Remember the dew drops on the grass in the cold winter mornings on your way to school? And that smell from the trees and the fog, your bag of books, your grey school pants, and a white shirt over which you wore a navy blue blazer and it had that school insignia? Some times you would run, and then again walk, and you had that excitement in your nature and the nature around, all over? I think you remember the squirrels you fed with the bread you used to save for them from the lunch box that your mom had always put in your bag. Your friends, and that teacher who you loved when she smiled.
You remember the rain? When it came, gave you immense joy that only you could feel deep inside? Those evenings, crimson-red horizon, the coziness of the warm house and the smell of food from the kitchen? You loved to watch "CHIPS", and " A Highway to Heaven". You loved All things. Laughter, fun, play, and more play.....was the life all about. What has changed? Things? or you? Or May be both? ( A Sigh).