

No, not a Comparison-but Elections!
2015-06-10 When I criticized things in Japan, people smiled and got away from me, and very soon I started speaking about strawberry cakes and hiking. In China it was different. Whenever I said I criticize things even more in my own country and that it is normal, people giggled. They thought I was a mad woman. They thought everybody would complain about me. (And I'm sure they thought nobody would like me and that I will have to die alone!!) They maybe didn't even believe that people talk about politics, criticize things, sometimes get imprisoned but manage to make millions of people furious and make them take action.

We had general elections on Sunday and I went to vote as well. I was also an observer in the school I voted. This wasn't the first time I voted. Upon hearing this, I know Chinese people will open their eyes wide and ask, "You really voted??" You're young, not rich, not famous... And you went to vote?!

This time, however, many people like myself were very excited. I still am, that's why I wanted to share it here and use it as a reason to finally disclose my nationality.

This time, the election was even more meaningful than before. The participation rate is like 86 percent, and rose around a 10 percent compared to 2011 elections. Because people wanted to show their reaction. Young and old, left and right, liberal or conservative; many people wanted to make sure nothing went wrong with the process and they took part in it. Because, my dear friends, our current head of the state is a ridiculous man, and he had ridiculously high ambitions. Everyone who disagreed with his party was furious. There were twitter hashtags, Facebook memes and protesters.... We also have a similar troll group, similar to those employed by Putin of Russia. Yet, we won a victory.

I can't embed this for some reason, but click here to see the count up!

We are talking about a man who was on TV every.single.day! He made use of every single opportunity to advertise his former party, even though he has to be impartial according to our constitution. That he hasn't been on air for over 2 days is a huge achievement on its own!

His party got 40 percent of the votes, and doesn't have the majority in the cabinet. Very good and interesting things are happening, and I am somewhat hopeful of my country's future.

Now you know that I am from Turkey... The country that is set up after the collapse of Ottoman Empire...

People are becoming more involved in politics each day this last decade, and for now I can't tell if it's getting better of worse. In the past we had troublesome times due to "overpoliticization". I mean people formed into groups and killed each other and there was a military coup in 1960s, and two more in the 80s. People raised their children apolitical, so that they can be "safe".

But nowadays, people are becoming more and more aware of social and political happenings...
And still, ridiculous things happen from time to time. We have lots of journalists in prison, thanks to our president, but at least we are freer than China. Youtube and Twitter got blocked for several times here as well (but now they're open). And this time, the president wanted 400 members of parliament, so that he can switch the country to a presidential system. We said no. Now he has 158 MPs, and we're looking forward to see what will happen.

Now, I hope you can understand I don't criticize China because it's not USA or Sweden.


Guobin1 2015-11-20 21:26

You have the right to criticize, you have the right to public your opinion. But how do you know Chinese people are not happy about their status-quo? how do you know the western model can apply to China efficiently? Are Americans happy and satisfied about The US, I doubt, actually I myself pretty support for the election of Mr.Trump. yes! Trump Trump, I guess by then America is gonna be a much fun place, big mouse Trump, your symble of democracy,hahah