong friend, but now... It's hurting, isn't it? Also another AMerican friend suddenly disappeared, I am worried about him. What happened? Agh it's annoying. On 31th, I will go to Korea to spend my last semester there. I definitely cherish that place and everyone I have met and will meet. I always want to go many places, meet many people and experience many things. Just like what I always believe in, work hard. This summer i thought a lot and found I am in some kind of anxiety and worry. But just like someone had said, there is no end to grief, there is no end to happiness. Hope we all have been blessed by God. Have a nice day.


Good evening, guys! Long time no see! It's 10:53pm here in South Korea, 9:53 pm in China. I was busy with my midterm exams in the April, so i couldn't update my life here. So , lets start from food. Our room sometimes will order delivery food. I guess everyone knows about chicken and beer, but the following pic is about rice cake( 辣炒年糕), very spicy but delicious.[imgid=0] On weekend, my friend took me to eat out, the following pic looks like BBQ. Put the meat on hot stove and bake it, then after it is mature, put the meat into leaf and eat. Actually, I think Korean can try different kinds of plants which I think they are quite bitter for me. [imgid=1] This is called giigae, like soup with big bones in it. Korean people like to put rice into the soup and eat it, they think it's a delicious way to eat. And they are so fond of rice, even for breakfast, they still eat rice, which I cant understand and I cant get used to .[imgid=2] I went to a famous temple in Korea, we climbed from the cliff to the top. it's quite exciting but dangerous. I took some pics from the top, and down the mountain there is a famous restaurant for chicken. Guess how much is this chicken? It's 45,000KRW, about 260RMB. Some weeks ago, I went to the sea, i felt i just wanted to rent a house near the sea and never left it. It's peaceful and deep blue with no pollution, much much better than Chinese sea! On May 1st, I went to Seoul. I went to some famous tourist attractions there. Also there is a Budda Festival in my school. So u can see the colourful lamps hanging in the campus, especially in the evening, it shines like I'm in a wonderland. I had a beautiful afternoon tea in a coffee shop near Ehwa Women University. I have to admit that there are too many coffee shops in the streets of Korea. Haha, this is my lovely roommate and me. I still dont learn Korean language here, just learning English. I want to focus on one thing at one time. Life here is quite peaceful and quiet, I really enjoy it. Next semester, my two Korean friends will leave, one will go to the United States, and the other will go to Seoul. I am so sad these days, and i find i thnk too much when i'm alone. I hate the days when we can only skype. I hate saying goodbye. Ahhh. wanna cry! Finally, I cut my hair short yesterday. I feel I'm so cool in my short hair!


In Korea (1)


Spending several months of preparing materials to get a visa to Korea, I finally received my visa on Jan.24th. And tomorrow I arrived in Korea smoothly and finally. Seeing the scene from the plane, I strongly felt the beauty of Korea. Among the Pacific Ocean, several islands are floated on it. Amazing nature! I'd like to keep a diary of what's going on here. Time permitting, I would like to keep it every day. Haha. I arrived here at noon, a teacher was waiting at the airport. I greeted to him, and he responded in Korean. You know, I don't know much about Korean language. So I was confused, and he changed the words in English. Now, I found that if u want to talk to Korean people, u need to speak English plus a little Korean and gestures. My school is not in Busan, the teacher drove us there. It took us more than 1 hour to get to the school with a speed of 120 miles per hour. The school is in a mountain with a good view. What I had to admit is that Korea is much cleaner than China, but colder with strong wind. After arriving , the teacher took me to the dormitory. The guard is friendly and I think all Korean all polite and helpful. I have two roommates and they are all Korean. So , u can imagine, it's difficult to communicate with them. I spoke English, Chinese and a little Korean , and the most important---gesture. But anyway, nice people. We created a wechat group just now. It's a funny thing to talk to different people in different country. Food in Korea is quite diferent from here. The food are cold and spicy, but rice is delicios. For this year, the key word in my schedule is experience. Experiencing something different, something interesting. And of course I want to learn more Korean language as my second laguage choice. But at the same time, my English level must maintain at the current level. It's better to make it better. Korea is an hour earlier than China, it's 10:22 pm here. I'd like to take a rest, So, goodnight, everybody. I will keep in contact with u and keep my blog updated.


