

Don’t know why one school of thought of Thomas Alva Edison suddenly swarmed into my mind: If you have an idea, make it come true, and this is much better than you have thousands of ideas but you have never done anything about them. By reading his biography, I learned how hard he worked and finally become a great inventor (probably the greatest inventor) of the 20th century. I think that’s the power of thinking and doing.To make his ideas come true, Mr. Edison tried to do chemical experiments on the train. As a consequence, he made a fire on the train, which resulted in a good slap in the face by a fierce train conductor, and his hearing ability began to go down then after. However, he never stopped. And he invented more than one thousand new things in his lifetime, including the phonograph we know today. Murakami Haruki is one of the best-known Japanese writers, because of his outstanding and eccentric style of writing. However, he was not intended to write or pen down a word until four years later after he graduated from university. He closed the bar he opened for fours, and began writing. With his hard work and talent, he became a successful writer, well-known in Japan and even throughout the whole world.Another example is nobody than Steve Jobs, who is now thought to be one of the greatest personalities of the 21th century but was once a boy with evil ideas and a man with incredible ideas, both of which had already been practiced by him before he left the world. He was thrown into prison because of his evil ideas and actions, and he turned into a genius because of his incredible ideas and extremely forceful actions. Anyway, all of the three figures generated ideas and made them come true. Their own worlds changed, so did the whole world. However, numerous ideas come out of our mind each and every moment, but we may ignore or choose to think about other unimportant or useless things. So, such ideas flash across our mind once and never return. No doubt, more ideas follow as such old ideas float away. As the frequency of our conscious ignorance of such ideas occurs quite often, our ingenious ideas will rarely reappear. Instead, poor, useless, trivial, meaningless, rubbish, stupid, ubiquitous, and other kinds of ideas occupy our brain and make us as average as a piece of rotten fallen leaf lying in the muddy pit of the ground. On the contrary, if you catch nearly every of your common ideas and make them come true, you yourself will begin to change. In the beginning, it should be so small that you and others won’t notice at all, but big changes will come as you continuously practice collect and practice them, in spite of whatever happens around you. Edison, Murakami, and Jobs are all typical examples, and examples of this sort are numerous apart from the three, such as the Chinese tycoon Jack Ma, Harry Potter’s author J.K. Rowling, America’s fiction writer Stephen King and so on.Such international figures all have good ideas, and more importantly, they have become practitioners of their good ideas. And of course, also with the help of insistence, persistence, and perseverance, they have become well-known all over the world. But they were once common among all of us, who have good ideas but choose to let them go and seldom try to practice any of these ideas.


After skimming a post that one of my friends uploaded to his WeChat Moments, I commented like this: “That time we would be going to your village to watch Qinqiang Opera (the main opera in Shaanxi province and even other provinces around it). The atmosphere was very good and lively. In fact, we didn’t go there to watch Qinqiang Opera, but to enjoy ourselves in the buzzing crowd. At the same time, we could eat a plate of Mianpi (noodle-like snack made of flour), and those who had enough money could ask the seller to add some pieces of beef into their plate. Moreover, we could join Labo (a small game of gamble) without spending much money (usually 0.1 yuan or a little more). It was of great fun. What a great joy of the past!” And he replied: “Yeah, happy memories.”As far as I can remember, these memories happened when I was in primary school, about 18 years away from today. I have never truly realized this change until I read the post my friend mentioned in his Moments. He posted two pictures, with one showing the scene where Qinqiang Opera viewers sitting in front of today’s opera stage, and the other depicting the opera house which Qinqiang Opera performers once performed when I was young. Today’s opera stage was a temporary one, and the one which has been abandoned is an opera house, a permanent stage, made of bricks and concrete. The sad reality is now it is abandoned because of various reasons.Nowadays in the rural areas of my hometown (Wugong County, Shaanxi Province) people who visit such places are all nearly seniors and children, and in fact, this reality is seen all over