

How I Spend My Birthday in China

Another year gone, another year to reflect! (That what's old people do on their birthdays is what I was told when I was younger. Ha!)

As I laid in bed last night thinking about my birthday today, I thought about the past year, and all

its highs and lows. And, what my birthday will bring for it now that I am entering my 39th year.

Yes, my birthday is today, and I just thought I would like to share what I do on a typical birthday in China:

I woke up in our spare bedroom today, and had my wife come in and kiss me good morning to say "Happy Birthday". I then went into our main bedroom to snuggle up with our five-year-old for 20 minutes before I actually had to "get up." My mother-in-law wished me a Happy Birthday as well which was a nice surprise and I kissed her and our littlest 1-year-old and was off on my scooter to school. On my way, I noticed how blue the sky is today and how crisp and clean the air seems. I arrived at school and will most likely go through my five classes scheduled and return home around 4:30. I like listening to some of my favorite songs always on my birthday and just listened to Cat Stevens "Father and Son". I had a good discussion with my Senior 2 students about many topics this morning I call "Real Talk" (modeled after Real Time w. Bill Maher for those of you familiar). I'll see what they have for lunch today in the cafeteria and hope it's something to my liking. ("La zi Ji would" be great!) Anyways, yes, I'll get home around 4:30 and pick up my son from Kung Fu at 6pm. In between I'll most likely read a book and maybe meditate after. I asked my wife to bring home a cheesecake (my favorite) and not to worry so much about dinner tonight. I'll ask my mother-in-law to make noodles which is a must-eat birthday food in China. I have a friend from coming into Beijing tomorrow so I will be celebrating with him and other friends and colleagues Friday night in San Li Tun. I received an iPhone 6 as my gift (as per my request) from my wife and have been playing with that all day...

I've been getting messages on WeChat and Facebook wishing me happy birthday...it's true family and friends really make life worth living...and happiness is not so much in what you get, it's what you give.

Also, my son's birthday is on Friday (27th), so we usually celebrate our birthdays together as kind of a family thing. For the first time we are going for his birthday to have an actual party at a restaurant with his friends (Kro's Nest), so I'm excited as a father about that!

Anyways, I think it's impossible to not feel good on your birthday, so I just wanted to share some good vibes with all the Forum readers here. 38 years today, with 12 of them in China. And I'm a pretty happy guy these days...I must be doing something right!

Have a great day all! :)


luckyann 2016-11-28 20:17

Happy Birthday to you , one year younger ! 

seneca 2016-11-28 19:55

Thanks for the triangle of birthday cake. It was wonderful. Therefore I wish you a wonderful first day after your birth day. May the rest of the coming 364 days be equally touching!  

mbursian 2016-11-28 05:48

Happy Birthday!  And best wishes for more to come!

teamkrejados 2016-11-26 10:12

Happy Birthday, Young One!  

SharkMinnow 2016-11-24 10:53

Thanks! :)

voice_cd 2016-11-24 08:19

thanks for sharing here, we have highlighted your blog.

Chengking 2016-11-23 15:35

Happy Birthday!