

Easy to Predict the man of Thirty in the Future
2019-06-18 What am I going to be when I am thirty?
Looking at who I am now, I CAN predict the man I will be--
the same as I am, with only age number larger.

The right thing to do is say I WILL meet the challenge
And see how much and how long I can shoulder it
As days slip, with normal life, normal work

Being Ordinary is acceptable to me, right?
Why seeing the peers find their good jobs, earn their success
makes me feel misery?

I look at storys of millionairs, the disabled of success, talented people and those with country-honoring jobs--scientists, teachers, and also eye-catching figures as actors and actresses and singers and dancers, performers if all in a group.

But living an ordinary life as I am doing now gives me some sense of uncerternty--
What I really should do and what I should challenge myself to do to earn a life which I long for?

Looking at what ability I have, I stop imagining the glory of future as a successful man but feel the pain of difficulty changing me into a new me.

Repetiveness is what really drags my legs from a new start. Repetiveness is a habit or even deeply turns to be subconciousness which is rooted in for years.

But hope is a good thing, a very good thing. It give me power to face challenges and hopefully turns me into a successful person who I will love to be.


SEARU 2019-07-14 17:51

So delighted to read your reply-comment that can touch the depth of my heart! The text goes like poem which looks like mirror reflecting the reality. I think you do have talent ability on writing! We bloggers should tell the truth about real life. Only in this way our blogs can attract more reader friends! 
This conclusion is also fit for career. To work with brain and heart and win the sweet fruits!

shehemego 2019-07-14 16:11

Yes, my friend. Thanks for your advice. I am a young man, just graduacted last year. So I have worked for a year. And now sometimes or when I am bored, not knowing any thing I could do, then I lose passion and become sad. Strong determination is quite important. 

But now I am testing myself if I can fit in the job. I am not sure when I will quit or continue. I find out that I know so little as a young man. People of 30 years old or in their forties are superior to me and I seem to be just a little boy who knows so little and not independant in working, asking for help so often. So and so on.

And society of an industry is sometimes not that simple as I think. You have to make people like you, trust you and serve them well. I feel so tried of this. And sad, then depressed.

Only knowing that life is going on, keep moving. try to forget the sad mood, immersed in work, being self-forgotten is the only way out. I dont know if it is right. I just can't help.

Anyway, thank you for your point "strong determination". I will keep that in mind.

SEARU 2019-06-18 15:58

ABOUT "I look at storys of millionairs, "?

Is it necessary to be fortune-teller?
A real man should do things with strong determination who may probably get success! Or no way out!