China. The joy of the past has been lost and the memories of long ago would never return. Since the past opera house has been left standing alone in that village, no one will visit that area to watch Qinqiang Opera during the traditional festival named Longtaitou (the dragon raises its head). So, the abandoned opera house becomes a loner.Assume, the past opera house were still in use, what would happen now?It is probably not as lively as it once was. It is easy to understand this awkward situation. Firstly, only seniors and children can participate in this traditional event, and the population is small. Where have youths and middle-aged people gone? They have gone to big cities or faraway places to earn money for their families, and more and more country people are more willing to reside in cities rather than in rural areas, in the wake of urbanization and the change of idea. Staying at home seems to be hopeless for them.Secondly, we have so much joy today that we don’t have to join such a traditional festival, where no thrilling or fascinating blockbusters and computer games can be found, and no online broadcastings can be watched. What one can only see in that area is nothing but a “dry” drama, which the youths even don’t understand at all. And the make-ups of these performers are not as attractive as they once were for us. I just search WeChat, Baidu, QQ News, or any other news source, and I can watch them free of charge without spending too much time and energy. It is so easy and simple. Why go there and see something “dry and old”? It is a story that has passed. Seniors and children cannot go so far away from home and can still maintain the tradition, which, in fact, has lost its popularity in modern times.Today I have a computer, and this is very common, but it was like a piece of breaking news when I was young. I had the joy of getting my first computer in 2013, but the joy has no comparison with the happy memories when I hung around in front of that abandoned opera house. The joy of today is more about virtual reality, but the joy of the past is all about reality. I could buy a handgun toy with four yuan or so, I could buy some sugar cane with one yuan or two, I could buy a fluff of spun sugar (we call it cotton sugar), I could sit at a Mianpi stall, eating a plate of delicious Mianpi by only paying one yuan…The past is the past, and will never return, although the good memories stay forever. Today our ways of enjoying living seem to be of great varieties, but our joy of living seems to be less than before. If not, why do we miss the joy of the past? From my point of view, today people work too hard and often forget their own joy of living because of financial requirements. Yesterday we didn’t have too much work to do and didn’t have to spend too much money, for, on one hand, many things were free, and on the other hand, our ideas towards living were simple and pure, and we were not so money-oriented as we are today. Now we forget our joy.I am not sad about today’s life, but I seem to be attracted so much by the past good memories. Some think we should look forward to the future, but I think having some time to go back to your past memories can do you lots of good. Today is different from yesterday, so largely that I even haven’t realized that changes have happened in my life.


To the White Snow


Little are you,Great are you,You are the purifier of the dust,You are the hope of the dark,You always reside in my heart,And you are the white snow. As you come,People sing and dance;As you become heavy and fluffy,The world gets busy;As you make the world numbing cold,You warm my heart;As you stop,You leave us a world of wonders and memories. I still remember the time you fell on the land of my hometown,My dear cousin and I trudged and cheered in you;I still remember the moment I sat in the classroom Overlooking the distant hill where you stayed;I still remember the love of my life at college,Where beauty and purity I held were presented to the one I loved;I still remember the playground in my high school,Where my classmates and I had snowball fights fiercely but happily;I still remember the time you fell and covered the mountains and rivers,I sat down in my room imaging a world of fairies, elves and legends. Now you have arrived again,Before I can prepare something meaningful for you.I see a world of white fluff,I see a world of white cars and buses,I see a world of white houses,I see a world of bliss and smiles,And I feel the world seems to have never changed at all since my childhood,Although changes have already happened a long time before. You are still the angel in my heart,And maybe the angel in everyone’s heart.You may throw your tantrum sometimes,Which disorders the world,But you smile to us indeed,When we are really sad. The sun shines,Hope comes,The world brightens,And finally your trace disappears.I know,That’s your grace.


