

Chinese wife is depressed in America. What should I do?
2014-09-29 Now, Ivy has been here, married to me for four months.

Life is going OK so far, the only problem is that she is not working yet, and cannot drive yet.

She's so depressed, staying at home all the time, and if I don't spend every waking moment with her outside of work, then she gets really really sad. Just now, at dinner, I asked why she is so sad, and she said: "Because I don't know why I'm alive." She said before that she "feels like an additional person." that she's "not necessary." After she said that tonight, I asked her what has to happen before she knows why she's alive, what has to happen before she feels necessary or useful. No response.

Obviously, she is depressed. Only, I don't know how to help her. I work full time. Her son goes to school. My daughter visits a couple nights per week and every other weekend, which cheers her up. But the rest of the time, she's in bad shape. Just really sad here.

She was a career woman in China; had a good job as a low level manager. But her son was lonely and sad, because he was either at daycare or school, never had much time to spend with her. Now, he's very happy here, but she's so very sad all the time.

I think I need to get her in to see a psychiatrist so that she can be diagnosed as depressed and get some medication, before she decides to kill herself. :(

There are lots of western guys here, who married a Chinese woman. Did you run across this situation? What did you do?


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