Usually, most years, I don't spend the month of August in Beijing. And for a number of reasons...
1) Too Hot
2) Too Polluted
3) Too Many Tourists
And if those three reasons aren't enough to send someone packing, most of my friends leave during the summer months as well, so Beijing can feel a bit lonely. As most of my work can be done from home, I just move my home for a while and then go back to Beijing in early September.
But this year, my mom and her partner came to visit me at the beginning of August, and it was like an entire week went by in 10 seconds. I just don't know where the time went. Having family visit you in a foreign country is a big moment for an expat. It's a big moment for non-expats. I mean, if I were to move from my home town to a city across the country, I would consider it a big step to have my family come for a visit.
And they didn't live with me. They rented a lovely suite in courtyard near Zhang Zizhong Road, very close to where I live. So there wasn't a lot of pressure for me to clean house and do all those things you forget to do until company is on the way--so I still have that stuff to do now

There were several moments that I'd like to share, but the editor in me wants to keep this blog short and (relatively) sweet, so for those of you out there that have family coming or have had family visit you in China, I think we can all agree that it's important to A) manage time wisely and B) prepare for guests with diabetes.
There were several instances where I could do neither A nor B, and while no one panics over two hours wasted in an over-priced trinket shop, climbing the Great Wall without enough water or snacks is foolish and can take your trip from relaxing and carefree, to your mother's partner passed out in a remote region of Beijing, an hour from any hospital. Anxiety inducing to say the very least.
So always remember that big bottle of water and a candy bar or two. You'll be glad you did.