Have you realized that you are being brainwashed right now? Look at your glazed face! I know you have not realized it yet. Alas! But maybe this is also good for you, because you will always be happy living in the paradise. To some extent, such people are indeed happiness holders, but what I want to address today is brainwash, which happens daily or even every moment in our lives despite the fact that we haven’t even realized it. But who is brainwashing us? This needs some analysis.1. English learningIn recent years I have often run into a problem: I think in the English way. According to English grammar, we should have a basic structure when we speak, and the basic structure is S (subject) + V (verb) + O (object). But Chinese is quite different, and a sentence is still correct even when there is no subject, and this often occurs in Chinese. For example, in Chinese, there is such a sentence: winter comes, wear more clothes. This sounds confusing in English, for people will ask me: “Who will wear more clothes?” In Chinese, we have subconsciously omitted the subject “everyone”, but this sentence makes sense for Chinese natives. Another example is the way of thinking. In Chinese, you can easily find a news headline like this: Xi’an has excavated large numbers of ancient coins. In English, this is understandable but not really correct in sentence making. The correct English sentence should be like this: Large numbers of ancient coins have been excavated in Xi’an. Xi’an is not the excavator but a place where ancient coins have been excavated. This is the logic of English but not that of Chinese. So far, I have been learning English for more than 10 years and I read and make up English sentences each and every day, and my Chinese way of thinking has been seriously affected by English. The two languages differ in logic. Since I have learned English for more than 10 years, I gradually think Chinese appears not logical sometimes compared to English. It’s not that Chinese is wrong, but I have been subconsciously and seriously “poisoned” by English. Indeed, I have learned a new language, but I have been brainwashed by it, which offers me a new system that natives of the language adopt to communicate with each other. This is bad for my Chinese learning but very good for my English learning. Happily, I still learn Chinese every day, trying to refuse English to invade my Chinese. Therefore, this brainwash is not that bad. I have learned a new language after all.In fact, no matter which subject you choose to learn, you get brainwashed even without your realization. Anyway, this brainwash is relatively positive. You need to learn new things.2.MediaIn fact, one of our humans’ greatest creations in recent centuries is media, and now media seem to be even more powerful and influential than ever before. Sometimes, I even think media are ruling the world. They can make a person or thing popular or notorious through their reports, although the truth may not be what they have reported. For example, when the media in the US report stories of Trump, their views differ largely from one another. Many bombard him, while others advocate his views. Many people believe him and I believe, to some extent, they have been brainwashed by media. Of course, those who appose him also learn what he does through media reports. They have been brainwashed by media too. Nowadays we read online news of numerous types on the phone, and we are being brainwashed by these media every moment. And many of them are disgustingly rubbish, only aiming at bringing traffic to their websites. Although many readers complain about or even swear at them, these readers are being brainwashed. Why? Because such rubbish news pieces bomb your mind quite frequently, and your mind will gradually change or even follow and approve their views after a long time of reading. This is quite bad, because your taste becomes low and your judgment between wrong and right will not be that clear as ever before. You degenerate! Another bloody fact is that media sometimes try to cover up some truth that some people or organization doesn’t want us to know. This happens every where in the world because of certain purposes or considerations. Probably this happens under two conditions: power and money. And so, we are brainwashed by the false fact, and some people or organization avoids the punishment of law or rules. In this terrible situation, we turn into idiots when we voice our ideas. 3.Your bossThis can be easily understood. No matter which company you work for, you must have a boss who wants you to only listen to what he or she says (In fact, most employees don’t and gossip about him or her in private). Actually most teachings are good for employs, because your boss’s aim is to earn as much money as possible, not anything else. So, they work hard to persuade you to apply certain ideas or views of theirs, because if you do so, the company earns money, and you will get equivalent rewards (sometimes you may not think the rewards are fair). But bear in mind: not every brainwash from your boss is good (For example, insurance companies’ brainwashes often sound horrible, and I don’t like them).4.TraditionDuring China’s 2017 Spring Festival, I returned to my hometown from Beijing. On the Spring Festival Eve, my mother did one thing as she did every year on that eve: she burned