

Vistiing Peking U. and Tsinghua U. this fall...Any idea's of good spots to see ?
2014-08-17 Hey Everyone,

Thanks for taking the time to read this...
I'm coming to Shandong in the fall on a personal matter, (My Dad's last wishes were to have his ashes scattered there in the town of Longshan, so I have to fullfill that) , but plan on seeing Bejjing and some sights around there.
Peking U. and Tsinghua U. are on the agenda. Anyone from there ? Never been to this country, but its interesting as hec.
Anyone got any suggestions about seeing things on campus there ? Thought I'd post this and see what the response is.
Well, again, thanks and look forward...


laneferm 2014-09-05 01:46

Hi, Would you by any chance know how to contact the Shandong government ?  When my Dad was there, they helped sponsor his trip...that would help a lot..

voice_cd 2014-08-21 15:56

sounds good, if you need further information, just let us know.

laneferm 2014-08-19 13:34

Thanks, I'm still working on it, but have made a lot of headway. I received from my step-mother all the e-mails my Dad had sent back and forth, so that gave a lot of info. I'm also fortunate enough to have a friend who works 2 doors down from my store thats from Bejjing, so he's had a lot of suggestions too.  Its all coming together.

voice_cd 2014-08-19 08:36

And if you still need help when you visit Shandong, please let us know.

laneferm 2014-08-19 03:23

Thanks ! ! yea, I studied Math / chemistry and always liked the college atmosphere and those are rated as the best, so just have to go there and have fun looking around....

丢人现眼 2014-08-19 00:01

Both campuses are absolutely beautiful and you can spend hours walking around each one. Honestly, I'd rent/borrow a bike just so you can get the most of the the two.