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Patience-What is it?

That's easier said than done. It's hard. Patience means to wait for some significant change and happening while keeping busy with routine life matters.
Patience is selfcontrol. It works its best in times when you're angry in some life situation when the other person does or say the things which you don't really like. Somebody cuts of off in traffic, speaks loud or behaves in a way that's irritating. I'm sure you've met them. I have, many times. There are so many people carrying resent and rage walking on this planet.
I wasn't patient at all in the beginning of my journey. I lost it on a few occasions. And then I learned. There's no easy way to get to that awareness. It's learned through life's negative side, people and events.
Another way I learned this art is through observing nature. How a tree grows out of a tiny seed, how seasons change, how humans grow, the sun comes out real slow and takes its time and goes down, the whole universe practices patience. No thing of nature is in a hurry to get to somewhere.
Life's not instant coffee. It's real coffee when you grow coffee plant, tend it patiently, get beans, beans go though a process, then you grind them in a blender, use a coffee maker, brew it, pour it into your favorite mug add milk and sweetener. Then you sit in your favorite spot, smell the aroma and sip it slowly enjoying it. Finish it.
The joy part is the journey itself. And it's not the end of it. It's not as much to do with the destination but the journey. That requires patience.
Patience is cultivated. We allow the Universe to play her role when we're patience within.
A pissed driver or a rude person ultimately encounters a super rude, pissed person because that's how it works. What you give, you get back. You've got to choose your reaction responsibly.
I know it's Easier said than Done.
In the end you're responsible for your words and actions. It's your peace of mind that is the most important and not them.


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