

Chicken feet - so white, nice and deadly
2014-08-26 A 16-month-old boy (body weight 11.6 kg) was found playing with an empty bottle that had contained about 230 g of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. The container had a cracked lid that allowed the contents to be sucked. White foam emerged from the child’s mouth and nose. He then walked to bed and was found dead 10 hours later.

This same hydrogen peroxide was use to make the chicken feet whiter and look nicer. Another food scandal rock China. Nine factories across Jiangsu, Anhui, Henan, and Guangdong used hydrogen peroxide to give the chicken feet a nicer appearance.

To think that these people think they can get away with it.

To think that these people feel it fine that people including their family and friends who may buy these chicken feet will die from it.

To think that there is no religion, morality or humanity to stop them from doing this.

To think what sort of family, society and education these people comes from where the only type of values they hold is money.

Now I realised why (trust) is so important to Chinese. That is because there is so little of it.

It's time to bring back religion and Confucius Ethics.


juzunme 2014-08-29 21:34

It need not be Confucius ethics but it's ethics nonetheless. If it's out of pure ignorance that this food scandal happens, then it is unfortunate. It is however more unfortunate if it's done knowingly. If knowledge is abundant, then they should have known better. We'll just have to wait till the case unfold.

Maierwei 2014-08-29 14:40

I don't agree. What you need to tackle with this problem is not Confucius ethics.

But hard work. Before trying a creative way, one always needs to do research about the possible consequences. This is not limitd to China, chicken feet or hydrogen peroxide. It is VERY WELL KNOWN that high amounts of h2o2 is dangerous. If the owners of those factories googled it, and if the food inspection department did its job well the problem would be solved.

At a pool party in the US, the organizers put some chemicals in the pool to give it a "nicer" look. That chemical evaporated and many people were sent to hospital. Did they need Confucius ethics? No, but a quick search about the effects of the chemical they used. We live in the 21st century. Knowledge is abundant, one just needs to reach it.

liu5222512 2014-08-28 07:30

Your words read like a poem that help us evolve as a sensible individuals.

juzunme 2014-08-27 20:04

Yeah, time to go back to eating natural food. 

liu5222512 2014-08-26 23:49

Well said.

SEARU 2014-08-26 22:38

Who can tell me how many kinds of chemical things there are in our food? 
ONCE a time, I attend a wedding party where all the dishes were cooked with red color!------THE chef was pleased with his work,it seemed that he had added some red chemical in the food!
Half a year latter, the 49-year-old fat chef became ill and was sent to hospital, the doctor said there were too much rubbish in his blood-vessel and would not be able to act as a chef since he would not walk normally!
HOW sad it is!