ritual stuff made of special paper to Chinese gods to ask for blessing. But when I asked my mother why she did so, she paused a moment and then answered me: “I really don’t know. I do this because our predecessors taught me to do so as the way of asking for blessing.” Obviously, my mother has been brainwashed by an idea that has been passed from generation to generation. In fact, not only did my mother do so, but also many people on that eve in my hometown, I guess, even across the whole nation. I am not talking about superstition or anything relating to it. I am saying that tradition can brainwash us. We don’t know why, but we confidently do it. Personally, I support my mother and many people across the nation, because this is like psychological therapy and is no harm to society.However, tradition is not always good and may even sometimes be terrible. Foot-binding was once one of the most popular traditions in ancient and modern China (before 1949). Little girls aged 10 or so would be forced to bind their feet by their parents, because their parents knew that a girl with a pair of bound feet would easily get married and a pair of big feet were not liked by men that time. This sounds horrible, but people during that time were brainwashed or even kidnapped by this idea. Now this tradition has lost flowerbed, but the idea that a man or woman should get married when they are physically mature has never been erased from Chinese people’s minds. When a Chinese parent sees other parents’ children get married, he or she will become worried and anxious, because this is what everybody does when they grow up. When you choose to be single or just don’t want to get married so early, you will probably be attacked by others. That’s tradition! So, I just feel confused about this tradition.Who will be easily brainwashed?The four above aspects have partially described brainwash in our life, and of course, there are still lots of aspects that I have no time to discuss here in this article but they do exist, with some being encouraging and others being disgusting. Some people can avoid being brainwashed, but others will be easily affected. Who are the “others”? In my theory, brainwash can be divided into two aspects: being brainwashed and accepting brainwash. In general, those who actively accept brainwash are smarter than those who are brainwashed, for the former think and then choose, and the latter are forced to do so. In society, everyone loves accepting good brainwashes and refuse bad brainwashes, which, however, remain very powerful to persuade those who have a strong passion for earning as much money as possible but have no enough real ability to realize their dream, and who are not very well educated. ConclusionTherefore, being brainwashed or accepting brainwash is nearly completely up to you. But at first, you had better accumulate as much useful knowledge as possible, think often, read often and make decisions slowly.


Just now reading a piece of news entitled “30 million Chinese men to be wifeless over the next 30 years” released by China Daily, I became a little shocked, since it will even be more difficult to find someone to live with you and have a family under such an awkward condition. Alas, I am still single, and the opportunity seems slim. Yeah, I am afraid (joking).Now friends of mine who haven’t got married are being bombarded by the caring words and pursuasions of their parents (especially mothers) with an aim to urge my friends to settle down a relationship and get married as soon as they can. My mother once was calm about this and now has joined the mothers of my friends, although she is still moderate compared with other mothers.Marriage has turned into the center of the lives of my peers who have’t got married, and it seems other things are not important at all compared with it. As long as you get married, you are safe and sound and won’t have any worry any more. At least, people under the traditional Chinese education all admit that you should marry when you are of age. On the other hand, if you are not of age, please keep away from boys or girls. That’s not suitable. With this news piece released and learned by singles across the country, more and more people should be worried about their future.“The chance is so slim, and how can I net a wife to live with me? I am so worried. Perhaps, I am so ashamde of myself.”I guess many Chinese single males think this way, and their lives look like a heaven which has toppled down from above. But why?What if you won’t have a wife to live with before you die?In Chinese tradition, this life is dark and hopeless, since no further generation will come out of you. That’s a pity! Second, or probably third, you will be laughed at in public or private by others who have got married and have children. Then, probably you won’t have the happiness of raising your children or share your happiness and sorrow with them. More sadly, you will die alone in a house where only your dog guards you and the dog will starve to death after you die. What a vividly sad picture of a single man!But since we are still young and have lots of years to squander, we should do something special, or at least, make our lives vibrant. I don’t want to brag about the advantages of being single, but I think we seem to have missed one important question: why do we marry?It is when we’re