

why is islam popular?
2017-09-19 i hear alot of comments, mostly from shils. they claim that alot of people live
in areas where islam is popular; muslims have more kids; or people are born
into it, but none of these answers the question. first of all, there has to be
something attractive about islam in order for people to adhere to it. many of
todays so called muslims countries were not always muslim. alot of people
associate iran with islam, but they only became muslim recently. turkey is
another one. but neither of them have historically been muslim.

you even have far away places like indonesia, and china who have
not historically been muslim. in fact, islam is one of china's biggest religions. however, if we compare islam to christianity, or judiasm, there are very few christians, or juz.
lord knows how badly christians try to push their religion onto people, yet still, they are unable to get very many new followers. in china, christianity has been very unsuccessful. many shils will try to blame that on the "comunist party", but christianity has been trying to push its way into china long before chairman mao was born. yet so many chinese flocked to islam on their own free will. there are muslim neighborhoods, towns, all over china. if im not mistaken, there are even muslim provinces. but you never hear of any christian neighborhoods, towns, or provinces. therefore, one can conclude that islam (what started out as a foreign religoin) is much more popular than christianity, despite christian efforts to push their religion onto others.
many shils will claim that muslims forced their
religion on people, but why are turks, and persians still muslim now that no
one is forcing them? if someone forced me to become christian, i would cease
becoming a christian once someone stops forcing me, or takes the threat away.
certainly i would not continue being a a christian on my own free will. its been
hundreds and thousands of years since the muslims colonized iran, and turkey, yet
islam never left despite the colonists leaving. so there must be something attractive about it for them
to continue this tradition. you look at unpopular religions like christianity.
you see many many europeans who were forced into christianity by their parents,
and once their parents stop forcing them, or the kids grow up, they leave
christianity, and do not go to church voluntarily. but you do not see this with
islam. the kids who were forced to go to mosque as children will continue going
to mosque as adults, for the most part. when you look at other unpopular
religions such as judiasm, most juz end up becoming athiests, as they are
unable to retain their followers.
not only that, but you see alot of westerners converting to islam. the fastest growing religion is islam. you hardly hear about any muslims converting to christianity.


HailChina! 2018-02-03 20:03

"A race of devils -- white devil's, blue eyed devils -- now rules the world. Their days are numbered though, for the time of Armageddon is nigh. Then will fire sear the earth, and blood drench the land. In the wilderness of North America the oppressor will meet his doom; the evil white enemy will fall ignominiously into destruction while in the East the black Muslim will rise triumphant to rule forever in freedom, justice and equality the planet Earth. A New World Order will be born." - Malcolm X

HailChina! 2018-02-03 19:24

Google claims that there are 2.2 billion Christians on earth.

There is not one.

HailChina! 2018-02-03 19:21

"But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God. Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head, but every wife who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head, since it is the same as if her head were shaven. For if a wife will not cover her head, then she should cut her hair short. But since it is disgraceful for a wife to cut off her hair or shave her head, let her cover her head" (1 Cor. 1:3-6).

HailChina! 2018-02-03 18:50

If I was the AntiChrist - and I am - I would make all Christians on earth suffer greatly. None of them are true believers. They deserve it.

HailChina! 2018-02-03 18:48

Hitler liked Islam better than meek and flabby Christianity you know. I didn't know that until after I had read about Malcolm X.

HailChina! 2018-02-03 18:44

One of my favourite historical figures is Malcolm X and after reading about him I considered becoming a Muslim. I liked that Muslims are actually true to their rules whereas so-called Christians really don't do anything apart from saying that they are Christian. Christians sin constantly but good Muslims seem to live very win free lives. But if you look back to how Christians were originally they are a lot closer to good Muslims. Look at the Amish for example and how the females cover their hair and dress modestly. Some Christians like the Amish have kept to Christian rules but look at the Roman Catholic church how they have watered everything down to keep the sinning Christian masses calling themselves Christians. In my opinion there are non true believers among Christians and they are all destined for hell! No Christian on earth is worried about hell though because they do not truly believe it.

The thing I like most about Muslims is that they are going to destroy the blue eyed devils.

HailChina! 2018-02-03 18:31

The trinity is not nonsense.

Liononthehunt 2017-11-13 00:05

An objective and balanced view on religions which have virtually been tools for the ruling classes from the word go.

Ted180 2017-11-06 00:44

Being an atheist, I'm not touting Christianity. Indeed, elements of Christianity have been abused in Northern Ireland and have caused harm to women and gays. As for Islam, I've read an entire English translation of the Quran (Koran). It is not much more violent than the Old Testament (a Jewish tribal story); but it's boring because it was written by just one man (Mohammed). Islam avoids the strange nonsense about the "trinity". but it has its angels and miracles too. The basic moral message is similar to "do unto others what you'd like them to do to you". The (few) violent passages actually refer to the desperate struggle against annihillation that Mohammed's early followers made against other more primitive Arabs. Mohammed's attitude toward Christians and Jews was friendly. The current violent Islamism seems to be a heresy being used to preserve the special privileges of some Imams, and a way to help males feel that they can control females. This may be a problem for many Arab males after they were humiliated ("castrated") by the Israeli Jews! I don't worry much about this Islamism. Because it's so anti-Western, it can't achieve the kind of industrial, technical and military efficiency that grows from the non-religious, scientific "West". It's a fraud perpetrated on poor people by an elite that knows its special privileges will be destroyed by modern science and democracy. Good, moderate Muslims will survive; but the extremists will vanish.

Liononthehunt 2017-11-05 23:03

Yeah, that's a very interesting phenomenon, though many westerners keep touting Christianity as a beacon for human civilization, which it certainly is not.