That's what I've been hoping for since the beginning of this dreary, God-forsaken month. Maybe it's not God-forsaken. That's going a bit far. I'm sure I'm not the only one that's been waiting, considering national holidays fall at the beginning of October. I've tried to do every little thing I could to move time faster, to somehow rush the river, push the grains of sand down the hourglass. If there were another metaphor for time, I would be using it here...
The cause of my bitterness toward this month stems from two culprits: the weather, which is turning cold; and my loss of a dear friend to what I can only describe as crippling anxiety. Unfortunately, both are out of my hands. I can prepare myself to encounter each one. I can wear warmer clothes, just as I can limit my interactions with this woman that I once considered a mentor and big sister. But that doesn't make me less bitter. It doesn't take the sting away from the cold. If there were another metaphor for inner-suffering, I would be using it here...

But I will never regret finally letting someone go. Really. It never hurts to delete people out of my contact list. There are nights when I go through my WeChat, deleting people that I haven't spoken to since adding them. Feels good. Feels like I'm taking a shower. Years down the line, I'm never gonna think, "I just wish I still had [insert name] in my life because he/she would have enjoyed this." And you know why? Because life is already hard enough for me to enjoy, and trying to bring someone else along even when you have the best intentions, never works out. NEVER. You really can't make anyone have fun with you. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, then move on.
With that said, bring on October. Bring on the cold weather, the terrible horror films, and the proud proud proud Libra people. Everyone is hating on Virgo, but Libra, those people are load of work as well.