

thoughts, thoughts and thoughts

Something which I want to write them down was pondering in my mind these days. I have been reading Michael Murphy’s book <Powerful Attitude>, some of the thoughts are enlightened by this book. It is a book that is worth reading, which I recommend you reading it, when you have time. Below this is my thoughts, thank you for your reading.

What you are doing now, what you will be in the future

What you are doing now determines what you will be in the future. If you are doing crimes, you will be in the prison in the future; if you are playing video games, you will be a professional player or be nothing in the future. (Think about the odds; are you likely to be professional?) If you are idling around, you will be a common people in the end. If you are watching TV series day in and day out, you will be nothing as well. If you are reading books, you will be an acknowledged person at least. If you are working hard, your life will be going better in the future. If you are hanging around with friends, you will have some confidants in the future. If you are doing the same thing other people are doing, you will end a copy.

Choose what you are doing now cautiously because it equals you are choosing what you are going to become. I don’t believe Steve Jobs idled around before he founded Apple, nor did Bill Gates addict to TV series, before he created Microsoft.

You choose the same; you will end up in the same.

Like John Mason said:” You were born an original; don’t die in a copy.” When you choose to do the same that others have chosen, you will end up in a copy. You are a miracle. You know why? In Michael Murphy’s book <Powerful Attitude>, he said:” you were conceived miraculously. That’s right. Your birth was a miracle. As I’ve shared with you, the chances of you being here is at least several million to one.” He is right; you are not born to be the same. Don’t you feel pity to end your life in the same when you are dead? Think about it; choose to be a unique individual not a copy.

Being bad is not the way

Don’t do the same when someone is accepting bribes. Don’t do the same when someone is bullying others. Don’t do the same when someone is acting against the world. A man being a criminal is like a women being a prostitute. Don’t make yourself low. We have enough people doing these in the world; do you want to be a part of them? Let alone prison and police are waiting for you, when you are alone, what would you appraise yourself in retrospect? A parasite? Or a pest? Don’t leave things in hindsight, if anything, try the right way of being a human. You can be a good man or woman; not least you are a miracle that doesn’t deserve to be bad.

Do things above moral bottom line. Do be a unique person. Do be a good person. Do meaningful things which will decide your future.


bex 2016-11-28 07:20

one friend introduced me to read " power of now" I got the audio version trying to digest it.. similar theory.. but I think everyone have to figure their own way to be a better self

ColinSpeakman 2016-11-25 17:19

Tomorrow is a series of todays - If you want to change your life, it can only ever happen today!

godtalk 2016-10-31 02:21

As you think, so you do and are.  We originate from one source, innocent birth.  No sin at all, then we choose paths.  One leads to infinite personal peace and joy, the other a life we do not want.  There is the exact parallel with what we eat.  What we eat determines the rest of our lives:  healthy, happy, strong?  Or, increasingly feeling weaker, nauseated and then diagnosed with a real disease. So we take vitamins, eat good stuff, etc.  That's why it is so important the civilized beautiful intelligent minds in China help rid the continent of the utter horror of the animal suffering and horrible health RISKS of eating DOGS.  Is there much talk of this in China among the really intelligent?

zx1989428 2016-10-27 15:46

Change your mind ,you can change your future.I am in the way to lead a better life.try to do more things useful and unforgetable

zx1989428 2016-10-27 15:45

Change your mind ,you can change your future.I am in the way to lead a better life.try to do more things useful and unforgetable

Funny-boy 2016-10-01 15:44

Totally agree your viewpoint, but it is hard for realize.

Riz 2016-09-30 20:31

100% agreed.
Whatever we are now is the result of the actions that we had taken in the past, and we we do now will formulate our future. I believe in be consistent, committed and passionate about what you do. Don't worry about the people, because you don't wanna be People. You've got unlimited power if you stop a few habits and replace them with a few. Choose. Thank you for the inspiration!

Dr.Bill.Shen 2016-09-03 15:15

i agree with positive thinkings. but i have a little problem with paralleling prostitutes to criminals.

AndrewCraven 2016-08-19 21:06

Thank you my friend. We should be more positive after reading Michael's book. I agree with your view of this motivating book.

bigfish 2016-08-14 22:28

i like the saying "As you think and so you become and so you  are." yout mind is so active that it can give you so much thought every day. and above all, you can record them in words. i always think that writing is a wonderful way of truely knowing about ourselves. when we write something we are having a sincere conversation with our inner selves and  it is also a good way of making our minds peaceful.
i have read the book, the thoughts in it are inspirational and enlightening.