

Recently is too busy to share time on blog,since get the prize from China daily,i even have no chance to express my apprecation for your encourage. To be honest,here i gain more chances to learn of all kinds of people with various life and mental attitude.It's a new challenge to me to write some thing of my life in English,and it's worthwhile to execute day by day. Today my topic is the most important thing in my life.I guess most of people recieved blessing message or call from our friend,famlies,classmate and colleague,and the last words must be:Hope healthy and happiness always around you.What's the meaning?Yes ,they hope whenever you are a optimistic at any situtation .So to be happy and please myself is listed the top one thing in my daily life. Many young people feel unhappy and even oppressive in modern society,though they enjoy lives with better material life.Everything becomes easy and one-off,people become more impulsive.They forget what's the meaning of life,and ignore the nice of nature life.The secret of the happy guy is becuase they are soon satisfied,easy graceful ,creating and sharing joy.I am the right guy,when my clleague asked me,why you looks like enthusiasm every day,no matter how busy and tired are we.There is only one sentenece to reply,why should i feel unhappy ,as life is not so easy to every one,why do you bring yourself into trouble? After several days of quotation,now i am waiting for big orders from my old friends.As everyone knows,money always make people happy. Shareing my small life with big happy.


Recently a choice puzzle me every day,it’s cause by an accident encountered last month of mother. I am girl in family with one parent,they divoiced during university.Both of them love me but can’t live together anymore,and I was belong to both of them,.My love of them is never decreasing whether they were together or apart from each other.In such a situation,mom is always the flimsy one,it’s my duty to pay more attion to her,love and care about with hole-heartedly. After graduation and amativeness,I chose to stayed in familiar city where I passed through my university life and my boyfriend worked here. It’s far away from my mom,she still stayed in her habitual city Guangzhou.Her wish is that my work should be in her city,not only I can accompany with her but also there are more chances for career. At that time,it’s hard for me to gave up my utopia,where I can wander all day with best sisters at weekend,no worry for her nag about wasting money for useless goods,I can date with my boyfriend without considering her warnings .I can grand me a reward by short trip or throwing my money around a deliciouse dish or nice dress with no hesitation when in low mood. To me it’s a perfect world far away from control of parents,it’s silly freedom without restraint.It’s selfish to enjoy my happiness blinding her loneliness , helpness,missing and trepidation, Since she suffered injury from her work,and was in hospital alone without family accompanied.The only thing I can do is making three call every day,after hanging up tears filled my eyes.At that time,I decided to leave for Gaungzhou ,start a new life with my dear mom.Go through all these things,i learn that nothing is more important than my mama’s happiness and healthy. During our best years,we can choose many things to led a varied life without considering of parents,it’s what we can do.But from now on,I want choose what I should do to instead of what I can do,it’s my duty to lead my single mama to comfortable life,she and me be happy together ,but not enjoy myself.


My simple life


There is an old saying:God sends fortune to fools. It's silly suit for me,because not only is happiness always around me,but I also do trifles to amuse myself when I feel bored. My friends always joke with me when I speak words of sorrow and mope, They say it's means the eldest aunt visit me as usual(menstrual period) .Maybe most foreigner friend can't understand ,but Chinese girl get it. There are so many fantastic,magic, and unexplainable things emerging in every morning when I wake up. These special ideas come from my short trips ,boring wanderings ,a good book,or someone I met. My strange ideals and romantic thoughts mostly come from someone I admire,whose work ,life,and attitude make me strive to be more like them. For example,one day during glanced website,few cartoon images catched my eyeball at once. At last this silly thoughts of drawing something give me an additional hobby:drawing cartoons. Actually the limitless of happiness deriving from drawing is never my first plan. It's a godsend for me! Last weekend,on the back way from swimming together with my colleague ,we passed through a DIY dolls shop. I loved the wooden house with fantastic decorating full with lovely dolls. I bought two bags of dolle materials, and I persuaded my colleague to buy one bag to take home.With much enthusiasm, I made my first doll named little cry-baby that night,though I felt exhausted from swimming. Then a second and third doll made one by one; and realize that's life,happy,simple and commonplace.


A man of many words is general unwelcomed. Sometimes i am talktive girl during date with my girlfriends,but never talk over somebody else's problems,expecially our colleagues.It's weakness of character for most people ,especial for woman. I like to analysis other peoples' affairs and learn by their experience.Because nobody have enough time and chance to experience everything so that to avoid making mistakes.But you may profit by the erroes of somebody else.Recently two of my colleague always pick quarrels with each other for a mess nonthingness.They may lose nothing but good mood.While there are bad effecton on regular work.Such as decreased efficency,delay task enable time,impede comunication of each other. Everytime they are arguing at office,i will do self-examination and think about it.If i were one of them,what should i do ?How do i deal with these things? At last i tell myself and do it as below: 1.Never quarrel with any one in public. 2.If we make mistake during work,check myself before blaming others' fault. 3.Always be strict with oneself and lenient towards others. 4.Be careful at anything done by yourself 5.Do not make friend with small-mind man,and do not angry with such man. 6.Never wast time to explain yourself to someone when he maintained you are idiot,never talk a lot to convince someone who is unreasonable,because when you try to do these things ,it seems like they make you into idiot successfully. 7.Remember that argument is to lower yourself in moral. Keep working hard and be yourself.