phisically mature, and so we should marry, or it is when we have met our love and so we think marriage is the best way to make our love bloom and expand? In the most romantic condition, we choose the second, but in the rock-hard reality, we surrender to the first. So, we don’t care about who we really love or care about, and what we do now is solve this problem and make our parents happy and probably generate potentional problems for ourselves, which include divorce and unchastity caused by bad relations, unhappiness, quarrel, irresponsiblity and so on. Anyway marriage is the center, and people’s true feelings make way for the naked desire of completing one important thing in adulthood. If you think otherwise, you will get drowned in the words of traditon holders and protectors. The even worse condition is that those who have no relations with you or your family begin to laugh at you and your family, only because they think you and your family have no enough ability to settle down a marriage although their own marriages might be unhappy or are as colorless as a cup of tap water. To some extent, marriage turns into a tool to measure a person’s ability or family ability rather than the thing we do when we really want to. So, I want to ask: “Does my marriage have anything to do with you?” Definitely not!However, I am not a man who upholds the idea of remaining single for a whole life, but I respect those including myself who have no partners now, for I know different people have different conditions and troubles that you don’t know at all. For me, I want to love and then marry if the condition matures. And I know many share the same view with me. For those who don’t want to marry or just think they still have more important things to do, we should respect them and take a fair view when communicating with them. Now what does the “30 million Chinese men to be wifeless over the next 30 years” want to show us? I think it just gives us a figure and lets us know it. That’s all. Many people will get worried when they think about the power of our next and following generations to come and the entire power of our country; and many will get so depressed and begin complaining: “I am in a bad time, alas!” But for you, I think you should keep calm and alert when searching for love and marriage. The condition might be poor, but you are outstanding, and you have an opportunity, I believe.


I took this picture at Jinshanling Great Wall on January 15, 2017. It was a sunny day the day before yesterday (January 14, 2017), but I got up late. Looking outside my window, I saw a cloudless sky, which meant warmth and dynamism. I had been speaking of going to the Great Wall at Jinshanling (金山嶺) between Beijing and Hebei province ’s Luanping county but weather had been not suitable for outdoor activities until this Saturday. I decided to visit the Great Wall and so prepared everything I might need and went for the bus station at Wangjing West. But I never expected this trip would be quite special but it really was. The trip on the bus was amazing in that afternoon. After the bus pulled out of Beijing’s suburban area, the view turned beautiful. Trees, fields, rivers, villages, small mounds and even mountains just like galloping horses passed by the bus. The sky was open and blue. Although everything was in their hibernation, they looked alive under the blue sky. The sunshine was not that warm but gave your the feel of warmth and hope. It was indeed harmonious, at least at that moment. I frequently shot pictures with my mobile phone, hoping to make every bit of beautiful moments stay. I am already 30 years old but was like a boy of 10, gazing at the disappearing and reappearing views of the dry winter. We found no trace of snow in downtown Beijing, I saw many traces of snow between the undulating mounds. Snow is not special but seems to be rarely seen in cities now, probably because of global warming, and so seeing it now becomes something exhilarating but luxurious. My childhood dream had come true at that moment, and that was just the beginning of my wonderland journey.Under the blue sky, everything turned welcoming, hopeful and gorgeous. I was the guest of the natural world. When I finally got off the bus at the transfer station beside the expressway, I saw mountains surrounding this area, a cloudless sky still taking care of this patch of land, and more importantly, the three huge Chinese characters Jin Shan Ling appearing over the expressway. My heart beat fast and my dream had flown to the top of the Great Wall, a mysterious place that is already solemn and magnificent, for it was built to prevent the invasion of northerners of the past. I heard from one of my colleagues who can be considered an expert of the Great Wall that, this section of the Great Wall is not only beautiful but also full of historical traces, which always make my heart beat fast. The bad news was that the spot where I stood was about 5km away from the entrance of the Great Wall, and I finally decided to go there on foot. Two hours of walk in the mountainous area was not dry but wonderful, for beautiful views were nearly everywhere and I even didn’t dare to shut my eyes for a moment in case of missing some of them. It was already dusk when I arrived at the entrance and so I stayed there for one night. The night in the mountain was tranquil and the