

In Korea (3)
2015-08-28 It's been a long time since the last blog. I have disappeared after mid-term exam. So lets talk about it from the mid-term exam, actually that was my first time to have mid term exam, however, from another side, it does help us in study.
The week after mid-term exam, my two roommates went to Busan. We went to Nanpu, it's like a market where clothes, cosmetic products are sold. we had some delicious snakes which are also very cheap. However, if u want to go to buy clothes, i would not suggest that. Clothes there are expensive and not of good quality. When it came dark, we came to GuangAnLi, the place i strongly recommend. The best time to go there is, of course, at night, especially after 8pm, because on the bridge, there will be a light show, which was very fantastic. On the bank of seaside, many 5-star hotels and grogerous restaurants are welcoming you, meanwhile, some romantic cafes also stand there. If u would like a night of carnival or expect a night stand, many bars are there waiting for u. Thats a place of light, music, scene mixed with romance.[imgid=0][imgid=1][imgid=2][imgid=3]
My two sisters and I had this photo there, I printed it out and saved it in my wallet. Thats an impressing trip of our three. I miss them very much. We three have similar characteristic, similar temper, similar background, its very eay for us to get along with. Our small circle will stay forever. We still keep the habit of Skype once a week, last week we talked about after graduation, we three go to Singapore to work. However, even if I am a dreamer, I 'm not the only one.[imgid=4]
After Busan trip, i went back to school. Life became normal again, studying, experiencing. I tasted many korean food, octupus, mango, nice coffee and beer. I usually went to a bar with my friend after dinner with my friend, drinking, talking and sharing our stories. Before I came there, I wondered whether Korean people are different from Chinese , but when I talked to that girl, I found we have so much in common, and we would trap in fantasy after finding we have so many commons. [imgid=5][imgid=6][imgid=7][imgid=8]
City center is like Chinese city center. There are many clothes shops, cosmetic shops and restaurants. This is street view. [imgid=9][imgid=10][imgid=11]
However, pizza hut in Korea is horrible. My suggestion is never go to pizza hut in Korea. Food there are too oily, although they looked nice.[imgid=12][imgid=13]
Time past so fast, soon it came at the end of the semester. My friend left for Seoul, I cried when we were about to say goodbye. Its hurting.On June 20th, I flied back home to spend my vacation. I worked as an English teacher in the holiday while kept studying and preparing for IELTS. Its a challenging holiday, and it seems that its not smooth. I had fever and got hurt when riding my bike. My friens, who came to bar with me every weekend, went to USA to study , then our contact became less and less and now no contact. Actualy I always contacted her at first but received no reply. Once i thought we could be a lifelong friend, but now... It's hurting, isn't it? Also another AMerican friend suddenly disappeared, I am worried about him. What happened? Agh it's annoying.
On 31th, I will go to Korea to spend my last semester there. I definitely cherish that place and everyone I have met and will meet. I always want to go many places, meet many people and experience many things. Just like what I always believe in, work hard. This summer i thought a lot and found I am in some kind of anxiety and worry. But just like someone had said, there is no end to grief, there is no end to happiness.
Hope we all have been blessed by God. Have a nice day.


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