

is it necessary to read the preface of a book?
2016-10-20 I love reading books, especially those of psychology. And these days, I get plenty of time to read. But everytime I start reading, I find myself trapped in a "preface" dilemma. Is that part really useful and worth reading?


mauriciomunhoz 2017-03-10 04:03

I think it helps

Blondie 2016-10-21 23:23

The best thing you can do as an adult is be decisive and be prepared to live with the consequences of your decisions.

I would certainly avoid anyone associated with psychology who is indecisive about something as basic as reading a few pages in a book.

Mumu_Bin 2016-10-21 17:57

I have to admit, I am not a decision-maker. so I often struggle a lot before making up my mind. People do have different opinions upon things. I like to hear different voice. I strongly believe that very coin has 2 sides, and I like pondering over things from different perspectives. So, most of the time, my thoughts contradict.   I know surely that I should be responsible for my own decisions. .Maybe I should not ask the question in the first place, cause in the end. whether to read it or not depends on me.  But, thanks anyway for your comments!

Blondie 2016-10-21 15:28

Only you can determine if the content of the preface is relevant or important to you.
To ask this question is to still approach reading/studying with the mind of a child who needs to be told what to do rather than explore on your own and make your own judgments.

Only you can determine if what you are reading is of value to you, but it sounds like you are looking for 'approval' to take a short cut.
Study is about research and learning about other's opinions and insights.

With Psychology different perspectives are important, and it is a lazy student who looks for a quick answer, particularly if it can be got from someone else making decisions for them.

If you are not prepared to put in the time, the reading and the research on your own, and finding your own answers, maybe psychology is not for you, as psychology requires an enquiring mind that does not look to other to answer simple questions.

Mumu_Bin 2016-10-21 10:08

These days, I do have time to read. But that is not always the case. And I am not too keen on novels. Most of the time, I read essays and books about psychology.  why there is no need to ask the question? there IS preface in psychology book? have you ever read one?  of course, I know it is up to me whether to read it or not. but I just want to find out the importance of preface.

Mumu_Bin 2016-10-21 10:07

These days, I do have time to read. But that is not always the case. And I am not too keen on novels. Most of the time, I read essays and books about psychology.  why there is no need to ask the question? there IS preface in psychology book? have you ever read one?  of course, I know it is up to me whether to read it or not. but I just want to find out the importance of preface.

Blondie 2016-10-21 02:53

You say you have plenty of time to read, but can not make up your mind to read a few extra pages.
this I find strange.
This is something you have to decide for yourself.
Surely if you are reading a psychology book, there is no need to ask this question, or are you reading fiction?