morning after it surprised me a lot. Snow fell overnight and I was not prepared for its coming. What I was questing for was the Great Wall under the blue sky, but what welcomed me was the amazement of the purely white snow. I went out of that farmhouse where I spent the night and the owner didn’t say a word to me but stared at me in a strange look, which can be translated like this: “Oh, young man, it is snowing! Are you going to walk the Great Wall today? You must be kidding!” And even the ticket checker of the site murmured something like: “So heavy snow!” I was a freak in his eyes that moment. I said to myself: “Since you have come, you must go! You have no choice.” Visiting the Great Wall in the snow, I had one privilege: I was the only visitor and everything inside the scenic area belonged to me. At 8:30 or so in the morning, walking alone in the snow was indeed interesting. Everything was quiet and what you could only hear was the creaking sounds coming from your feet when they crunched the fallen snow. So beautiful! It was a fairyland of one man---me. In fact, I was wrong after climbing many stone steps up to the Great Wall, five or so photographers had already gathered there shooting pictures, with one female photographer even saying: “I didn’t decide to come this morning, and if I had done that, I would regret from head to foot now.” I was not that exciting although I approved the beauty of the Great Wall in the heavy snow. I visited the Great Wall at Badaling in 2015’s winter, when it snowed. It was the first time that I had seen the snowy Great Wall, and so I was extremely impressed by the beauty of it. Now it was even more beautiful but that feel had ebbed. But the thing that filled my heart was to feel every bit of beauty of the scenery with my heart and soul, and this differs from being only excited. Lots of writers having experienced the snowy Great Wall have described the beauty of it with numerous attractive words and sentences, and I also want to express my feeling but have found I have only one word: beautiful.For me, the snowy Great Wall is a fairyland, somewhat like the place in Grimm’s Fairy Tales. It seems not real but is indeed in front of you. The blue and gray bricks in the snow have transformed into another different appearance, not only white but also tasteful. If you stare at it for one moment, you will really want to see it again and again, and this feel will nearly never decline. I think this is the charm of it. When I walked down the snowy Great Wall, I felt like I didn’t want to move away from it at all. The beauty of it is eternal, always in my mind. Finally when the bus pulling out of the snowy world into the dry land in Beijing, I became a little disappointed only because the fairyland had disappeared from my view and what replaced it was a land without fairy tales, a land where there was no snow or snowy mountains and Great Wall. Two different worlds tell two different kinds of tales, which leave us different memories.


It snows in Beijing


This picture was shot by me in Chaoyang District, Beijing on November 21 morning. We have been waiting for you---snow, and now you finally fall upon the land of Beijing. It looked horrible and rained a bit yesterday in Beijing. When everyone went indoors after the dark half because of the cold weather, snow had silently arrived here. Nearly each year I see snow in Beijing, but I never think I will be fed up with it someday even in the future. Its pure whiteness just brings back my withered memories and the beauty that appears as snow falls is stunning.Arising in the morning, I suddenly realized my bedroom seemed to be lightened. The weather forecast said it would snow last night, but I never expected it would snow heavily. Opening the window, I saw the snow cover the roof of the house beside the building where I am lodging now. Nothing but whiteness impressed my heart and soul.However, it is not good for the transportation. The road has become frozen and slippery and the sludge the snow brings is indeed nasty and annoying. I abandoned my bike this morning and walked out of the apartment to feel the power of the snow. Walking along the road, I had only one idea in my mind: “Probably I could visit the Great Wall at Badaling this weekend to witness the ice and snow world once again.” In November 2015, I visited this section of the Great Wall and experienced the magic power of snow. The whole world was white and everything looked quite fresh and pure. The dirty and ugly disappeared, and what was left for us travelers was a mountain of snowy views. Although the path on the Great Wall turned extremely slippery, each of the visitors had a passionate heart, with joyful, laughing and even screaming sounds being heard here and there.Now snow has come here again, and what am I waiting for? Yes, take a walk into the snow! On the streets, the bridges, the high ways and the rails, you can see the trace of snow. No smog can now be found, and what you see now is freshness. Due to the snowfall, trees on the streets turn new and are like being washed. As tiny fluffy snowballs fall, you can clearly feel the pulse of life. Maybe each one snowball is now smiling to you, as long as you pay attention to them. Suddenly my mind goes back to the past memories. During the class breaks in high school, my classmates and I walked down the stairs to the large playground, where snow had whitened the entire area. We bowed our backs picking up some snow and rolling it into a ball, and then threw it at one another in delightful fight. Cold was the feeling of the hands, but the heart beat vibrantly every minute. Now it snows again, can you still remember the stories that have run into the course of history?Source: Beijing Tourism: It Snows in Beijing


