

2015-04-03 Hello everyone.
Some of you might know me, but I'm sure most of you don't.
I'm a former participant in the first expat blog contest together with ColinSpeakman, Anming, mutafire, Maierwei (how are you guys?)

and my blog(s) used to headline the mainpage of Chinadaily Blog back in the days.

You want proof? Here it is :

I have been away from this forum for almost 6 months now. What happen?
Well, LIFE happens.

I started my Master Degree in Guilin and everyday was busy as hell. Papers, assignments, research projects, traveling, etc...time flies and it's 2015 already.

Today after I finished sending some reports to my teacher, I saw an email from China Daily informing me that they started another blog competition...

And here I am.

In the first competition I was doing great, but I lost in the voting.
This time, I plan to win.

I don't have many friends who can help me vote so I don't think I will ever get the iPad, but the prize that I wanted was to somehow become a STAR BLOGGER on this forum.

China has been a huge part of my life these past three years, and when I graduate next year, I want to leave behind some great stories about China for the next generation of expats. Being a Star Blogger, will let my stories reach more people, and that way, the memories will live forever...

So, nice to meet you everyone!
Feel free to read my previous blog entries and I hope we can have fun and learn a lot of things from each other =)


claudeckenni 2016-02-19 03:03

Im busy getting sweaty with my wife AJ, if you know what I mean =)

A_Blue_Sky 2015-04-07 13:14

and he is active everywhere like ghoust hahahahaa!

seanboyce88 2015-04-07 10:07

Yeah, he writes a lot of interesting articles, but 60,000?! only seen that on here once.

A_Blue_Sky 2015-04-07 00:25

because he wrote something that people get interested

seanboyce88 2015-04-06 15:52

Haha, I love that in this picture, colin has over 60,000 views....You never did tell us your secret :p

Newtown 2015-04-04 21:02

So you were so busy that you didn't get a spot at Wrestlemania 31 !? Not good, punk.

ColinSpeakman 2015-04-04 08:18

But remember according to Mutafire blog.. It is gloves on! 

mutafire 2015-04-03 14:01

Welcome back, player

teamkrejados 2015-04-03 13:15

I remember you well, Claude and I'm so glad to see you're back! Now I say to you in the spirit of friendly competition: Gloves off, and let's go at it!!!  

ColinSpeakman 2015-04-03 13:06

I am front!  Beat that!