

I am lost

I wrote this poem on my daughter's birthday. I am away from my daughter from a long time and looking forward to seeing her.

I Was Lost

Among these colorful butterflies and flowers,

I am still in search of a butterfly

Which colored my dull life,

With thousands of colors….!!!

Saffron of Laughter, Rose of Smile,

Mauve of Joy, Violet of Tranquility,

Purple of Accomplishment, Silver of Admiration,

Gray of Prosperity and Blue of Prayers!

And many more uncountable colors.

And I am in search of flowers,

Which filled my hearth with fragrances and aromas

Thousands of aromas..!!!

Aroma of Love and Rose, aroma of Friendship and Jasmine,

Aroma of Madness and Bluebells, aroma of Dreams and Daffodils,

Aroma of motherhood and Lotus, Aroma of Fulfillment and Daisy,

Aroma of Sunshine and Sunflower.

And I was soaked into these colors and scents,

I was lost….and lost these too….

Today, to endeavor and to strive,

Writing on a blank and colorless page,

That you are my search, my yearning,

This is my destination,

And God is with me.

My Lovely daughter.


Jabin 2015-03-26 18:35

First baby..then on her birthdays and on the moments when I miss her too much.. more productions in the form of poetry..mainly in Urdu.. THis one I translated into English..

财神 2015-03-26 10:08

first baby then poem  , which baby you have birthed first?  

Jabin 2015-03-25 10:15

Thanks. Poem or Baby?

Jabin 2015-03-25 10:15

Thanks, It made my day at the birthday of my daughter. !!

Jabin 2015-03-25 10:14


Jabin 2015-03-25 10:13

Thanks. Will try to be here very often.

财神 2015-03-24 14:55

wow, so sweet  

KIyer 2015-03-24 09:32

Beautiful colourful words from a parent's heart! Can relate to this. Thanks for sharing!

saver 2015-03-23 16:40

how lovely the girl is

SEARU 2015-03-23 16:36

welcome back!