Do you want the most traffic for your online news media platform? I guess you must want it. But are you willing to sacrifice quality to entertain readers to win the most traffic or just keep generating high quality content which many readers ignore? Presently it seems no balance between the two. So, which one should be king?Numerous news articles update online daily, and we have no time to wait a moment to think about the quality of the content we read but browse nearly every piece of article forced onto our computer or mobile phone by news source providers. And then we become machines, browsing each piece of article with no enough thinking about what we read. Most probably, we just want to keep our time full of something, and we don’t care whether it is meaningful or not. To some extent, I can say, this proves we may feel empty inside if we don’t stuff our mind even with such rubbish.But why can such content draw our attention so much? There is one reason I know at least. That is such poorly written articles can stimulate our nerves and curiosity. For example, one article’s name can be written like this: Come here, come here, if you click, you will find a surprise! However, after you click and read through the article very carefully, you suddenly realize you find no surprise at all, and you just find that there is an opportunity for you to draw lots or something. So, the article becomes a bait, and you become a fish. Who wins? Some people may say this is a win-win situation, for both sides get some rewards. For me, this news provider maybe is the winner, for the traffic of his website grows. The article editor doesn’t care how poor or meaningful his article is, and what he cares the most is the traffic the article generates.However, this kind of information is relatively good if compared with real bullshit. This situation often occurs in the field of horoscope. I myself half believe what horoscope says about life, future and fortunate, and so I read lots of them previously and most of them were related to Chinese zodiac. For example, one prediction may tell you that you will earn so much money in the six months to come as long as you were born in the year of pig. If you were born in this year, you will feel so pleased and would love to click and read and learn why you will have much money in the coming months. However, others who weren’t born in that year will also click and find out why they won’t have much money. Of course, after reading, most readers will curse the editor with evil words because the article itself has no value at all. But why did the editor edit such meaningless articles? Traffic! They may have high pressure from their job and they have to do that to earn a loaf of bread.Nevertheless, his information appears pale if you read disgusting rumors. This often appears in entertainment and political news, and sometimes can be found in the news that you don’t even know its style. For example, Jackie Chan has been wrongly reported dead several times by news media. If somebody or something has relations with Japan or Japanese, the news author often writes in the negative way because the author clearly knows that Chinese people hate Japanese. Writing such articles can attract so much attention and support from readers. Yet, maybe in his heart he admits not all Japanese are bad. Sometimes some top figures are attacked by bullshit articles, and even so some readers support him. He wins reputation and traffic! Does he care about the wrongly used grammar, sentences and words or twisted ideas? I doubt it. Traffic is king!This doesn’t mean all the news articles are meaningless and are not worth reading. Some are indeed valuable and respect facts. I have read some WeChat travel articles from Hong Kong ifeng.com, and I think they are of taste and value although not all of them are. The articles of it also have juicy headlines but are not beyond facts. You learn something by reading the articles, such as history, culture, tradition and writing skills. Then, your taste is promoted. Although we need instant noddles like the harmless but meaningless articles, we cannot ignore the tasty content that we cannot feel if we don’t think for a while about what it tells us. In my mind a high quality article is one that has a very attractive heading and content that can meet the level of that heading. But most news pieces we read online are like instant noddles or even worse than that. This will form a wrong ideology in our brain and will give unfair judgments in the future even if we meet high quality content. This means our taste degenerates. I talked about this issue with one of my best friends, who asked me: “How can one piece of article jump out of the many if it refuses to stimulate each reader’s nerves by sacrificing quality?” I know he understood the pain of the news provider, but I couldn’t help saying: “You will sacrifice your taste.” He nodded yes.King or queen? This is a headache for us.


