

Memories of the summer of 2014 and looking for new adventures
2014-08-29 As I sit and search the internet for things to do with visiting friends, and ponder what destinations i will explore over the coming months, I can not help but reflect on the summer that is fading as the bright colours of fall are taking hold.
Growing up in Canada either you embrace and enjoy the changing seasons or you tolerate them or try to escape them like many snowbirds do. People that flee to warm destinations during the brisk cold of northern winters are called snowbirds.

I had a great weekend this past weekend enjoying one of the last weekends of the summer of 2014. I thought I would share with you some pictures I took to capture the wonders of nature and the peace of a kayak trip. Kayaking is my passion, I do it every chance I get, which is not often enough.


RonJaDa 2016-02-02 09:27

Thanks, it is a great place to reflect and ponder future directions with out constant distractions.  I know it is a little early but 新年快乐!

samlam 2016-01-15 10:00

A nice place

lidehuai 2014-09-07 20:00

I am lost in admiration of the scenery of those pictures .You are in Canada now ,no wonder I have seen nothing of you recently .All the best !

RonJaDa 2014-08-30 02:56

Thank You Voice_CD.   
I have been back in Canada since Nov 25, 2013. I am preparing to return to China in mid Oct. Perhaps I will create a new blog Then.

voice_cd 2014-08-29 11:41

Awesome pictures and it would be great if you could share more about your Chinese travel.