Because of some reasons, I cannot go home on time like my other roommates. I'm waiting here to wait for a file in order to get my visa down successfully. U know what? China's post service is so inefficient, especially EMS. I booked the air ticket of Jan.14th, but due to that file, I cant get my visa and so I cant go home. I will cancel that booking tomorrow. As a result, I'm the only one that left in the empty room. When I talk or make a call, I can hear ECHO! So terrible. And I have always been a horror-film-lover. and what I see usually orients with the theme of "horror", so u can imagine how brave I should be in the dom. What's more, the floor is empty, and maybe 2 or 3 people are left in the whole building. And there's no toilet in the room, I have to go to the public toilet. China's toilets are kind of "special",I think most of foreigners have the same feeling with me, also in the flims, toilets have always been the NO.1 place to be caught by the ghost. On the other hand, I can see some good aspects of staying alone-----quiet and free. It's so quiet that u have the feeling of stepping into a grave. But if i want to read and practice my spoken English, there's no need for me to go out in order not to disturb my roommates. Even I can have a party in the dom. I DID yesterday, one person's party and one person's film. Haha, amazing experience. Yesterday, I was a little rusty, having junk food , no reading and having a very bad sleep. But today I'm getting better,doing some reading, eating healthy and making my promise to buy my sister a gift. Even though no class, no exam now, I will try to get up earlier tomorrow morning and have the most important breakfast. Staying alone can be meaningful as well as unforgottable. As an English major, it's so significant to practice English everyday. Last term we had so many lessons . I think what I need to do in this holiday is to keep my strengths and redeem disadvantages. I MUST do my best. Good night.


My 2014 is not like many other bloggers' which are so exciting and full of achievements. As a student, or to be more specific, as an English major, my life can be normal and ordinary and sometimes somewhat boring. You never have the idea that how many homework are waiting for u to finish. But even in the most difficult period, U can always be given some little surprises by God to notice u that u are not been forgotten. So, I'd like to share some little surprises or moving moments to u. In 2014, I learned Korean language. In my youth time, just like other girls, I was deeply attracted by the romantic scenes and prince-and-princess stories, and began to be curious about Korean language. But once learning it, I found it is DIFFICULT. The letters are all looking so same that I always mix them up. However I met a Korean teacher who taught me pronunciation. Under his guide,I can now read, but reluctantly write. I can introduce myself in Korean haha. And that teacher is from Seoul. His Chinese is so great and his handwriting is so prefect that every time he writes I am so impressed and admiring him so much. In 2014, I didn't go many places. In the April, I went to spend holiday in somewhere in Chengdu but during which I got sick and we had to return earlier. But indeed I DO meet nice people and bad people in my life. In Sep, we had a new English teacher coming from the middle America. He is a Christanity,and transported some different but useful ideas to us. I once had a dinner with him and met his lovely dog. Wow, that's a cute guy. Also, I got an acquaintance with an exchange student from Texas. At that time, I was preparing for a quiz and he gave me a super useful website to help me remember some important details in the book. Oh ,by the way, I love his fat, lovely and sleepy cat! He came back in December and will not come to China again, and he showed me many photos anout his fat cat. Haha 2014, some friends leave me because of losing contact while some others come in. I moved to a new dormitory and met 3 beautiful girls. and next year I'm not in China, of course, recently I begin to see more people and create more sweet memories here. I think sometimes i AM really like a fool, not knowing to cherish until i'm going to leave. My school is near the airport, after moving to the new room, I can see the beautiful night scene of the airport from the balcony, And now I have developed a habit of getting up at 7AM, because this time is the best moment to see the scene. I'm going to fly back home on Jan 14, and recently I'm preparing for my final exams and preparing many materials. It's quite busy and tired. But even in this situation I can still get some wishes from my best friend and she is now at home waiting for me to go back home and hang out and do many beautiful things that young girls will do. Well, I want to say life is not always so hard, and not always so beautiful. God is the cleverest people in the world. He knows when to hit u and when to delight u. And last, may my 2015 is smooth, healthy and full of happiness. So do u. Bye 2014, Hello 2015


I have been quite busy recent days and maybe i still need to maintain this situation until the end of the year. From Monday to Friday, I have classes to take as an English major. And with no rest on weekends, I need to go to old campus to have my Korean language classes.So, i can only spare time to write blog because i don't want to let my blog full of grass. Actually my life is normal and boring it's just studying, working and sleeping, like everyone else. But to be honest, i want to experience a more exciting life like what many Hollywood films describe. Haha, i am kidding. I still want to write what i encounter in my lfe. I want to write a kind of people , in my view, who are very disturbing. Let me show u an example , when i bought a cosmetic product on Taobao, then she bought the same kind the other day. Though i very look down upon this kind people as well as their behavior, to be kind I said nothing. But i really speechless.When I go with her, i talked about what i like or where i want to go, she immediately said," oh, that's great. I want to go there too." or "oh, ur bag is cute. Where did u buy? I want to one too." Oh come on, I don't want to go that place with u and I don't want to have the same bag with u. Why can't u have ur own view or appetite? Why u always want to own the same kind as others ? U are so strange. Well, that's a reflection of unconfidence. You don't dare to have ur style, afraid of making mistakes and being laugh at. But how do u know if it really suits u when u dont have a try? Life has no insurance, but has challenges and risks. For the unknown,dont let fear, doubt and tradition defeat u. I know I am not the most couragest one or the bravest one, and i am not always determinated. But i am curious about what i want to know. I know what i want to know, and i always do what i want to do, never forcing myself to do what i dont want. Now i need to go back to my study. Good luck for my translation exam on Nov.9 and good luck for my admission to South Korea. Best luck for me.God bless me. Have a good day.