

If you have an idea, make it come true
Don’t know why one school of thought of Thomas Alva Edison suddenly swarmed into my mind: If you have an idea, make it come true, and this is much better than you have thousands of ideas but you have never done anything about them. By reading his biography, I learned how hard he worked and finally become a great inventor (probably the greatest inventor) of the 20th century. I think that’s the power of thinking and doing.

To make his ideas come true, Mr. Edison tried to do chemical experiments on the train. As a consequence, he made a fire on the train, which resulted in a good slap in the face by a fierce train conductor, and his hearing ability began to go down then after. However, he never stopped. And he invented more than one thousand new things in his lifetime, including the phonograph we know today.

Murakami Haruki is one of the best-known Japanese writers, because of his outstanding and eccentric style of writing. However, he was not intended to write or pen down a word until four years later after he graduated from university. He closed the bar he opened for fours, and began writing. With his hard work and talent, he became a successful writer, well-known in Japan and even throughout the whole world.

Another example is nobody than Steve Jobs, who is now thought to be one of the greatest personalities of the 21th century but was once a boy with evil ideas and a man with incredible ideas, both of which had already been practiced by him before he left the world. He was thrown into prison because of his evil ideas and actions, and he turned into a genius because of his incredible ideas and extremely forceful actions.

Anyway, all of the three figures generated ideas and made them come true. Their own worlds changed, so did the whole world.

However, numerous ideas come out of our mind each and every moment, but we may ignore or choose to think about other unimportant or useless things. So, such ideas flash across our mind once and never return. No doubt, more ideas follow as such old ideas float away. As the frequency of our conscious ignorance of such ideas occurs quite often, our ingenious ideas will rarely reappear. Instead, poor, useless, trivial, meaningless, rubbish, stupid, ubiquitous, and other kinds of ideas occupy our brain and make us as average as a piece of rotten fallen leaf lying in the muddy pit of the ground.

On the contrary, if you catch nearly every of your common ideas and make them come true, you yourself will begin to change. In the beginning, it should be so small that you and others won’t notice at all, but big changes will come as you continuously practice collect and practice them, in spite of whatever happens around you. Edison, Murakami, and Jobs are all typical examples, and examples of this sort are numerous apart from the three, such as the Chinese tycoon Jack Ma, Harry Potter’s author J.K. Rowling, America’s fiction writer Stephen King and so on.

Such international figures all have good ideas, and more importantly, they have become practitioners of their good ideas. And of course, also with the help of insistence, persistence, and perseverance, they have become well-known all over the world. But they were once common among all of us, who have good ideas but choose to let them go and seldom try to practice any of these ideas.


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