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Alignment means going with the flow without resisting it through doubt, fear of any kind or negativity. Believe or believing is knowing that my life journey is being taken care by the force which has brought me into this body. This idea of living gives me so much strength.
Worrying brings more of it. Any emotions attracts more of that emotion. Fears come true if it is an enhanced emotion.
Another wake-question which I asked myself was;
'When will you start living joyfully?' Tomorrow? Next month? On pay day? Or when I get to a particular place and phase in life in the unknown future?? When?
'Now' The answer came.
Do it now. She said again.
'I can't live in misery.' It's too much now. I'm done with you.
I relax and un-tense my mental muscle and soul. Deep breathing helps.
'You're doing just fine.'
'You're safe. You're loved.' The voice says.
This happened a month ago, more or less.
I let it happen. I stopped worrying about anything and everything. I began to see signs and signals which I pictured myself in, the kind of workplace, people, money, environment.
I got a trainer's role for a company's crew. Here, my primary role is to train them business writing. But we speak about personal improvement as well. There's a lot of laughter and learning involved.
I trusted in the unknown. She created the whole game for me only.
Thank you. My Gratitude.


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