

A splash's power
2019-02-06 Still during days of CNY,....

today's earyly morning around 2 a.m. I was up and could not fall asleep again(still staying awake till now of course).

I was totally lost in moods. And I started to explore ways to get out of them but found myself standing in the sublime height, seeing the origin of the whole universe and its end(both of which of course I didn't actually see but put myself that high to see through the process). I also saw my as a little splash of wave in the long long river of human beings. I was glad that I thought myself as one splash. I also gained endless potentials which in my mind were powers as well that saved me from the sleepless night's sad moods.

However, everything isn't the same now. I have to face up with daily life again to be a man! Yes a man, another name——human being.

A splash's power has gone with the change? Perhaps. But maybe it just hides and pops up when I am low.

Anyway forget it. A new day has come!


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