

Expectations for Chinese New Year.
2016-01-06 When my family and I arrived in China in 2009, we were very excited as the Chinese New Year approached. As foreigners we had heard about Chinese New Year celebrations but never experienced the event. In those days I was studying Chinese at the local college, so 90% of our friends were college students. We were used to having our student friends spend time with us in our home. Some of them would even live with us during holidays if they chose not to go to their own homes. We had a few foreign friends here as well but they were often busy and we did not spend much time with them.

As the New Year approached we anticipated all the free time we would have to spend with our friends. But when college classes ended, most of our local student friends headed home for the holidays. Our few foreign left for the US or to other warmer climates to spend their holiday. Quickly we found ourselves quite isolated as the New Year approached. We were just beginning to learn Chinese so going out and socializing with strangers was quite difficult. Even our favorite local restaurants were closed. So instead of the time of fun a fellowship with friends that were planning, our first Chinese New Year in China was quiet (except for the fireworks) and a bit lonely.

After six years here, we know that Chinese New Year is a family time and most of our friends will be gone, so we plan activities for our own small family of four. This year we will travel, go someplace warm, lay on the beach, and of course keep studying Chinese. As happy as we all are to have some free time to relax and rest, we always miss our friends at this time of year. It is almost a relief when school starts again and my students and friends are back. We have less free time, but we spend more time together.


鬼藻 2016-01-21 13:11

    Happy New Year to you and I wish that you all can be very happy.