

If you don't read this, you aren't Chinese!!!!

If you don't share this, you aren't Chinese!


If you don't read this blog, China has failed!


By Sean Boyce 柏笑恩

Now that I have your attention....

So did you really fall for that? Did you really feel a need to read this due to you being Chinese and loving your country? Did you pass this on because you are Chinese? 你真的觉得如果你不专给别的人你不是中国人吗?你真的觉得别的人会觉得你不爱中国吗?不要那么傻!

Come on, don't be so silly. Stop acting like brainless sheep. 动脑子!

An online news piece claiming you are not Chinese if you don't share this.

For those that don't get this, Here is a short explanation of what is happening. All over China, Chinese social media news companies are starting off their videos, blogs and anything else they post online with the title: "If you don't read this blog, China has failed" or the "if you don't share this you aren't Chinese" This mass marketing is extremely effective at getting people to read their blogs and yet it leaves me with a sour taste in my mouth.

Because it is using your identity to manipulate, please don't be so stupid to let you.

And yet another, you can find these everywhere.

These marketers do not care that you are Chinese, they only care about getting more views on their blog. That is all they care about. However they know you the consumer is gullible enough to fall for this tactic.

Listen, no one can tell you what you are or are not. Do not fall for these advertising tactics. It makes you look like sheeple (sheep + people = sheeple, 意思是没有你自己的想法,总是跟着别的人). 你不要当sheeple.

So please, let this short blog be a lesson, don't fall for this rubbish. Not only because it is an awful way of advertising...but I am also tired of seeing my wechat moments (朋友圈) filled with this rubbish.

But as an experiment, If you do share this please add this:



let us have a little social experiment on China daily...Normally my blogs will get around 800-1000 views in around a week or two, but if we share this with the title "You arent Chinese if you dont share this" I promise I will get a ridiculous amount of views.


If you want to join in the fun...feel free to share

Please feel free to join in the debate and leave comments below. If you wish to share this article please quote my name.



Liononthehunt 2016-12-26 20:57

I also find this trick appealing to people's sense of nationalism stupid and tasteless, and the marketers involved are all likely to seek to boost their viewership by feeding fake news to the public, which in my view is the definition of dishonesty.
However, because more people opened your blog of this particular title than usual, doesn't necessarily mean we are gullible or utterly consumed by nationalism. Many friends of mine see the ploy simply as funny stuff, which is nothing to be taken seriously. And in this experiment of yours, don't you see a foreigner's blog with such a provocative title could also be deemed much funnier from a Chinese's perspective? Could it be possible that people just opened your blog out of heightened curiosity about why a foreigner has to title his or her blog so emotionally, which has nothing to do with nationalism and being manipulated?

SEARU 2016-05-30 19:00

The first man who invented the title is really clever! 
Some saying goes like this: A good title is half success of your article!

Min1989 2016-05-09 17:13

Every time I read something like that, I normally get annoyed and then decide not to read it at all because my past experience has already taught me that more often than not, the result is disappointing. If people in my virtual circle of friends keep posting things like this, I just block them.

Blondie 2016-04-17 18:43

I'd be the same regarding my home country.
your previous post on nationalism and patriotism was revealing in the disparity between Chinese and non-Chinese on these issues.

Appealing to nationalism is considered laughable at best and the actions of desperation for those who need to distract people from more important things at the worst.

seanboyce88 2016-04-17 17:31

Glad you enjoyed it! 

ampraxu123 2016-04-17 13:01

Funny boy! Interesting! I am laughing.

seanboyce88 2016-04-17 12:48

So I have reached almost 800 in one and a half days....

Compared to 800 in one to two weeks which is my usual, you can see that people really for for this.

seanboyce88 2016-04-17 01:12

So I had this one lady who said something along the lines of (loosely translated):
how dare you say I am not Chinese, my nationality is unchangeable and for you to suggest otherwise is upsetting

I then showed her where I agreed with her and told her to read the article before complaining.

And yet, the very same person has posted such articles herself....

It seems like as much as they are proud about their nationality, at the same time there exists a sense of insecurity about it also. Its a very bizarre situation. They are too proud of things they shouldn't be proud of...and too embarrassed of things they shouldn't be embarrassed off like chinese bad travellers.

I personally couldn't care less what other Scottish people do haha.

seanboyce88 2016-04-17 01:08

haha I shall get on it soon

Blondie 2016-04-16 21:37

I have been dropping by this blog since you posted to see reactions to what you wrote.
I'd love to see some of the messages left by posters who didn't bother to read it.

I have noticed that Chinese people are very sensitive to issues relating to national pride - more so than any other nationality I have worked with. Most others will laugh off and joke about anyone who uses this sort of clickbait message as an advertising ploy as appealing to the lowest common denominator.