

Three and Out

I got on the No. 20 bus in the morning. The bus was as crowded as usual. There were people getting in at each stop but no one getting off. It’s not surprising to see this at rush hours. I managed to find a place to stand, hoping there won't be any traffic jam this morning. When the bus pulled over at the third stop, an old lady who was shabbily dressed got on from the rear door and shouldered her way to the courtesy seat where a young man was sitting. The young man was very considerate and offered the seat to her. She said thank you and sat down. Suddenly a loud voice came, “The passengers get on from the rear door, please drop your coins!” Yes, that’s from the driver. The old lady realized that he was talking about her and then said something in Shanghai dialect (I guess she was apologizing for not paying bus fare for some reason) and added “thank you” in the end (I can understand “thank you” in SH dialect). The driver said nothing after hearing it.

A week later, I saw this old lady boarding on this bus again. Neither did she drop her coins nor did she swipe a public transportation card. Once again the driver reminded her. She looked embarrassed and said “thank you” and then went directly to the rear end of the bus. The driver shouted angrily, “’Thank you’ is not going to work. Next time you have to pay!”

Today, as usual, the bus pulled over at the third stop. The driver's voice attracted our attention, “Do not get in if you don’t drop your coins!” Oh, the same old lady! She was trying to get in. However, hearing what the driver said, she stepped back obediently. Then the driver closed the door and drove away remorselessly, leaving her in the cold.

I don’t know what to say. I kind of feel sorry for her. However, what she did is not right. Though she is old and we all should care for the elderly, she shouldn’t use this to avoid her duty. Maybe she has her reason but ...


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