

Bangladesh People showing their anger, emotion and also love for their Country
2013-02-14 Bangladesh gain Independence after a nine months long arms resistance against Pakistan Force in 16 December of 1971. But after independence But many collaborators who helped Pakistan were went unpunished.
After long 41 years the conscious people of Bangladesh now showing their arrogance.
A few years ago Bangladesh Government formed International War Crimes Tribunal to punish those who were involved in Crimes, like Killings, Rape, Genocide etc. during 1971 Independent war, against those who were involved in independence movement.
10 days ago the Tribunal declared life time imprisonment of a war time collaborator who was accused of involved in killings, rape and also massacres.
But the Youths of Bangladesh, who are mainly active in Online and Internet blog, in a rapid move gathered in Capital Dhaka at Shahbag Square area and expressed their protest. After in a day the protest turned to human sea of thousands and it is still ongoing. They have been staying there for 9 days and still it is ongoing. The protest spread all over the country of many more Districts.
But the political party, Jamayat-e-Islami, that collaborated during war in 1971 with Pakistan is also trying to be active. They are trying to organise protest rally protesting life time punishment of their leaders by tribunals.

If anyone interested to know more about pls visit following link:


snowipine 2013-09-07 08:29

keep calm and reasonable reaction is the prerequisite for a good result, and heart-to-heart peaceful discussion is the best way forward, Bangladesh people like other world people too have rights to have a tranquil and peaceful work and life environment, there should be no violence and bloodshed.

jummocht 2013-03-01 01:46

In today's(28 February,2013) Strike about 34 people died. Jamaat-e-eslami leader pleaded guilty of War Time Criminal case and awarded death penalty. Jamaat-e-eslami again calls Strike on Sunday and Monday. The Shahbag Generation Square gathering are jubilient after hearing the verdict.

jummocht 2013-02-24 00:07

The Jamaayat-e-eslami called StrikeTomorrow on 24th of February.

jummocht 2013-02-23 14:07

On 22 February Jamayat-e-eslami and some religious affiliated organisations called Strike. 4 Died in clash. Now hackers of both anti and pro War Crimes Tribunals is trying to hack each others website. Jamayat's Student wing website was hacked yesterday(22 February). Bangladesh Governments InfoKosh or Information Portal Website was Hacked. The renowned English Daily Website thedailystar.net also was attacked by anti WarCrimesTribunals Hackers.

jummocht 2013-02-18 21:05

One blogger died in the Shahbag Square. He attended in the gathering and chanted slogan. His name is Tariqul. He was a Cartoonist and wrote blog. Media reported that Bangladesh Prime Minister expressed her sorrow to dead bloggers family.

jummocht 2013-02-18 13:06

Follow Up  
In the morning 1 killed in Capital Dhaka today at the first hour of dawn to dusk strike or shut down called by Jamayat-e-eslami.
A patient who was going to hospital by Micro bus came under attack of the supporters of the Strike was died.
I Comilla District another one also killed. Jamayat claimed him as their activist.
Amidst some clash with law enforcers the Jamayat-e-eslami tried to enforce strike. But the Shahbag protesters asserted and also in media report it was claimed that the strike have been foiled by the people, it means people rejected Jamyat's strike.

jummocht 2013-02-17 22:06

The National Assembly of Bangladesh today on 17th of February passes the amendment of International War Crimes Tribunal Act,'73. In the amendment clause included with which now Parties or Organisations also can  be tried to the Justice. The huge gatherings in Shahbag Generation Square applauded the law. They turned it as the primary Victory of the protest.
The amendment also has given the Government the right to appeal again if the verdict is not satisfactory by the Government.
The act or the law would be applicable for any case which has been filed since 14th of July in 2009.
On the other hand, the people and leaders of Shahbag gatherings in Generation Square urged the people to defy tomorrows strikes calls by Jamayat-e-eslami.

jummocht 2013-02-16 03:51

stunned! horrified! one blogger,
name Rajib Haider alias 'Thaba
Baba' was killed om15th of fabruary
evenning by slitting throat in Bangladesh. He was
active in recent shahbag generation
movement. After killing the blogger the situation probably turning to uneasy path.
The people who gathered in the shahbag square demanding harsh punishment of accused war criminals of 1971 freedom movement.

But the party , the jamayat-e-eslami, who was actively was in support of the then Pakistan Government force in 1971, is protesting punishment of their leader. They are trying to organise protest rally, but foiled by Bangladesh law enforcement force. On 15th of fabruary their 3 activist was shot dead. Jamayat-e-eslami enforce daylong Strike at monday protesting the death.

jummocht 2013-02-16 02:56

stunned! horrified! one blogger, name Rajib Raihan alias 'Thaba Baba' was killed 15 february evenning by slitting throat. he was active in recent shahbag generation movement.

ttt222 2013-02-15 17:54

Peaceful talk is the best way to solve the problem.