Sleepless in Seattle has once climbed onto my brain and I really wanted to have a wonderful experience of a city that never sleeps. Now I am in Beijing and there are no films saying Beijing is such a city. It seems that my dream cannot come true if I stay here all the time. It may not be so. Perhaps Gubei Water Town located in Miyun District is such a place for me.In one of Beijing’s suburban districts---Miyun, there is a newly built entertainment park named Gubei Water Town, where you cannot have an experience of a traditional entertainment park but you can taste the flavor of an ancient city of China in spite of its short building history. In this town you can see hundreds or even thousands of traditional Chinese buildings, including hotels and stores.What are the traditional Chinese buildings? One or two storied inverted-”V” shaped buildings huddle together overlooking the river passing by; antique-looking stores stand close to one another on each of the streets welcoming coming tourists; and there are a number of cobwebbed hutongs winding inside every corner of the town, hoping to stun every one visiting this area at the foot of the Great Wall.Spring is the best time to feel the caress of the gentle breeze; summer poses as the perfect resort for hot air haters; autumn looks extremely gorgeous like a lady in carefully-embroidered robes; and winter can be a season to taste the warmth of Chinese culture at night.Anyway it is mesmerizing on the outskirts of Beijing. For me, what this town shows its visitors is not only these splendid views but also its location, where you walk to Simatai Great Wall, one of the most important sections of the Great Wall in Beijing. This section of the Great Wall hasn’t been completely repaired and still looks old and wild. Therefore, it is an ideal place to feel of the pulse of the past history of Beijing and the beauty of being not intact.As daytime beckons us goodbye and twilight arrives, it turns into a place of magic. You may stand on the street seeing the glittering lamps far beyond, walk to a traditional store buying something attractive, stand on a stone bridge overlooking the passing water beneath your feet, watch a wonderful performance shouting out of nature, or jump onto a boat yourself enjoying the serene beauty of the night. It is perfect!Note: I wrote this article and first published on the following website. Source: http://english.visitbeijing.com.cn/thingstodo/routes-strategy/sightseeing-themes/travelin-beijing/n215180563.html


You leave or stay, I don’t know,But I want to cater for any of your needsYou have mentioned before me.You said you wanted a bar of chocolates,Which smell good and taste delicious,And I ran to the shop and bought the brand you spoke of.You looked glittering taking the chocolates,I smiled looking at your face.You bought a wind-breaker and wore it for me, Saying it was the most beautiful style you had tried.I looked at it and stupidly not spoke highly of the jewelry you were showing,You stopped smiling,And left with a disappointed look.My friend gave me a packet of fragrant tea,Which I loved so much and I left it in your palm,Saying no words but giving a short smile.You became heartily pleased,And smiled to me with your best wish.You left me for a faraway land,Which I thought might be the threshold between us,But you said it was a wonderland from where you could soar to the sky.I cried the night before,And I handed you the words of my heart when you set off. Each time we chatted on the phone,My heart beat quickly like drumming with joy,You talked like a fairy, making me laugh and dream.I was in the pool of sweetness,And I found my life was full of love.I found you had a beautiful umbrella which you used to use,My heart beat faster wishing to buy a better one for you,And you jokingly said no and refused.I bought one on the recommendation of a beautiful colleague,You said it wasn’t nice and I was sad with a sigh.The dream has awaken up as the colorful years have passed.I still wish to buy you something you need,But the drained fragrance will never linger.